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Player: Anski

Character Full Name: Vakari Canyoncarver

Character In-Game Name: Vakari

Nickname(s): N/A

Association(s): Bloodsworn Honorguard

Race: Orc

Class: Shaman

Age: 57

Sex: Female

Hair: Brown, streaks at a time fading to gray. Tied in the back.

Eyes: Red

Weight: 250

Height: 6'5"

Alignment: True Neutral


Light cloth.


Vakari is very soft spoken, her age has put her at ease from the lust for blood she once wished to fight for. She carries a deep respect for ones with power and honor, trying to keep that aura about herself at all times. She appreciates making new acquaintances, but treats most, if not all of the people she knows as equals, considering all of the Horde to be united and subsequently defending all of the Horde regardless of her disposition to them.


Born some time before the foundation of the first Horde on Draenor, Vakari was brought through the Dark Portal by her family at a young age, her father claiming that he would gladly go through the Portal and carve a proverbial canyon into the new world as a scout. He returned with the rest of them, and they marched their armies through the gates in conquest of all that lay before them. Her father, determined to valiantly lead the Horde to victory, was slain in the first war, leaving his mate and his daughter with the name of Canyoncarver in his honor. Her childhood and adolescence was spent in a camp of refugees in the Arathi Highlands, living as every orc female did, behind the front lines of the vicious war against the Humans who's land they had invaded in search of a new home, away from Draenor.

It was not long before Vakari came of age, old enough to watch the First War and participate in the Second War, but unable, due to her gender. Filled with bloodlust that imbued all of the orc's of her kind, she found it strenuous being unable to fight, instead staying at the camp while every male she knew in her adolescence marched off with an axe in his hands to war. Eventually, most did not return. Those that were returning were followed by humans, razing their camp and enslaving all that wasn't human. Locked in chains and taken away, Vakari was moved to the Hammerfall Internment Camp, where her hatred for other races blossomed. It was there she met her mate, Kargaar, who died soon after their coupling, fighting against their captors in sacrifice to free the internment camp they were imprisoned in after the initial siege of the outside Orcish forces began. She was freed unharmed, twisted with regret and shame over the loss of her new found love. She traveled with the band of soldiers and refugees who had saved her, and eventually across the ocean to Durotar, settling down in Orgrimmar.

Not long after the move to Orgrimmar, she grew to admire, and eventually study the now-freed shamanism. Vakari enjoys the moments of clarity it provided in subduing her minor bloodlust and hatred for the beasts that had imprisoned her and killed the one she cared for. She soon found herself dedicated to the practice of the elements, as her age moved onward and her bloodlust settled down. Her particular interest came to the element of lightning, finding it the most natural element to call upon for assistance, enjoying the cacophony of large storms and the calmness and peace she found through the ways of the storm. Continuing on to the current date, her life has been spent meditating and working with the ways of the elements and the spirits of her great ancestors.