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Player: Bingles

Character Full Name: Wadriyoagohn Blackclaw (Wadrii-yoahgohn)

Character In-Game Name: Wadriyoagohn

Nickname(s): Wadri

Association(s): Blackclaw Tribe

Race: Tauren

Class: Warrior

Age: 90

Sex: Male

Hair: Black

Eyes: Hazel

Scale: 1.1

Weight: 385kg

Skills and Abilities

  • Pride of the Blackclaw: Moves more quick and youthful when amongst his kin.
  • Sharpshooter: He has become an expert with the Rifle.


Usual Garments/Armor: Tribal Clothing


Wadriyoagohn is a very goal-set person and would do anything to insure his Tribe's Survival. Wadri is a very respectful person, to people who he believes are respectable. He generally keeps his word to people he respects, but occasionally goes against his own words to people who believes are 'lesser'.

Wadri isn't scared to kill anybody who is a threat to him or his tribe, Horde or Alliance. He has a neutral attitude for the Horde, but loathes the Alliance. He has a strong dislike for Paladins and anybody else trying to spread word about the Light after an encounter with the Dwarves. He also isn't a huge fan of the Night Elves, Draenei and has a strong hate for any other members of the Alliance excluding the Worgen.

Alignment: Lawful Evil


Wadriyoagohn was born in the mountains of Stonetalon with the rest of the Blackclaw Tribe, it was an extremely isolated group of Taurens who were the hunters of the deer in the area. Wadriyoagohn was born into the Chieftains family, the Blackclaw. From the beginning the Blackclaw Tribe was fragile and was usually divided over decisions about settlement and raids on other camps.

The Blackclaw Tribe was nomadic, of course and the population was no larger than 100. They haven't developed sustainable agriculture and they didn't like the other Tauren tribes. During the many years of isolation, the Blackclaw developed their own dialact of Taur'ahe.

When Wadriyoagohn was 13, the Grimtotem attacked his camp. The Grimtotem killed an elder of the camp and stole supplies, Wadri's father and chieftain gathered the hunters and the warriors of the village and chased after the Grimtotems. After hours of chasing the Grimtotem, they finally gave up and returned to their camp. The Blackclaws decided to not to assemble a retaliation, instead they decided to relocate their camp further into the mountains.

Years after the Grimtotem attack, the tribe became was divided and opposed to one another. Many arguments erupted on a daily basis, miscellaneous things like when to set the fire out or when to begin the daily hunt. Wadri always warned his father that someday the arguments will get out of hand, and indeed they did.

After a week of instability, Wadri's own cousin decided to cut Wadri's father's arm off in an argument about where to settle next. It was an issue, the deer population was becoming unsustainable and food was becoming scarce. This was the beginning of the division of the Tribe.

A year after the incident, many Blackclaws seen the Chieftain unfit to lead the Tribe. The Blackclaws were divided about the issue and became violent in a meeting about it. Wadri's father was killed and Wadri was in a rage. Him and his peers chased the killers faction out of the camp and banished them to the bottom of the mountain, where there was tons of deer and food.

Years after that event and Wadri has aged, the people of the Blackclaw Camp were starving and couldn't move down towards the bottom of the valley in fear of their former kin and the Grimtotem Tribe but Wadri convinced the elders to give him permission to attack the former Blackclaws and take their settlement. They did this in succession and the warriors of the Blackclaw Tribe were very loyal to Wadri and he gained a lot of respect from the entire Blackclaw Tribe.

The Blackclaws lived in the Southern Stonetalon Mountains in peace and had often come in contact with the Goblins and had developed somewhat of a truce with the Blackclaws after Wadri has led raids against them. Until 2 years ago they in a semi-peace until a Gnomish Expedition discovered their camp. The Gnomes decided to talk to the Tribe and negotiate for food, Wadri instead declined their offer and threatened them. Wadri and the elders both believed that the Gnomes threatened their way of life and were a threat to their precious food supply.

Wadri decided to follow the Gnomes back to their camp with his Warriors, they seen the technologies of the Gnomes and decided to attack in the night. The technologies the Gnomes possessed were interesting but destructive and luckily the Gnomes didn't have a chance to use them on the Taurens. Wadri was a very tactical leader and led his Tribe to victory and let the surrenders free.

Weeks later, the Gnomes returned with their stubby friends. . . Dwarves. The Dwarves and Gnomes slaughtered the Tribe in search for their technological experiments and lost maps. Most of Wadri's kin didn't survive and he hardly made it out himself, but he escaped with a rifle.

The remnants of his tribe escaped Stonetalon in search for a new settlement. Wadriyoagohn later met the Horde in the Barrens, and they formed a friendship along with the Taurens in Mulgore. The Mulgore Tauren let the Blackclaws reside in their lands as well. Wadri and his Tribe now live in the mountains between Mulgore and the Barrens. He continuously searches for the Gnomish and Dwarven settlements to avenge his people.