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Player: gman12

Character Full Name: Vannas Ravenclaw

Character In-Game Name: Vannas

Nickname(s): Van; Raven

Association(s): The Tri Written, Peoples Blade, Blades of Aseldor

Race: Human

Class: Rogue

Age: 28

Sex: Male

Hair: Black

Eyes: Grey

Weight: 185 lbs

Height: 6'3


Usual Garments/Armor: When on the job he wears a Night Elven inspired attire, claws which are attached to his hands by very unnoticeable screw-ins put in by a engineering friend of his, and a rapier. When off the job he wears a brown mid-length sleeve shirt, his rapier and the belt, boots, and pants of his on-the-job attire.

Other: He has a set of armor he keeps in a crate in Stormwind ready to be sent off to any cold place he will stay in, made up of thick leather and fur. He also has, in Booty Bay, a chest that contains a few more weapons. Including a sword with a gemmed hilt, a few magic-infused daggers, and some under-cover attire.


Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Vannas is a man that doesn't get angry often, even in combat he tends to keep a cool thinking, mind. If any of his allies are in trouble, he will do anything to help them and to turn the tides in battle.

He is a cold man, he believes in a more solitary life. However recently, his happenings with Jethro have made him become more open to the idea of 'partners' when it comes to women.

When switching from a feral, solitary man, he found it hard to find what he needed since he never had to speak more than a few words to get what he needed. Sometimes, when talking he gets frustrated and just stops talking. When he first made the change, he found it quite hard to fit in, since he would growl and grunt instead of actually communicating.

Now though, he has lost much of his previous feral tendencies, and is now more human and will fit in a crowd. However in a fight, his feral side will show and his "civil" side will disappear.


Before Vannas' mother was pregnant with him, she and her husband were banished from the lands of Lordaeron because She was charged with using shadow magic. His mother was a priest who turned from the light and started to use shadow magic, and his father, not wanting to abandon her, left the lands with her and traveled south, avoiding hostile groups.

Almost two years later, and they are down near what would become the Swamp of Sorrows. His mother was eight months pregnant with him. While traveling near the border to the Swamp, he was born. Unfortunately though, when giving birth, his mother died from complications.

Unable to feed his child, because of the need for milk and the lack of cows in the Swamp, his father who's name is unknown took him deep into the swamp, and started to create a grave from his child.

While taking his baby into the forest, he was attacked by a pack of feral wolves.. When he was struck down, he tosses the baby accidentally into a pile of leaves which ultimately saved his life..

As his father was being killed by the wolves, a large, dark figure rushed into the clearing where the fight was taking place. The looming figure made strange sounds and started to battle the wolves to retreat, leaving the body..

Knowing he had no power to help the wounded, bleeding and unconscious man on the ground, he started to walk away, that is, until he heard a faint crying coming from inside a pile of leaves.

As he walked over to the pile he noticed that it was a baby, human in fact. The large man stooped over and picked up the baby, and started to walk back to his home...

It was fortunate Vannas should even live past that day, for there was no milk around. However the man happened to come across a fallen barrel of milk from a caravan a few days prior to the accident.

Twelve years later

Now a teenager, Vannas has learned much about the man that saved him and brought him home..

The man was large for a human, he was beast-like in appearance. He has lived in the swamp for many years, feeding off the crocolisks and other animals.. He lived alone.. The man taught Vannas how to be like himself. Fierce, solitary, unrelenting, and agile.

So, Vannas was trained to become what many would call a 'rogue'; he was taught how to create poisons from natural ingredients from the forest and how to survive off as little as possible.

Eight years later

Now a man, Vannas had finished his training and said good-bye to surrogate father. Vannas planned to leave the swamp and search for his own way in the world.. The only thing he brought with him was six days worth of rations, flint, and a map that showed him where to go to get outside of the swamp safely, beyond the swamp, the man left him on his own..

He made good time for a few days until he came across a group of green-skinned monsters.. He watched them as they traveled in their caravans, except he didn't know that he too was being watched.. And unsuspectingly he was struck on the back of his head with a club that knocked him unconscious.

When he awoke he was in an encampment made by the green people.. He learned later that these things were called "Orcs" from the people that were captured with him.

It was fortunate they weren't going to kill him. Another human in a cage near him said that they were looking for slaves, and they were the slaves. They needed them to help build their houses in a camp some distance away.

Soon however he was struck with another club and knocked once again unconscious..

This time when he awoke, he was free. Laid down on a river bed and surrounded by dead orcs, apparently killed by archers because majority of them had arrows in their backs..

On the back of the map, which he had stuck in a pouch on the inside of his pants, read: Go here Vannas Ravenclaw, to the western border, and find your kind.

And so Vannas did, he traveled west to the border, directed by land marks that were on the map. From there, Vannas wandered, avoiding orc towns and encampments until he came across a human settlement, however Vannas didn't stay there long, he was on the first caravan out of there and onto a gryphon to what people called "Stormwind".

Eight years later

Now almost thirty years old, he is searching for a place he can call home permanently..

He has since traveled to Booty Bay where he has made quite a few allies, and only a few know of his mysterious past.

Jethro, who he met a few weeks after he arrived in Booty Bay, turned out to be a very decent ally. Several weeks later, he and Jethro are good buddies that help each other and their organization in different circumstances.

Additional Notes

  1. The man knew his name because he gave it to him. Vannas Ravenclaw wasn't the name he was born with, it was the name the man gave him over the course of his training.
  2. The man, after Vannas remembers who he is ICly, will come to be known as "Terren". A now, rough old man, who still shows signs of his former prowess, and knows much about the wilderness.