Xavier Rev2

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Player: teege

Character Full Name: Xavier Henderson

Character In-Game Name: Xavier

Nickname(s): N/A

Association(s): Alliance

Race: Human

Class: Warrior

Age: 25

Sex: Male

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Blue

Weight: 185 lbs

Height: 5'10”


Typically wears dirty, mismatched clothing as he is not yet able to afford any type of suitable armor.

Other: N/A


Xavier, for the most part, is cool and collected though this can change depending on the situation he's in and what type of people are around at the time. During his adult life his respect towards authority as slowly diminished and his actions best reflect his desire to survive. Such actions have gotten him in trouble with the Stormwind Guard on more than one occasion. He has high respect for priests and priestesses which more than likely comes from his family background. Xavier does have a large heart however his outward presence may show otherwise.


Born a healthy baby to Olivia and Richard Henderson, Xavier showed off his curiosity of the world from day one. When he first learned to walk he was exploring everywhere his two little legs could get him, even after the many falls and tumbles. Learning to talk was the next big step, the household cat which Xavier referred to as “keykey” was his best friend and he would eventually ask questions about anything, ranging from household objects to the city of Stratholme itself.

His mother Olivia was a priestess and spent much of her time at the cathedral in Stratholme while his father Richard worked as a blacksmith. Xavier experienced a rather normal childhood with the exception of the limited social interaction with his peers as his father often kept him, at the least, indoors and would rarely let him leave the city gates. The few friends Xavier did make he kept rather close and found it fun to play “Knights and Orcs” with them as his father had plenty of old swords lying around. During his early teens he began working with his father and training with swords on the side, one day hoping to own a little blacksmithing shop.

Humanity would once again suffer when the fateful day came that any surviving resident of Stratholme would remember. What seemed like an average day of citizens hustling around the markets, city patrollers joking around with merchants and the smell of freshly baked bread was all shattered by the sound of screams and clanging bells. Sir Arthas came with plans that nobody else could fathom; purge the city. Scores of city guard members rushed to combat the intruders and black smoke started to billow out into the blue sky as Xavier rushed home to find his mother to notify her of the events, before the two made their way to where his father had worked. In a haunting image never to be forgotten Richard was found dead, slumped over the very anvil he poured his sweat into everyday.

Fearing their own death the two barely escaped the city and fled to the one kingdom they hoped would always be safe and that was Stormwind. After a very long and treacherous journey they arrived and were quickly taken in receiving a lot of attention from citizens wanting to hear their stories. Even more shock was delivered the day news of Lordaeron's fate arrived and once again Xavier and his mother feared the worst for their race. In the current time Olivia continues her studies in the Cathedral of Light while Xavier finds himself struggling to make ends meet on his own, slowly shutting himself out from society as he believes it's only a matter of time before Stormwind too crumbles.