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Player: Wuvvums

Character Full Name: Vallerie Mason

Character In-Game Name: Vallerie

Nickname(s): N/A

Association(s): N/A

Race: Blood Elf

Class: Rogue

Age: 125

Sex: Female

Hair: It starts out blond along the top of her head and gradually shifts towards red/orange as it goes towards the bottom. The hair reaches down the middle of her back. Her hair parts along her forehead and some of it falls in front of her shoulders.

Eyes: Her eyes are a fel green.

Weight: 135 lbs

Height: 5'4”

Other: Like any Sin'Dorei her ears are lengthy and held high above her head, and she has fair skin. She carries two knives with her for defense, though the likelihood of her fending off an enemy is very slim. She carries around a stick long enough so she can guide herself when alone. Often she has an awkward and clumsy posture, always making sure that she has her hand touching something so she doesn't fall, and when there is nothing to hold on to she'll be found walking with one arm out, mostly to prevent her from bumping into something.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral


She is often garbed in cloth that is brown and purple. She prefers to wear boots and pants over a skirt bottom or dress, and short-sleeved shirts. If any are available to her she prefers to wear a blindfold or glasses to denote her blindness.


She is rather shy, soft-spoken, and polite to others, assuming that they are also nice to her. Along with her shyness, she often finds herself wary of most other races, but being blind she has a hard time identifying to them. If she manages to recognized a certain accent or mannerism that she can associate with a different race, like that of dwarves and trolls, then she'll do her best to pick up on such things.

However, she has yet to become exposed to other races, and has yet to pick up a method to discern the race of people she meets, meaning that she might communicate with them on accident. If she has gotten to communicate with someone out of her race for an extended time, then being informed on what race they are will most likely not change her perception, with the exception of trolls and orcs, they just plain scare her. When she manages to get past her shyness and get close to someone she can be rather happy, calm, and affectionate towards her close friends, and enjoys any help they offer to guide her around.


Vallerie was born the youngest of two children in her family in Quel'Thalas. She had one older brother, and her parents, who both made a living dabbling in arcane magic. She seemed to be a relatively normal baby, but as she got older both parents noticed that she was rather inattentive and oblivious to her environment. It didn't take too long as a toddler for them to observe that she, in fact, could not see at all.

When they realized this all plans for her had changed. Her parents did not want her to become a mage or play around with arcane energies if she could not even see where she was casting, or what she was handling. They sought to accommodate her disability and help get her tutored in a different, more average profession. Until then she enjoyed playing around with her brother, and the other children around the city, and in the meantime her parents tried to seek out a way to cure her blindness.

Year and years went by, and they had not found a way to make her see. After some time, the parents had given up on trying to cure her, and did their best to help her live a normal life as a blind person. When she got into her teens she had expressed an interest in cooking, wanting to indulge on her sense of taste. Her parents found someone who would help teach her how to cook so long as she in turn helped out in the kitchen. She spent countless hours playing around with recipes, mixing and matching her own concoctions of ingredients to make tasty things. She was happy with what she did, and as the years went on she had managed to gain some talent(as well as some weight!).

When she became an adult she worked from her own home, and did the cooking and odd jobs around the house for her family. Her life by now had become a quiet, domestic life, but it would not remain that way. When she was 118 years old her home city had been invaded by Arthas and his army of Scourge. She would have surely perished herself as she had no way to fight them off. However, her parents held off the Scourge that were approaching her home, while her brother took her hand and guided her to safety. She couldn't see what was happening, but she didn't need to to know how devastating this attack was. The screaming of terror, the people dying, the sound of houses burning, breaking and being destroyed, her senses were immersed in a flurry of chaotic sounds that she would never forget to this very day. Her brother managed to fight back and protect her from whatever came their way, and both fled from the city as it was being destroyed.

In the aftermath she had come to learn that her parents, and many others, had been slain. To make matters worse, Arthas had corrupted the Sunwell, and many elves were starting to head to the Outland. Vallerie however, decided to stay behind in Azeroth. Her brother had shown her how to siphon mana from other creatures so they both wouldn't succumb to the magical addiction. When Quel'Thalas had been reclaimed, she returned to Silvermoon with her brother to help out. She couldn't do much with rebuilding, but she could help cook and feed the people there. She did so, but in the back of her mind she felt that she could have done more...

She had started to do a lot of thinking over the next several years, looking back on her life. She was now 125 years old, and had accomplished very little due to her blindness. She had stayed in one spot most of her life, and yet could not once behold the beauty of her homeland, and now things had changed, and she missed the chance to see Silvermoon in its original glory. Now more than ever she wanted to see the world, and everything around her. Magic had done nothing to restore her sights, but she figured that it was possible to delve into other methods. She told her brother how she wanted to travel around the world in search for this hypothetical cure, and while he was skeptical he agreed to help his sister.

Vallerie caught wind of a place called Booty Bay that was a neutral ground for people of all sorts to meet. She was a bit afraid of the thought of facing the other races for the first time, but she had thought that surely with such a variety of people around there would be at least one that knew of such a method to bring back her vision. She wasn't quite sure, but it seemed like a good start to look in a place that got visitors from all across Azeroth. And so she and her brother took to a ship, that starting sailing towards Booty Bay.

The journey, however, was not a smooth one. Aside from the motion sickness from the rocking boat, the seas were not calm, and as they neared Stranglethorn Vale the skies became stormy. The waters became harder to navigate as the boat was tossed back and forth, and after a few hours of struggling against the sea the vessel was thrown into the rocks, and the ship sank. Vallerie found herself plunged into the waters, nearly drowning.

When she regained her consciousness it was morning, and she and her brother were both washed upon a beach. Her big brother was quick to get going, and did his best to navigate from the beach to the jungle where he searched for a road. When they were heading through she had the strange feeling that they were being stalked, and her sensitive ears had alerted her to something moving behind them. She had quickly warned her brother, and just moments after he whipped around with both his daggers out, just in time to sink them in to a tiger that had tried to pounce upon them. Vallerie managed to tumble out of the way, and as the scuffle fell into silents and she heard footsteps coming back to her she was praying that it was not the tiger that had won.

She had felt a hand upon her shoulder, and she instantly knew it was her brother. He helped her back up, and lead her on again, not letting her know how bad his injuries were. She noticed though, by his staggering, how he leaned on her, and the wet feeling of blood that stained her hands. He was dying, and she knew it, but he was determined to get her to safety.

With the last moments of his life he had managed to get her to a road, gave her both of his daggers, and found a fallen branch that was just long enough for her to use as a walking stick. He told her to stick to this path, which direction to go, and to feel the ground to make sure she was still on a dirt road. She didn't want to go on her own, but he didn't want to hold her back. Suddenly he had let go of her, and in her blindness managed to get away into the woods where he'd die in seclusion, leaving Vallerie with nothing but a stick to guide her towards Booty Bay.