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Player: Whym

Character Full Name: Alexander Brennenburg

Character In-Game Name: Alex

Nickname(s): Old Coyote, The Scholar

Association(s): Formerly; Dalaran, the Alliance of Lordaeron. Currently; Independent.

Race: Human

Class: Warlock

Skills and Abilities: As for a Warlocks usual repertoire, Alexander is capable of the school of evocation, bringing destruction upon his enemies and the one of transmutation. His skills which represent the Affliction tree IG, are rather pathetically weak. He is capable of summoning a Succubus, Myranda and have her aid him. Beyond his skills regarding Warlockery, he is a great violin player. His tongue regarding wines and his taste in cigars are quite delicate aswell, capable of tasting quality of either. And he knows his ways around make-up.

Age: 47

Sex: Male

Hair: Black hair, a few grey strands in it.

Eyes: Brown

Weight: 71 KG.

Height: 1.79 Meters


Usual Garments/Armor: Simple and rather casual clothing. Yet, of a high quality. He -very- rarely wears robes and much more prefers pants and a good shirt.

Other: He carries a book with him. And is occasionally seen with a cane. Also a box of cigars and a few matches.


Alexander is a tactician and not a brute. He much more prefers with and sublety over pure -physical- strength, however is casting contradicts his sublety. He is quite the cunning man, often plotting and preparing plans way ahead before performing them, ensuring he always has several plans to fall back to. His demeanor is as he was taught, a gentleman and respectable person, most of the time. He much more would prefer a simple dinner, made with care and tradition over a fancy and new dish from elsewhere where he had never heard of. Yet, his curiousity about other races, beings and species never seems to cease, if a man of tradition by heart, and simplicity. He seems to have the enthusiasm of a circus director before an enthralled crowd, at times.

Often, he enjoys talks about life, philosophical matters, his purpose and other race's purposes on this universe and much, much more. They seem interesting topics to him, never ceasing to amuse and bring wisdom towards him and other people. Joy is truly a factor in his life and he wants to fully embrace it, enjoying life to its extents. If even hidden under his demeanor, there is his greedy, powerlusting side, always wishing to acquire more power and wealth. He is slow to anger, only remarkable by gestures and the tone in his voice.

His views on races are rather typically. He dislikes most orcs and trolls due to his past history with them and often due to their behaviour which he finds barbaric. Yet, he has made contact with their shamans and respects these few, due to their patience in dealing with the past. His stance towards Tauren and Kaldorei is rather...bad, mostly due to the fact that he weaves fel and thus is barely able to speak with one, without being slain. However, he still finds their history and culture to be an amazing piece to be studied, interesting and yet so distant. Of the other races of the Alliance, his views differ. He sees the dwarves as slightly whimsical, if knowing how to enjoy life, a good drink after a lengthy fight. He respects them for their doing in the second war. The gnomes are a rather curious case, he often finds himself imagining how they became -that- small- and yet are capable of the Arcane and Fel, a truly amazing race, in his eyes. The Forsaken are seen with fascination, yet slight disgust. He dislikes that they are fuelled by necromancy and yet finds it fascinating that they kept their will, curiousity and disgust mixed with another. The Draenei, he barely holds an opinion on, he sees them as quite stubborn and perhaps foolish for relying so much on a belief. Lastly, the Blood Elves he sees perhaps with slight sympathy, mostly due to him being a felweaver and their entire race being infected and tainted with that. He eyes their magical nature with interest.


Alexander was born in the mighty city of Daleran, before the Orcs had invaded from Draenor. His father was an arcanist, an inscriber to be more precise and thus decided on Alexander's path, he was going to study the Arcane. His mother was but a simple barmaid, laying her trade down to care for Alexander in his frail, first years. He was given proper education by his father, -mostly forced- and learned how to behave on his mother's behalf, wanting to ensure that her son would become a proper man. Life was simple back then, simply learning random facts about the arcane, basic history other such matters what a child would be taught.

At the beginning of his teenage years, his father sent him into the academy of mages, his curiousity wakened by his father's tales about what he was capable of weaving. It was not easy, much was to be studied and learned, understanding the Arcane, ley-lines and the four laws of the Arcane was a long process, and yet he remained determined upon his path and continued to study, to learn about his oh-so-beloved trade. His mother urged him to learn the violin, perhaps so he would be capable of singing for the one he seeked to take as a wife in the future, and so he complied, learning the instrument. He was odd, to be frank, often he was seen among younger peers, prefering their company over the company of these of his age, perhaps he merely enjoyed the sense of being more knowledging than the others. A storyteller would be best to describe him, back at that time, often telling stories about animals he read about, most particularly the coyote. Which led to his nickname, in combination with his older age.

A few years passed, he became more knowledging of the Arcane and finally was capable of weaving it, instead of merely studying it with literature and teachings. It was a great feeling for him, almost like a drug as he weaved his spells, sometimes out of mere boredom or similiar silly reasons. Naturally, he became addicted to it and soon needed to cast every day or few days in order to remain what he was. Most particularly by the high Elves in the city, his interest in other races was granted, learning about their culture besides his studies of the arcane, he saw them as respectable allies and arcanists.

More time passed, his skills with the arcane became more sharpened, and yet the urge to possess something stronger, more volatile became more and more realistic. He knew of the four laws and yet struggled to remain in them, for the time being. He was a great evoker and transmutator at the time, yet he began reading up on Demons, the Twisted Nether and the fel, saying it was for research against them, rather than the fact that he wished to learn more about them, study them perhaps in near future. But soon, he would be called in for the second war, to free of the orcs which plighted the Humans in the first war. As an arcanist, he remained in the very last lines of the armies, throwing devastating spells at the Ogres, Orcs and Trolls from a distance, and should they come close, he would merely turn them into a pig, that is the trade of transmutation. The war changed him even further due to the massive use of Arcane, he delved further into his demonic studies. Eventually and naturally, the war came to a halt and the orcs were stuck into internment camps or simply slain, most of them.

He travelled further south and headed towards the city of Stormwind, the one which was being rebuilt as he travelled. With his travels, information came. He heard words of the felweavers, if only by strangers in bars before he eventually ended up in a circle of them, hidden in Stormwind. There, he finally succumbed under the pressure the Arcane had put him under and began weaving the fel. It was an even greater feeling for him, as if he had tapped into a far more powerful and blissful drug, reliving and surrounding himself with it. Such joy brought great process in his abilities, enhancing his spells even further and stronger, becoming more volatile and deadly.

His studies lasted years before he finally dared to take a step out of the coven again, seeing daylight since a long-time. The third war has even rushed over the world, and he did not take notice of it, at all. Obsession made him blind on what happened to the world and began to stride out into it to find out what he missed, informing himself of recent happenings and other things which had been going on, as a proper weaver of the power he oh-so-desired for quite the time.

He heard news of the Dark Portal being reopened and naturally, he was drawn towards the thing and eventually took the step towards Draenor, a planet now known as Outlands. This merely drove his studies forward, seeing a planet which was devastated, in some regions, by the effects of the fel. It was yet again, fascinating to him and as thus, he remained in these lands for the time being. If only to visit the 'peaceful' plains of Nagrand, the fel-infested soil of Shadowmoon Valley, the forests of Terrokar or other mystical and rather curious places.

Alexander, still oblivious to the death of his parents due to the third war, returned back to the planet of Azeroth to begin enjoying life. Sometimes, fiddling, smoking or drinking a good wine. It now is to be seen where his fate brings him and where his path is headed to...