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Player: solinax.

  • Character full name: Zeras McCoy.
  • Character in-game name: Zeras.
  • Nickname(s): N/A.
  • Association(s): N/A.
  • Age: 30.
  • Sex: Male.
  • Hair: Ponytail, black.
  • Eyes: Green.
  • Weight: 185 lbs.
  • Height: 5' 9".
  • Other: N/A.


Black leather armor, a white swashbuckler's shirt with squire's pants and boots and a black eyepatch. He usually walks around wearing black leather and a mask.


  • Alignment: Zeras can be a good and helpful citizen one day and a pickpockething thug the other. His alignment depends on his mood.

Zeras is patient and calm. He is respectful, but greedy. He doesn't talk a lot and prefers not to get in any fights if possible.

He enjoys being alone in a shady corner. If you see him in a bar he would most likely be drinking rum and peering suspiciously at everyone.

Zeras is not involved in the conflict between the horde and alliance because he simply doesn't care , as long as he is able to make money and make a living. He respects his friends deeply and usually deals with his enemies as soon as he has the opportunity. He does not tolerate treachery and treason.

He has developed a slight hatred towards orcs and forsaken. He has no problems working with them but doesn't respect or trust them.

The years spent stealing and pickpocketing made him immune to insults. He cannot get hurt or offended with words In rare occasions talking about his mother may infuriate him. Also he has a weak spot - Attacks towards him from his right side. The reason for this is his missing right eye.

Zeras is neutral towards the authorities and guards because he got used to avoiding them and hiding constantly. Sometimes he hates them for standing in his way , but on the other hand they have saved his life many times when he was in trouble. He understands that they do what they are told and respects them for the capability of following orders ( Something Zeras can't do ) but doesn't reveal this to anyone. He is extremely curious and that sometimes puts him in tight situations with very few opportunities for escaping.


Zeras was born in a small house in the forests near Lordaeron. His father was a hunter and a decent leatherworker. Zeras' mother – Ashley McCoy passed away when giving birth to the child. Jonathan McCoy –Zeras' father taught him to wield a bow and how to skin animals. The two usually went hunting together.

When Zeras turned sixteen his father gave him a skinning knife and a bow as a gift. One day Jonathan went hunting without his son , simply because Zeras had injured his ankle the day before. At that day something happened to Jonathan McCoy and he never came back from hunting. Zeras knew that his father knew the area too well to get lost, so the possibilities were two : Either his father had died or he ran away. As soon as his ankle healed , Zeras began searching for his father , but didn't manage to find anything .

The boy returned to the house and shortly after that he ran off to Lordaeron. When he arrived in the capital he realized something really important – He needed money. He began wandering the dark alleys , searching for a place to sleep. There he met a boy his age who also had ran away from his home. The young Zeras was used to sneak around and hide due to the time spent hunting with his father and Derick , the other boy , was pretty good in picking locks.

One night they decided to rob a bakery because they really needed the money. Derick picked the lock and Zeras sneaked in stealing some bread and money. A thug in this area found out about the two teenagers and tracked them down offering them a place to live and a percent of everything they steal. The two agreed, considering this an adventure and a way to make a living. The thief – known only as Shadowbeard , taught the two how to use a blade and took them under his wing. By that time Zeras was eighteen. When he turned twenty one his friend Derick got caught stealing and thrown in jail.

Zeras had few friends in Lordaeron and after Derick got captured he decided to leave town and run off to Stormwind. He started working alone and barely escaped the authorities when he was caught pickpocketing a rich jewel trader. He escaped to Redridge staying there three years working as a leatherworker. Although he had finally found a peaceful job , he was not used to such way of life. At the age of twenty five he returned to Stormwind and joined a new organization. He started stealing again and meets his future best friend – A night elf named Numark “Ears “ Shadowblade. After four years the organization breaks apart and Numark disappears. Zeras begins searching for his friend , and starts wandering around the world , working as a spy and a thief.