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Player: HeroLief

Character Full Name: Vanndar

Character In-Game Name: Vanndar Ironpike

Nickname(s): Vann

Association(s): None.

Race: Dwarf

Class: Warrior (Hunter once rerolled)

Age: 57

Sex: Male

Hair: Long and bushy, black

Eye: Brown

Weight: 94kg

Height: 4ft 9in

Other: Always carries a mug with him, no matter if it contains beer or not, always carrries a large-barreled shotgun with him.

Alignment: Alliance, Ironforge, Bronzebeard Dwarves


Brown hard leather vest, green and red leather overalls, thin white linen shirt, eyepatch, black rubber boots, chained leggings


Very agressive, normally found drunk. Low self-esteem. Loves to get into trouble and loves hunting, however hates wars. Is edgy towards magical races, especially Night Elves, and is especially friendly to Humans and Gnomes, especially those who drink.


Raised in Kharanos as a young boy, he lost his parents as they fended off a group of troggs from the town when he was eight. The tavern keeper of the Thunderbrew Distillery found him wandering around the trash out back and employed him to work at the Inn. During his spare time, he explored the rugged landscape of the Dun Morogh mountains, East of Kharanos. Eventually, he grew too energetic to be barred up in the Inn and, leaving the Inn, found employment in the marketplace of Kharanos. Apprenticed to a blacksmith, he learned the art of gun-making from the blacksmith and a local Gnomish engineer. He grew to be friends with many loyal market-dwellers that had their wares for sale daily. Through that influence, when they set out on leisure hunting trips, they brought him along. He began hunting with guns he made at his job in his spare time with the materials he borrowed from his friends, selling the furs to the local market and the meat to the Distillery in order to pay the friends back. Although the rest of Azeroth was in peril during the First and Second wars, he simply ignored it and wished luck to all his friends he met at the market that went off to fight. Most of them never came back; the few that did had scars all over their bodies and become self-consumed. During the Orcish invasion of Khaz Modan, Vanndar took shelter in one of the many caves scattered throughout the land, along with a few gnomes and many other dwarves. He stayed there until all was safe to come out, when the Orcs were defeated. Returning to Kharanos, he rented a room of the little housing left in the Inn, and, having had his previous employers killed in the escape from the Invasion, he found work at the Steelgrill Depot, hunting for meat and furs for the many hunting expeditions that the fellow Dwarves at the Depot had; he even accompanied them on a couple, where he learned valuable experience. At the age of 32, he came upon an abandoned bear cub that he found while hunting, and, pitying it, knowing how it feels to be abandoned, he named her Mishka, took her in, and now cares for her daily. With the profits he made from his hobby and employment, at the age of 45, he moved to Ironforge. He currently hunts outside the city for a living, just as he did at Kharanos, which he visits from time to time. He has a fairly bad reputation with the local Ice Trolls for slaughtering their prized wolves for profit, and so he now strays from hunting too far West. He's lately been bothered by the constant bustle of the city, especially with the current war, and so as such he's wanting to retire from the city and is looking forward to living in a permanent residence at the Amberstill Ranch, where he will continue with his hunting to his final days, buried deep in the mountains and valleys of Dun Morogh, where even the current Grand War cannot influence his thoughts.