Player: Danalthar
Character Full Name: Velcratos
Character In-Game Name: Velcratos
Nickname(s): Vel, Crat
Association(s): Exodar
Race: Draenei
Class: Warrior
Age: 26,326
Sex: Male
Hair: The flesh on the top of his head is blown back, where to it reveals a looped tail.
Eyes: Blue Orbs
Weight: 7 feet
Height: 235
Usual Garments/Armor: Every day gear includes dark blue with gold lacing on it. When he is going into a fight, he wields a small hammer, covered in gear. The chest and below is cream white, and the shoulderplates and helmet are both red.
Other: His body is generally untouched by scars, or anything like this. He has sideburns, with four tentacles going to his upper mid chest. When he is in his common outfit, he has a pair of half-moon monocles hanging from a cord that loops around his neck. Also, a bag full of writing utensils hangs from his belt, occupied by a clipboard, which is constantly full of paper and notes.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Velcratos is open to all races other then Orcs, Blood Elves and Undead. He hates Orcs and Blood Elves for their attacking of his people, and Undead for being... Undead. To all other races, he welcomes with open arms, helping them how he will need. Unless they are evil, to which point he will not help them, but rarely hurt.
He values peace and knowledge above all else. Whenever he lands upon a new place, he automatically searches for knowledge upon that world, eager to learn what he needs.
He is not a Mage, or any specific IC class, as he would take training in one time as too time consuming.
Velcratos was born upon Argus. The one thing easy to see amongst the young Draenei was his was his want to learn. He set about learning everything that he could about the culture that surrounded him, before Sargeras came. Velcratos felt that if he were to follow Velen, then he would be able to learn more, thus he went with Velen.
As they went to more and more worlds, Velcratos went out with the same goal; to learn. Each time, he was pulled back. This annoyed him, as the Eredar would not allow him to learn. Slowly, that annoyance turned into an all out hate of the Demons, like his people. When he was inside their giant space ships, he would study the architecture, or whatever he basically could.
Then, they came to Draenor. Velcratos immediately set out to learn about the nearby Orcs, watching them from afar. His small little camp was always ready to leave, as his past had shown him. The Orcs were corrupted, and Vel had gotten to Zangarmarsh by the end of the day. He found Telredor, watching as the survivors poured in. He helped as they went for Exodar, staying in the brunt of the ship as it crashed into a mountain.
The events in Draenor caused him to get annoyed at Sin'dorei and Orcs, just as he is annoyed at the Legion, just not as bad.
He was surprised he lived, but nonetheless went to colonize the world with knowledge. His first few years were spent with the Kaldorei, gladly helping them kill Orcs in Ashenvale as he learned about the deeper aspects of their life. However, upon learning of the Dark Portal, he went for Shattrath, curiousity conquering danger once more.
He made his way to Shattrath, looking for more places to learn.