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Player: OblivionGate

Character Full Name: Zul'fon (Named himself)

Character In-Game Name: Zulfon

Nickname(s): Zul

Association(s): Darkspear Trolls (recently)

Race: Troll

Class: Mage

Age: 26

Sex: Male

Hair: None. Were it to grow, it would be black.

Eyes: Black

Weight: 230 lbs

Height: 7'6” upright, else 7' even


Always wears light cloth armour that barely protects him from the elements, let alone combat. At the moment, his purple robes are reinforced with the bones and skulls of miscellaneous creatures, making Zul'fon look more like a Priest than a Mage.

Other: If he's ever caught topless, he visibly has several lash marks on his back and a set of black, tribal tattoos that go down his arms and across his chest and back. Where the scars are, there are breaks in the tattoo. This implies the scars are more recent.


Alignment: True Neutral

Zul'fon is an extremely laid-back and relaxed Troll. He tries his best to be friendly at all times, and is often seen smiling or just trying to have a good time around others. He apparently has no interest in the old ways of the Trolls, such as sexual division and cannibalism, but he also has no interest in assaulting those that do. He is open to new experiences and is amazingly comfortable even in the most awkward of situations. This tends to make people think that he is confident, over simply just laid-back. The one thing that can irritate him is racism; the only thing Zul'fon particularly dislikes is when creatures are racist towards Trolls, or assume because Zul'fon is a Troll, that he is going to harm them.


Zul'fon's birth took place in the deep recesses of the jungle, to a splintered faction of the Skullsplitter Tribe. His early years were hardly worth mentioning; he played games with his friends, stalked animals in the jungle, and learnt the very basics of war and combat from his elders.

At the age of ten (or so), Zul'fon realised he would not be able to learn much more from his tribe. He was pragmatic and open-minded, whereas they were all too closed-minded: worshipping Loa and practising Voodoo. They simply could not see his logical approaches to many things.

This frustrated him and at the first occasion he could, he ran away from home. They had, of course, taught him all the skills he needed to survive out in the jungle. It was only a short while on when Zul'fon came across a small band of travellers. It consisted of Old Horde members that had disbanded from the Second War. Zul'fon related to the group, who realised he meant them no harm, and he was allowed him to join them.

He travelled with the group for ten years and was taught many of the wonders of Engineering (which he has nicknamed 'Voodoo') from the Goblins. This caught his attention instantly – something his pragmatic and logical mind could work around. In those ten years, he became used to handling explosives and building devices, and even managed to learn how to use Arcane power by the group.

One day, Zul'fon awoke from his sleep and the band was gone. There was nothing left of them, and a great sadness and loneliness overcame him. He spent days searching for them but could not find them, and eventually gave up. Zul'fon decided it was time to search out other friends and discover more about Azeroth. He left the Eastern Kingdoms for the first time in his life and headed for Kalimdor.

He arrived in Orgrimmar a year or so after the Third War, and was accepted as an ally to the Horde and allowed into the city. Zul'fon was informed of a Troll tribe to the south, and he headed that way until he found the Echo Isles and his ‘brothers' once again. Finally, he settled down with the intention of staying among his people forever.

Only a few years on, Zul'fon grew bored once again. He headed for Orgrimmar once more and, on the journey, encountered a large Thunder Lizards attacking a young Blood Elf. Watching for only a moment, he realised she would die without assistance, and he burst through the rocky cover, spells flying.

Now he roams Azeroth with the Blood Elf that he rescued in hope that he can learn more of this ‘strange Voodoo' of engineering that he has learnt, and further enhance his Arcane prowess.