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Player: Lorenstrex

Character Full Name: Baird

Character In-Game Name: Baird Thompson

Nickname(s): His pirate name is Baird "Snuggletooth" (Captain Snuggletooth), and some gnomes call him Beard and others often make fun of his name.

Association(s): S.U.C.C.E.S.S., The Expedition

Race: Human

Class: Rogue

Age: 32

Sex: Male

Hair: Red, ponytail. Baird is into fashion.

Eyes: Brown

Weight: 86 kg

Height: 187 cm

Alignment: Neutral Friendly


Casual men's clothes, various shirts, swashbuckler shirts, tuxedo, or battle armor with a tabard. Uses a monocle most of the time to see clearer.

Other: As I mentioned, Baird is into fashion and keeping a good appearance. He often puts on cologne to smell better.


Baird is polite and will treat most people with respect, even though he might be disgusted by many, especially orcs. He's focused on success and progress and will always try to think of ways to reach his goals, even though he often tends to sneaking behind people's back to do so. He knows his etiquette, but his pirate life has also made him a little bit careless. He isn't afraid to show what he is feeling, but he has a hard time trusting people he doesn't know.


Baird comes from a rich family and was raised in the Capital of Lordaeron with his mother (Dianne), father (Gisbourne), sister (Nias) and butler (Hender). He lived a good life in the city and his father was head of a leatherworking factory there. Him and his sister, Nias, used to run in the streets and play in the alley ways. Baird was very happy there. During the second war his father used his contacts and rank to keep them safe from any encounter with Horde troops. The third war, though, forced them to flee the Capital and take refuge on the shores of Kalimdor along with many others led by Jaina Proudmoore. Proudmoore soon founded the port city of Theramore on the shores of Dustwallow Marsh.

Soon, his father began administrating trading goods for import and export in Theramore and put both Baird and Nias to work. Baird was now 27. One day, on their way to Menethil Harbor, they were met by a ship full of pirates. Even though the ship was armed with guards the pirates managed to kidnap Baird's sister, Nias, and sail away. Baird was furious with himself that he had managed to lose his sister at sea and in his desperation he seeked out Booty Bay in hope of finding his lost sister. After many nights with drinking grog, which he couldn't stand at first, and passing out in a corner, he had gotten to know a few people. Scabtox, a vermin of a gnome, got used to follow Baird around and take orders from him as a mate.

Returning to his father after many months of searching he was exhausted and sad. As years passed he had learned many things about the sea and been raided by pirates several times. Though always prevailing, no sign of his sister. He returned to Booty Bay at the age of 29, where he sought to join a pirate crew in search for his sister. An older pirate Captain called Cruickschank brought him aboard his ship, "Catalina", but Baird soon learned that the crew wasn't pleased with their Captain and had little belief in his leading.

After a couple of weeks of raiding cargo-ships and stealing loot from others Baird was beginning to feel sick with guilt. He didn't like betraying his own people and pillaging them, but the wish to find his sister made him continue doing bad deeds under Captain Cruickschank's orders. One time when he was in on attacking a shipment of trade goods from Stormwind, the pirates took a man and a gnome as prisoners. Baird had stopped killing innocent people at that time and went along with threatening. His soul was damaged and Baird decided to stop taking lives.

Baird went to his Captain and told him his story and about Nias, his kidnapped sister, which he so longed to see again. The Captain gave him a wicked smirk and told him that he was the one who had kidnapped his sister long ago, and sold her in a bargain with the Defias Brotherhood. Baird couldn't believe what he had heard and in blind fury he assaulted his Captain, but was brought down by the shipmates and put in irons.

Two months later the crew got more and more unsatisfied with Captain Cruickschank and one morning they circled around him on the deck, facing their captain with their complains. The Captain was very upset. "Without a captain, you are nothing!" He screamed. "Prove yourself! If you can beat me, I will leave this ship, and everything in it!" No one was willing to fight their captain, for he was obviously more fierce than the lot of them. "Let him fight the scum downstairs!" a bony tall pirate yelled and two men ran down to fetch the two that they had imprisoned after pillaging the trade ship from Stormwind. To Cruickschank's surprise he was overpowered by the human hostage who triumphed and claimed the ship his own. His name was Frank Oyderal, but soon he got used to the nickname Captain "Froyd Roundbeard". Among the more giftet on the crew was the priest Carlos who didn't quite fit in with the pirates, but Baird befriended him. Froyd listened to Baird's story and promised to help him find his sister.

After one year of sailing the seas, a terrible storm made Roundbeard's ship go down, and only Baird, Froyd, Togo, Scabtox and Carlos survived. They got ashore and after having camped nearby the Westfall Garrison they decided to part ways and look for work on their own. Baird and Froyd's ways crossed in Stormwind as they both joined the Merchant Company S.U.C.C.E.S.S. They decided to put a new crew together, but this time Baird wanted to lead the crew. Froyd proposed to settle it over a brawl, which terms Baird accepted. Baird was able to overpower Froyd and he was named Captain "Snuggletooth".

Baird met finally found his sister in Westfall, working with the Defias. Nias told him that she thought she'd never see him again and that she had nothing but the Brotherhood. Baird said he would find a way to provide for both of them and get her out of the Defias Brotherhood. Together with Froyd, he now works to rebuild and to one day have enough money for a new ship and once again put together a crew and roam the sea, looking for treasure, living the life of a pirate and most of all saving his sister. Hopefully, they will be able to snatch with them some loot from the company's bank without anyone knowing...


Baird and Froyd never played out their cunning plan, and decided to leave S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Now they were both free of duty and they both had good enough funds to relax for a bit. One day they were walking the streets of Stormwind, when they saw a man following them. He was dressed in black, looking like rogue. They decided to have some fun, being quite the rogues themselves and hid behind some crates. When the sneaky figure passed them, they ambushed him and a small brawl emerged. Baird grabbed him from behind while Froyd placed a firm fist in his stomach, causing the man to exhale in agony. He managed to get loose from Baird's grip and at this moment, a Draenei female just passed the corner, taking side with the rogue, trying to smite Froyd with holy fire. The two figured to run, Baird receiving a thrown dagger in his back, when a dwarf on a big armoured ram suddenly appeared in the tunnel end. Baird ripped the dagger out and threw it on the stone ground. "Scot! You came just in time!" Baird exclaimed. It was Scotaidh, the brewmeister, whom Baird had befriended at a tavern in Booty Bay, along with the priest Atun.

Scotaidh didn't know who to believe, and some members of a new brigade called "Lordaeron" showed up at the scene. The Draenei female was not sure of who was the attacker, but Froyd and Baird stated that they were mugged and tried to get their money back from the man. The rogue suddenly disappeared so he couldn't say anything to his defence, and the case was won by Baird and Froyd, who decided to be a bit less reckless in the future. Baird's conscience was never stirred, even though he was lying to a friend and trustworthy people, over a simple mugging. They both joined up with Lordaeron soon after the incident, thinking that it was a wise move. As Baird had grown up in Lordaeron himself, he felt for supporting them.

A week passed and Froyd and Baird parted ways. Froyd went travelling the continent for a long lost item, and still having a safe share of money, Baird decided to take a trip to Menethil Harbor, an old known place where he had been hundreds of times...

"Mikhail! I'd appreciate a mug of ale.." he called to Mikhail, the bartender. He sat by a wooden table in the dimly lit inn, accompanied by a soon burned out candle and the swirring sound of some gnomish mechanics, coming from the kitchen. He sat there sipping his mug of ale, when a priest walked in. He didn't recognize Atun's face at the time. It came to him upon later reflection. Baird was a social being, and invited Atun to a drink. Atun had some melon juice. They began chatting it up, Baird about his business with leatherworking and soon Atun told him about "The Expedition". They were currently a group, travelling north to northrend to establish trading routes and connections throughout the Eastern Kingdoms and Northrend to help strengthen the alliance's trading possibilities. After a quick talk with Therios, the dwarf, he joined with The Expedition. Baird focused on his work with the Expedition, qualifying in diplomacy, social relations and trading. Froyd, coming back from his journeys, without luck on finding the item, also joined the Expedition. Their goals were to gain connections, build up some status, in order to gain the funds they needed to live the way they wanted. They were just waiting for the right time to act. Maybe one day they could go back to their favorite pirate lifestyle.

Up until one year after the successful Expedition, Baird had been out sailing, pulling himself back to the soothing refuge of the sea, living on the money he earned from the Expedition, which was good money indeed. His business skills was much improved after that. He was thinking about his sister and had begun to believe that she had to be dead and hated himself for not being able to do more. Infiltrating the Defias Brotherhood all by himself would just be stupid, and second he didn't know where to look.

His plans were now to go back to Stormwind to study history and possibly find some challenging work. Maybe he could even find back to Froyd, who he had parted ways with after the Expedition. He felt his life was starting to fall into pieces, and even though he remembered his pirate past as thrilling, he felt determined to go into the depth of the history of his world and discover the secrets of Azeroth. He had decided he wanted to learn everything, hear every story. In his eager pursuit of knowledge, as the resourceful man he was, he began by travelling back to Stormwind and take it from there.