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Player: Dae

Character Full Name: Algid Frostflower

Character In-Game Name: Algid

Association(s): The Taunka

Race: Taunka

Class: Shaman

Skills and Abilities: Ice elemental patronage: Through actively reforming her methods of shamanism, Algid has earned the respect of ice elementals in Northrend. lending their power to her, her wind and water shaman abilities give off an icy presence. When meditating, she gives off a subtle chill, as she listens to the elementals that remind her of home.

Age: 26

Sex: Female

Hair: Mottled grey and white, with a thick, somewhat fluffy mane that coats her head (sans face) neck and shoulders.

Eyes: Pale brown

Scale: 1.1


Usual Garments/Armor: Fur and leather; usually wears a well-worn shawl made from the fur of an albino shoveltusk.


As is common to Taunka, Algid is reserved around strangers. However, due to the hardships her people have experienced in the past years, she is more than willing to open up to those who have also suffered at the hands of the Horde. Algid is a kind soul, eager to right wrongs inflicted upon both the people of Azeroth as well as the natural balance in Azeroth. Feeling kinship with the elemental spirits of water, wind and ice, her homesickness is mostly subdued, and she feels free to fulfill her wanderlust, as long as she gathers knowledge through her travels to one day help the Taunka people.


Born in a small but cozy Taunka encampment a day's walk from Icemist Village, Algid's early childhood was a harsh but simple one- do as your told and pitch into the community where possible, and you will survive the bitter cold of the lands humbly, but in reasonable comfort. As she grew, Algid gained a fascination with the magic her grandfather, a Taunka shaman wielded, and preferred his lessons relating to the practice of harnessing the power of nature to her parents' teaching her to fish and hunt, to their chagrin. As she grew into a young woman, however, dangers in Northrend grew as the forces of the Scourge spread, and her neighbors and family relocated more closely to the safety of Icemist village.

Her delicate physique (for a Taunka) made her less than an ideal candidate for an aspiring Brave, but her eagerness to help her people and the lessons from her grandfather made her a useful apprentice to the Icemist shamans. Over time, she grew competent in her craft, particularly when using the powers of water and nature to heal the sick or injured and slowing the creeping death of the Scourge's plague at bay in Taunka lands. Her efforts, and those of the Taunka around her, eventually came to naught, as their village became overrun by Nerubian forces in the name of the Scourge. Among the slain were her immediate family, her parents having died in the initial attack, and her grandfather succumbing days later to a rotting wound inflicted upon him by a Scourge peon as he and Algid fled. She took her grandfather's Shoveltusk-pelt shawl and used most of her remaining energy to burn her grandfather's body so that he would not become a tool for the Scourge. Cold and both literally and emotionally exhausted, she trudged through the cold in a delirious state for an amount of time unknown to her, when a young caribou doe crossed her path. Though ready to collapse, she felt a strong, innate pull to follow the creature, and that she did, though only briefly, as she finally lost consciousness.

Algid woke up to the sounds and smells of life, in a small camp of Horde scouts making their way through the Northrend wilderness. Providing her with food and companionship, she traveled with them back to Warsong Hold. After the recent loss of her friends and family, Algid could not bring herself to join the Horde armed forces, though she was grateful for their aid to her, and as she came to learn, to her people as a whole. She again sought to make herself useful in her own way, reaching out to the shaman of the Horde.

From them, she learned of the nature of the Elements and of natural balance, which left her appalled at her own shamanistic practices. Algid had been taught that the elements were entities that one must bend and tame in order to survive, though before her were people of many different races and paths who lived in harmony with them. Ashamed of her techniques, which forced the elements to her will, she learned from the Horde shamans how to listen to the elements, and just how great the need for shamans who would bring balance to the lands was in this time of crisis. She spent the next few years among members of the Earthen ring to relearn shamanism and earning the trust of the spirits of Northwind. In time, she felt the chaos brewing in Azeroth, and traveled South to lend a hand to help the embittered elements where the Cataclysm struck most gravely, promising to herself that if she and the world itself survived, she would share all that she had learned with a new generation of Taunka shaman.