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Player: Zason

Character Full Name: Zason of the House Ebizu

Character In-Game Name: Zason

Nickname(s): Z

Association(s): Andorhal (hometown), the Alliance of Lordaeron, Theramore (current home). Loose associations with the following: Argent Dawn, Kirin Tor.

Race: Human

Class: Paladin

Age: 28

Sex: Male

Hair: Fiery Orange, disheveled, shoulder length hair

Eyes: Hazel

Weight: 187 lbs.

Height: 6 ft.

Alignment: Chaotic Good


Plate Armour enshrouded by a white full size hooded cloak/robe.

Other: When Zason is cloaked and hooded, he does not go by a name, and thus is not recognized as Zason when wearing his white hooded cloak. When the hood is up, Zason will not make eye contact and the hood is at all times pulled in a way to shade his face from the light.


At times may portray a very cold or harsh nature by his lack of responsiveness to others, Zason will remain calm and calculating in even the most severe events. He does not react with either extreme emotions of anger or joy. When he speaks, he words are to the point.


Born to Zadok and Miranda in Andorhal in the Year 594 by the King's Calendar, Zason was a member of an upper class merchant family. His father, Zadok, was the owner of a successful grain distribution company which made their family very wealthy. He had a younger sister Karin, who was 5 years younger. As an older brother he looked after his younger sister and mother when growing up. He felt the responsibility to be his as his father was always working. Miranda was always a loving mother and nurtured her children as best as she could. Early on in his life, his mother had to stay inside due to having fainting spells.

As a child, Zason enjoyed the luxuries of many children of his social class. He went to school, was well educated and learned his father's trade. As a child he was enamored by the Paladins that he heard of in stories. He would go to the local library and read about them. While reading about the Silver Hand, a tome of their practices were discovered. He took it to his home and began to study the ways of the Light. His father discovered what he was doing and punished him, forbidding him to ever study of "such nonsense" ever again. With those words, his father tosses the tome into the fireplace and leaves. Going to the fire, Zason reaches in to remove the tome enveloped in flames. In doing so, he burns his hands severely. This was only a hurdle and the beginning to study the ways of the Light in the shadows, away from his father's gaze.

As the years went on, his mother becomes deathly ill. She was unable to leave the bed or care for herself effectively. This fueled Zason's passion to learn the credo of the Knights of the Silver Hand and how to live as one who serves the Light with what pages were still readable. What was gleamed from the tome were but fragments of the Light's ways and knowledge. As much as he could study he would try and heal injured critters he would come across. Failure after failure, one would have given up, however he chose to continue in an effort to heal his mother.

Soon after his 10th birthday, his mother dies while Zadok in on a business trip to Stratholme. The local Chapel takes care of the burial and funeral preparations. I holy man by the name of Jarl was in the area and performed the ceremony. It was a beautiful one and many of the adults tried to comfort Zason and Karin, and had many kinds words were said about Miranda. Some even asked of the whereabouts of his father, he gave no answer. Upon the return of his father, several of the townsfolk came to speak with Zadok. His father was rather shaken by the whole ordeal and blamed himself. The following weeks, Zadok began meeting with some shady figures. Zason's father became more and more secluded from society and began going on his business trips at night. It appears that Zadoks mental health was waning and becoming more agitated. Zadok grew more and more distant from his children and Karin fell in to a deep depression. Zason turned the the one hope he had, the dusty and charred tome of the Light.

As time went on, Zason continued to practice the Light in secret, Karin became mute due to the tradegy of losing he mother at such a young age. She did nothing but read and help her father with the business. The father was seen with seedy individuals, making deals for shipping routes and distribution rights. Zason decided to leave all of the mess of his father and the dark dealings to pursue the Light. He traveled to the Capital of Lordaeron to join the Church of the Holy Light. However much to his dismay, his request was rejected. Zason's understanding of the Light and based on his House is what caused the Bishop to reject his service. His father has marred their House and name in Lordaeron with ho he had became and started running the family business after Miranda passed away. Dejected and jaded, Zason chose not to return home, but decided to join the Militia at a young age.

Training to become a capable soldier was long and arduous, fighting for a boy of his upbringing did not come naturally. Zason was not exceptional in the was of war but competent to hold his own when in a one on one situation. He usually depended on his comrades to fight successfully in combat or when facing a tough opponent. When he joined the Lordaeron Militia he severed his connection with his home of Andorhal and swore he would never return, until one day when fate had other plans.

In the Year 617 by the King's Calendar, the threads of fate were twisted and frayed as the twilight of Lordaeron began. An emergency dispatch came in from Andorhal. The great king Terenas Menethil II sent his son, Prince Arthas, along with a small force to investigate some recent dark and mysterious activity. Zason was but an average soldier in the army. They joined up with Uther and his fellow paladins. Much that was to follow is common knowledge and of a dark legend of Lordaeron.

They marched on, and Arthas went on to Stratholme. There was a debate of sorts among the leaders. Arthas called for his men to follow him and slaughter the town for the sanctity of the country and to stop the plague from spreading. Others decided to leave, refusing to go through the despicable acts. Zason was ready to leave and follow Jaina Proudmoore, however it was the infected grain that caused his to stay. Many crates of the infected grain was labeled with his father's logo. Deep in his hear he knew it was to be true. That all this time his father, and the shady dealings he was in were up to something, but he said nothing. He could have done something to stop it, he should have. Even though it is late to stop it, he can try to cull it. Coming to this conclusion, Zason marched with Arthas to purge the taint from the land.

As the battle to massacre the citizens of Stratholme progressed, he comes upon the Alonsus Chapel. Inside he sees citizens praying for protection from both the plague. Little do they know they the cleansing they are praying to receive is to be murdered by their own people. He realizes that the hatred for his father and what he has done is not enough to justify killing of innocents. He walks into the chapel and informs that Arthas and his army is here to kill every last soul and the only means of survival is to escape. The Priest was hesitant to hear his words, however he say the intensity and truth in Zason's eyes. What was the next step, asked the Priest. We must flee, was the only response.

Zason helped the citizens he could convince to go to get out of the city alive. With his rememberance of the tactics to move through the city he navigated the citizens away form the army, asking for back alleys to help facilitate the escape. After out of the city, Zason informs them that they need to go to find Jaina Proudmoore, who was leading survivors to escape the Scourge. They plead for him to accompany them and to leave this terrible battle behind. He nods and says, I will do what I can.

Time continued as it always has and Zason is but a passenger in the sand of time. The surviving humans, under the leadership of young Jaina Proudmoore, flee to Kalimdor to establish the port city of Theramore. Since the Third War, they have struggled to survive. Zason has only played a minor role and currently resides in Theramore Isle.

Lately, a hooded man in white (Zason) has been seen around the Eastern Kingdoms. He keeps his hood pulled to shade his face. No one knows much about this man. One confirmed sighting by Thaddaeus, saw the mysterious man in a private conversation with Bishop Hylan of the Church of the Holy Light. The hood man would not make eye contact with either Hylan or Thaddaeus. Upon the entering of the Draenei, the man made a hand motion to Hylan and walked out.