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Player: ptdapen

Character Full Name: Varic Solberg

Character In-Game Name: Varic

Nickname(s): N/A

Association(s): Dalaran, The Kirin Tor, The Alliance, Kul Tiras

Race: Human

Class: Mage

Age: 27

Sex: Male

Hair: Black

Eyes: Brown

Weight: 163 lbs

Height: 5'9"

Alignment: Lawful Evil


Varic is accustomed to wearing any attire that is well-adorned. Most of the time this precludes to elaborate mage robes. His favorites tend to be pale white and blue, close to his natural affinity towards ice.

Other: N/A


Due to extensive usage of the frost lore Varic has dulled his emotions. Most of his passions have been cooled down, except for his lust for power and other material gains. Conscience is not a matter to him, only caution; a flame that is too large could easily cause him to thaw away. The callings of the fel and necromancy are treated in such a regard. He regards them as magical arts suited only for fools, as they often lose themselves in their search for power. The arcane for him is an art that has limitless possibilities without sacrificing one's soul. Unfortunately for him he does not believe that the so called tame magics are addictive. Still, in order to keep his appearance Varic keeps his intense pursuit of magic a secret, not wanting rumors to be spread about his obsession.

As mentioned before his cold attitude leaves him isolated from other people. He cuts ties from people as quickly as he can, hoping that he will not be deceived by any ploys. This distrust goes one step forward towards non-humans, though not for the high elves who have accompanied his home city for years. It disturbs him greatly that the Horde is allowed to traverse Dalaran freely after years of conflict. The undead were the ones who had destroyed their home years, and the blood elves had given into their lust for magic by delving into fel sources. Even with the threat of the Scourge Varic views it as a damning sacrifice. And yet he does not speak his mind openly in fear of reprimand; he has little say in the political workings of Dalaran.


Being born in the city of Dalaran decided Varic's destiny. He was enthralled by the mystical powers since birth, his very surroundings filled with wonders. When given the chance he could not pass on learning the art. Whilst he was more skilled in frost over fire he mainly focused in the general form of arcane and almost all of the given schools. The one he did not dare delve into was necromancy. His favorites however tended to be illusion and transmutation. It was a pleasant life for him. His home city was practically a sanctuary for him, and the only dangers were spells going awry. All of his desires leaned towards exploring magic; it gave him enough adventures. Even as the Third War raged on he could not imagine his home being destroyed. Still the Scourge would eventually invade Dalaran and burn the stable world that Varic had created for himself.

Regardless of his depressing fate the young man was thankful that he was not killed. The one important part of his life was not destroyed and that was his own knowledge. Destroyed texts were only a set back; he could still continue his studies elsewhere. His travels brought him to Kul Tiras, which he deemed fit due to its reclusive nature as an island. He restarted his perusing, starting to keep all his research in a journal, hidden amongst all his other tomes. However his heart would continue to tug at him until he gave in. He would go around following young women he fell for easily until he found someone that quite fit him. The thrills would soon fade though, resulting in him returning to his obsessive studies. Course she could not help herself but be curious. When Varic left she snooped around his belongings, coming across the journal he had kept hidden. Nothing was particularly horrifying about it, but the fact that she took it enraged the man. He sent her away from him, shutting himself away as a recluse for the most part.

Varic began to delve more into the colder side of magic, which started to dull his emotions. He did not want to feel the same feelings of loss that he had experienced in his lifetime. If his passions could be cooled he could not become distracted. The mage continued on his own until he heard news of the city not only completely rebuilt but relocated. It did not bother him to leave Kul Tiras to travel back to it; he did so in such haste. When he arrived he was astonished to discover that the Horde was to be admitted. Though he has reluctantly accepted them into the city he still hopes to somehow drive them away. But for the time being he merely attempts to expand his powers, and quite efficiently considering his original source of knowledge has returned...