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Player: Disloc

Character Full Name: Amadi Gravemore

Character In-Game Name: Amadi

Nickname(s): Papa, Adi

Association(s): The Alliance, Himself and the voice in his head

Race: Human

Class: Warlock

Skills and Abilities: A voice in his head continuously haunts him with dreadful ideas that 'it' has.

Age: 39

Sex: Male

Hair: Long and black

Eyes: Right eye is hazel brown and the other is a golden yellow with a thin fel green ring around the pupil.

Weight: 118 Kg

Height: 1,93m


Usual Garments/Armor: A handmade, bright purple suit along with shiny black leather boots and a purple hat with zhevra stripes. Also carries a long crystalic sword on his back that shares the same color as his suit.

Other: Three small spiders are tattooed under his left eye, each facing towards his iris. Each of the spiders has a different colored cross on its back. One red, one yellow and the last green.


Amadi is a strange person to encounter. First he might seem like any other cocky man who seems to carry a little too much self-esteem and only wants the whole world's attention and even goes under a cheesy nickname, "Papa". But at other times he can be heard talking to himself and often looking around him, as if he heard or felt something being near him.


Bad luck has always been following Amadi's path, right from the day he was born. The night he was born was a dark night. Thunder and rain was heard outside as his mother gave birth to him. Sadly for young Amadi, his mother died and he was forced to grow up alone with his father. Most of his childhood is a grim memory of dark rooms, chains and endless waves of 'discipline' as his father always called it. His father was a dark and twisted human being, blaming Amadi for his mother's death, even gave him a cursed name, Amadi which meant "destined to die at birth." in a foreign tongue. The first memory Amadi has of his father, is the smile on his face. A wide smile as he looked down upon him, just before everything went dark. Amadi was often locked away in a cellar of his birth home and was often denied water and food for a whole day or more. But when he was not locked inside the celler, he was forced to dig holes, deep holes, only to fill them back up again, when he has done so he was asked to smile as his father gave him his 'reward' which was usually a long and painful beating with his father's belt.

The day he turned thirteen, was much like the day his was born. Rain and thunder rolled over his home and when his father came to open the cellar door, he gave him a big surprise. One quick pull and the father were lying there on the hard and musty cellar floor. Groaning and cursing in pain over the fall, the father soon noticed that his son was standing over his, him with a stone in his right hand, staring at him with cold dead eyes. The father felt as if Amadi's glare was piercing his soul, but it was only a short experience before he felt the first bash with the stone. It was first after the sixth bash that he passed out and stopped breathing. Amadi stod up and looked down on the man infront of him. He could not recognize him, he was not sure if it was because of the blood or the fact that he had grown such great disgust to the man, that he had forgotten who he was.

Amadi crawled out of the celler and he then set the house on fire and chose to flee into the woods near the house. He ran for hours and hours and first stopped when he had reached a river and had to catch his breath before he could cross it. As he was sitting there by the banks of the river, he heard a noice coming from behind him. He took a quick look around and could not see anything, he then stod up and prepared himself to swim across the river, when he felt a bash to the back of his head, he blacked out instantly and fell to the ground.

When he woke up, he saw nothing but darkness once more. But he could heard sounds, something or someone was moving outside the place he held in. He did not dare to make a sound, as he did not know what had put him there. Suddenly a trap door was opened and two shadowy figures looked inside, they noticed that he was awake and took him out, but just as he thought he was gonna see the light, a thick leather bag was placed over his head. He heard different languages be spoken around him as he was pushed around between hands. One of the things took a hold of his shoulders and whistles sharply and soon he heard a faint sound of small pieces of metal being dropped into a wooden bowl.

But before he could react he was once again pulled away, still wearing the hood. When the hood was finaly removed, he could see that he was inside a house, a house made out of strange rocks, of many colors. He noticed the thing that had been dragging him away, it was a human, an old man with long gray hair. The old man looked at Amadi and narrowed his eyes, he then started speaking in a tongue Amadi did not understand, as he opened his mouth he felt a strong pain all over his body, as if he had caught on fire. It did not last long before the pain stopped, he quickly looked down his body and noticed that nothing had happend to him, he looked up at the old man and he was smiling, exactly like his father used to smile.

When Amadi had turned twenty he had learned to speak the language of the old man. The old man had been like a father to Amadi over the last couple of years. But Amadi had never learned of the old man's real name and had just agreed to call him, "Papa". Papa taught Amadi the dark arts demonic magic and one of the first spells Amadi successfully learned was the summoning of his imp, Azqua. The imp soon proved useful to Amadi, both as an assistant, but also as a moving target for his practicing of new spells. Amadi soon took a strong interrest in demons and the real of the Twisted Nether. Papa noticed this quickly and did his best to give the young Amadi advice as he began reading about the twisted powers that one could call forth from the Twisted Nether.

But on a late winters night Amadi sought out Papa. As Amadi told Papa about a strange ritual he had been studying over the past months. Papa soon realized what ritual Amadi was speaking of and he rose to his feet and looked at Amadi with narrow eyes. Amadi looked at Papa with a nod as he was asked if he was sure that he wanted to go through with the ritual. But Papa did not like the idea and forbid that Amadi would continue in his study of the ritual. Amadi went shouted in anger at the old man, with eyes as fierce as fire and the gaze of a crazed man.

Early next morning Amadi left the house without Papa knowing of it. Amadi wandered towards a waterfall nearby, along with him he carried a large bag. As he reached the banks of the river leading up to the waterfall, he sat down in the mud and looked up at the sky. After some time in the mud, he rose to his feet and wandered alongside the river, further away from the old man's house. He had been wandering a while and found himself standing on a hilltop. He sat down in the tall grass and took a long time just looking around the hilltop. He noticed that the day had nearly passed and that the sun would soon be gone. He opened the large bag he had carried with him and took out several large books and two fel green crystals. He placed the crystals in the dirt infront of him and opened one of the books, reading outloud in a demonic tongue. It felt as if shadows gathered around him, making it seem difficult to breathe or even see as much as his own hand infront of him. He looked at the two crystals in hopes that his spell would have worked, but nothing happend. In frustration over his failure he snapped book closed and threw it over the side of the hill and screamed in anger towards the skies. When he looked down at the two crystals he felt how his whole body was shivering with anger and disgust for himself. He took the two crystals and bashed them together, green sparks flew about him, but suddenly one of the crystals shattered and shards flew about, one hitting his left eye.

He opened his eyes and gasped for air, as if somebody had been choking him. He did not know how long he had been lying here on the ground or even remember what had happend the night before. As he stod up and looked around, he was surprised to see that the world around him seemed more dark and shadowy. He raises one of his hands to examine his left eye and was surprised that it did no longer hurt. He sat down in the grass and looked around, trying to figure out what had happend, but he could come up with nothing, nothing at all. He clinched his fists in anger as he grabbed the large bag and began his journey back to Papa.

When he opened the door he was met by the sight of Papa, but he did not seem pleased by the fact that Amadi returned home. Amadi yelled at Papa with all of his lungs, complaining that the ritual did nothing and that he had nothing to worry about. The old man's gaze became cold as steel as he walked towards Amadi. When he stod right infront of Amadi he grabbed his chin and turned his face to the right, moving in closer and examined his eyes closely. Papa let go of Amadi and stepped backwards, with a confused gaze, asking Amadi what had happend with his eye. Amadi took a close look at the old man and explained what had happend that night on the hilltop. Once Amadi was done telling his story, Papa sat down in his old chair and looked at Amadi with concern as he told Amadi about the ritual and what effects it might bring along with it. Amadi learned that he had been preparing the crystals for a greater ritual and what had happend when one of the crystals broke, was merely the energy inside the crystal that been prepared for another ritual, was released all together instead of being drained.

As a few years had passed and Amadi had been having nightmares every night since that day on the hilltop. But the nightmares was only the beginning and soon he could hear whispers all around him, but found out that it was only he who could hear them. He looked in the mirror every morning, in hopes that his eye would some day return back to normal, but sadly it had only gotten worse since that day. As the days passed, Amadi's vision got more and more clouded on the left eye, eventually turning to blindness. It started out with his left eye turning more and more green and his vision being more and more clouded and slowly the green faded away and formed a thin ring of fel green that surrounded his pupil while the rest of his iris turned golden yellow. But one morning when he woke up and looked in the mirror, he heard a voice. A faint whisper was all he heard and it told him terrible things, things that it wanted Amadi to do to the old man. As Amadi told Papa about the incident, he was met by a surprisingly calm anwser. Papa told him that it was not demon or a stranger trying to tell him what to do but rather a part of himself that used to contain his dark emotions, jealousy anger and greed, a side of him that had grown stronger and stronger throughout his miserable childhood.

A few weeks later Amadi told Papa that he wanted to leave and go into exile. Papa looked at him with a worried gaze but nodded in agreement. Amadi departed from the house which he had spent many years in, but felt no sorrow as he walked away, he did not even look back once.

At the age of thirty three, he left exile. For the last thirteen years of his life, he had lived in exile. Studying old books, scrolls and traveled across worlds in a undying thirst for knowledge. But he had finaly chosen to seek out people, for he had found out, that with all his knowledge of many things in this world, he had failed to know much about other people or races. His quest for knowledge now continues in the Eastern Kingdoms where he wanders from city to city to meet people of all sorts, in a attempt to learn all about this world's inhabitants.