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Yeah, anyway, this is the Wiki page for Ben. I am the Ben from the forums, and the amazing characters that you see on a not-so-daily basis in game.

So, where'd you come from?

In the real world, yes there is one, I come from not-so-Great Britain. This means I am on BST time and so if you don't know who I am and have never seen me, that's probably because of that. I, most unfortunately, have a real life that needs attending to, and so have large breaks from WoW, which is the only other reason you won't have seen me about. This is not because I don't love this server, it's because things come up, like exams and other things, and I have to take leave. This still means I'm on the forums, of course!

Well, WoW-wise, I played PvP retail servers in Europe at the beheast of my PvE self-styled friends who wanted me to join their servers. Not being a pack animal, as such, I didn't and had some amusing lunch times as they talked about raiding Black Temple (which was around the time I started playing) and I talked to them about how I'd kill their characters with no contest really from them. I played a Blood Elf hunter called Rythdar primarily, which I eventually moved to a PvE server because I got sick of the constant need to upgrade gear to survive. And the corpse camping. That server is Dragonblight EU, by the way. This was not me going soft, because I still played Horde which was the opposite of my friends who all played Alliance, and I was still on a different server as they were on Silvermoon EU, an ironically Alliance dominated PvE server. Then I got bored of retail.

Yeah, so? You're on an RP server now!

Very perceptive. Yes, I am. So I got bored of retail and went onto private PvP servers. I adored this until the donors got rampant on the servers I liked, and forced me away from being a glitched out arena god, to being a glitched out arena demigod. So, I moved to the PvP private server WoWTrance. For about three weeks, I played the loose and deadend PvP, learning how to use the slightly glitchy tactics of equal geared PvP in order to get an upper hand. Of course, eventually I got sick of this and took to just chatting to people at starter areas which I did for a week or so. Then, while chatting to people in the Blood Elf starter area, somebody posted on General Chat that somebody was RPing, and did somebody wanna come with them to annoy them. I leapt on the chance, 'cause RPers are so wierd and such freaks. Of course, I couldn't attack them and so just sat there, in full PvP gear knowing it would probably annoy them since they were all in low level-ish gear and I look out of place. So, I sat there for a couple of hours reading through their RP, and then thought, "Hmm, this looks quite good." So, the next day I went back on a different character, and started to RP in the Silvermoon inn, the one right next to the gates, as an alcholic Blood Elf rogue called Rythtrix. Yeah, my imagination isn't great for names, you'll see a referance to Rythdar, my retail character, and I used the same name for my first CotH character, Rythtrix. Eventually all the RP died out from people moving to some place called Golden WoW. I didn't follow them. Instead, I googled "WoW RP" and got here!

So you googled it, and here you came. How grand.

Well, that's not very grand, true. What I found grand was this server. The RP I had taken part in was extremely shoddy, I even RPed an Undead Warlock, who could cure the Undead Plague, and turn into a demon. This, obviously, is extremely overpowered, and so on here I quickly learned that my hunter's pet was not allowed in cities, and that I needed to buff up on lore. I didn't find either of those a fun thing to do, but I did them anyway and eventually learnt how to RP to a much higher standard. Due to my learning how to RP, at the time I received no vouches since that was the system in place. What a shame. Very soon after I started though, that was all done away with, and the new system brought into place. I gleefully became a server grunt. The Sin'Sholai storyline was in place and I found that I needed other characters in order to RP with all people on the server, and so I made a Human, Keith; a Troll, Harthor; and a Death Knight, Spiligrack. The Death Knight was due to the current Death Knight only RP going around at the time which he got approved too late for. And so, nothing much has changed except for three new characters; Splithorn, Simblar. and Bolgron. I have plans to make an Orc and an Undead too, to diversify my RP.

You've been here for a small while then, what've you been doing?

On Rythtrix, I formed the old Knights of the Phoenix, now disbanded, which RPed protecting the Blood Elven lands from the Scourge, and trying to rid the Scourge from the land. The Knights eventually joined onto the rebellion, in the Sin'Sholai storyline, and took part in the events of storming Silvermoon including the jail break, which Rythtrix offered ranged support for, and the actual rebellion in which Rythtrix fought alongside heroes like Sylvanas Windrunner. After those events, Rythtrix hasn't been very active. Spiligrack was quickly snapped up by the Commoners Party, when it was around, as an assassin to take out those who were counter-revolutionary, so to speak. After the Commoners disbanded, he has wandered the land annoying people and killing things for his amusement. He is currently working on a devilishly menacing weapon, a cannon that can be carryed about and set up quickly, to devastating effect. It is taking longer than thought. Harthor, a Troll mystic, fought for the reclamation of the Echo Isles from Zalazane. His true power was revealed when he turned an enemy into a living volcano, which scares him. After the events of the reclamation, Harthor was corrupted by one of Zalazanes more evil icons. He now seeks to increase his power, and is trying to find a working Alter of Storms in order to do so. Keith has never really been up to much, except for finding ways to increase his wealth, and find larger words to add to his vocabulary with which to annoy the lesser of society. Currently, he is running from Spiligrack for transgressions against him, and setting up the Gadget Show in order to pin him down and shame him, presumably in the robotic arena. Bolgron was created to take part in the Calypso Pirates storyline, but after it ground to a halt took off by himself. After a failed expedition exposing him to Saronite and sending him very slightly round the bend for a time, he is now seeking the comfort of nature and his bear companion. Simblar is in Northrend, fighting the Scourge. Her battle prowess makes many come to see her in awe. Splithorn the druid is wandering about in Feralas trying to become more in tune with nature, and so increase his power, a very un-druidic practise.