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Player: Azheron

Character Full Name: Baran'ji

Character In-Game Name: Baranji

Nickname(s): Bar, Bara

Association(s): The Darkspear Tribe

Race: Troll

Class: Warrior

Age: 23

Sex: Male

Hair: A red, long ponytail. It's mostly messy and quickly put together.

Eyes: Slightly yellow.

Weight: 190lbs

Height: 6'9" (Upright)


Mostly plate armor, and a large shield on his back along with a spear or a large sword. He also wears a helmet in any public situation, if he's able to.


Baran'ji is a quiet, shy troll. He has a stuttering problem. He doesn't do that well with people, but there's really nothing to hate in him. About races, he still is in the best mood with trolls. Although, the other Horde members aren't scary, he still does the best with trolls. He is terrified by the Forsaken, because he's always been terrified of the dead.


Baran'ji was born in a rather normal Troll family, in the Darkspear islands. His mother died in the birth-event, leaving him only to his father. He had high expectations, since hes father was quite respected in the tribe. At least, in his friends's opinions. They had started a sparring club, or an arena, which was for close friends only. Anyhow, Baran'jis father was the recent champion, his son would have to rise up on hes level.

But that didn't happen. As soon as Baran'ji was born, his father started teaching him to battle. Baran'ji himself wasn't interested in it at all, he was a rather creative person. But when Baran'ji learned to speak, it was the most shocking thing to hes father, he stuttered. Well, his father thought, it can still go away, he's still young.

But it didn't. Two years passed, and Baran'ji was three years old. His father was worried about him, and repeatedly told him to stand up for himself, stop stuttering, and get his head out of the clouds. For a few years, he lived pretending to be interested in his fathers "art".

In the village, when he was six years old, he allways got picked on, about being the weakest and the stupidest, or whatever the kids would make up at the time.

He became very shy, and not that strong either, because he got utterly discouraged by everyone. He had a dream you see, he wanted to become a bard. Not a great or an amazing bard, but one, who would make someone, even if only one, happy. Even thought he doesn't acknowledge it, he is a decent fighter.

At the age of eight, he got a friend. "Hakash". A friendly troll, who ignored his stuttering. They were friends for many weeks, until the other trolls found out, and also started picking on the friend.

Then Hakash gave up. He started picking on Baran'ji too, to gain respect, or whatever he would gain from it, and Baran'ji was once again left with no friends.

One of the older trolls in the village saw this. And so started a rumour about Baran'jis father "losing the grip" and "becoming weak".

Only a few days later, his father heard the rumour, and Baran'ji knew this did not mean good. So he ran away from the village, and tried to live in the wild for the rest of his life. He did not succeed. After a few days of hunger and not being able to sleep, he went back to the village to be punished. After all, he was only eight.

As he went back, there was an argument going on. His father was defending his own honor against his friends. Baran'ji stayed in the bushes, since he didn't want to get caught up in the middle of the fight. He saw the whole thing. First there was arguing. Then it evolved into a loud word fight. And finally, to a fist fight. The arguers were stupidly drunk, and the fight finally ended on his father killing a friend.

As the information went on, the elders of the village decided, that Baran'jis father should be banished from the village, and so he was banished.

And then, as Baran'ji returned to the village, he thought he was free. Allthough the didn't have a place to live, or anything to eat, he was free of his fathers will. He realized he could now become anything he'd want. So he bought a flute, and started practising. He didn't really have money for training, but he just played. In time, he learned to be quite good at the art.

At the age of 15, when he was playing his flute in the wilderness, his father showed up. As hungry and thirsty as he was, he asked Baran'ji for something to drink. Baran'ji, as shy as he was, offcourse gave some of his water to him.

At the same time, a troll, a friend of the troll Baran'ji's father had killed, happened to hear this conversation. He sneaked behind a tree, and saw the father. As angry as he was to him, the troll pulled back his bows string, and aimed in the back of Baran'ji's father. Baran'ji only noticed this, when the sound from the flying arrow hit his ears, and hes father fell in front of him, saying: "Son... Please... a...w-warrior...hon-"

Baran'ji suddenly realized, that he wasn't even that shocked. His father never had been kind to him. But he had to honor hes wishes, he didn't want him to come back or haunt him for the rest of his life. So, he cracked the flute with his knee. On the spot. And went back to the village to start training to please his dead father.

And there he was, until he was 19 years old, and the group his father had been leading, who had forgotten him already, noticed that he was strong, and recruited him in that small guild of warriors. Baran'ji didn't have anything to say against it, so he joined.

When he was 23 years old, the group assigned him on his first mission. To be a bodyguard of a young shaman in training, Mithjai. And that's what he is doing now. He hasn't forgotten his dreams, but has no time, will or "balls" to try and complete them.

At the same year, Mithjai was lost and Baran'ji was lost in a spiral of sorrow and the weight of his failure was pressing on him; until he found his to-be mate, Itat.

With Itat, he joined the Bloodsworn Honorguard, and believes to be in the service of the horde still.