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Player: Psychyn

Character Full Name: Tricia Moore

Character In-Game Name: Tricia

Nickname(s): None

Association(s): Herself, her employer. Currently employed by the Whitehaven Conclave.

Race: Human

Class: Warrior

Skills and Abilities: Tricia has a wide knowledge on weaponry and their uses, while she has not specialized in a single form, she can pick up almost any weapon and use it in deadly fashion. She's capable of doing combat while mounted on horseback, as well as ranged.

Age: 27

Sex: Female

Hair: Blonde, commonly worn in a knot. Wears it loose when wearing plate armour in case the need for a helmet arises.

Eyes: Heterochromia; Half brown in her left eye, with the other half being blue. (Simply blue in the other.)

Weight: 85 kg, fit build.

Height: 165 cm.


Usual Garments/Armor: Adjustable to the situation, whether it is formal or informal. It can be adjusted to the wishes of those that hire her, but she tends to carry at least slightly protective clothing even if not directly visible. Leather under a cloth dress for example. With whatever she wears, she strives to keep her armour or clothes clean.

Other: Spends a great deal of time ensuring her outward appearance seems perfect. She tends to her nails, wears make-up and perfume and makes sure her face is clean of any impurities. After a skirmish or spar, she strives to take a bath as soon as possible. (Which, if she has the time can last hours, more than the average person.)


Alignment: Neutral. "I believe a person should look presentable to their cause or others."

She upholds this thought, no matter what. Tricia moves and talks with a certain grace, politeness, subtleness and thought. She refers to people by their rank and surname when possible and is versatile when it comes to the hierarchy of an established guild or order. She adapts with ease, to almost any given situation while sticking to her own morale code.

Tricia has a good grasp of her own abilities and takes risks accordingly to that. While her contract requires her to lay her life on the line for her employer, she would not blindly catch every bullet that flies their way. After all, such is a sure way to get them both killed. She tries to plan and act accordingly, but the situations she finds herself in often require her to improvise; To suddenly deal with unexpected events, luckily her experience over the years has given her that ability.

All in all, she is very down to earth and has no extreme views when it comes to religion or politics. She could both acknowledge and question the usefulness of either, and as such tries to keep such thoughts to herself. She feels it is not her place to speak about such matters and that other things require attention first. Etiquette has been instilled into her and she sticks to her given rules. Despite not a Noble in any way, she finds herself to fit in when mingling with Nobles. She tries to bond with them without over-stepping the thin line; Realizing very well that she's just a commoner from their viewpoint.

Perhaps her manners and grace may change that in the future, she certainly aspires to make it so. One can go far when having friends in the right places.

She takes no joy in fighting but sees it as a necessity and has realized her talents lay in that line of work. Money is to be made there, Nobles can use the extra guard, you hear more things than you would in the army, along with many other reasons to make guarding people so alluring to her. Preferably Nobles or people with significant wealth. A common skirmish does not disturb her so much any more, corpses or the aftermath of the scene. It's the smell she can't stand afterwards and despite having seen multiple skirmishes; It still wrecks her stomach and morale.

After all she has seen, she is very reluctant towards any form of Magic. Whether it is the Light, Arcane, Fel or Nature Magic; She knows little about it and tries to stay away from such practices. She finds herself questioning the Light, and 'Magic' as she simply calls it, is playing with forces you do not fully understand. She wouldn't be able to tell the difference between Fel and Arcane unless it is very obvious, such as walking around with a demon. Nature Magic she has heard of but never witnessed. She acknowledges that the Light and Magic exist, she acknowledges that the Light can heal; But that's as far as she will accept it.


[Born in year 2.]

Born in a poor servant family within the Kingdom of Stormwind, two years after Stormwind had fallen to the Horde. Tricia Moore would be child number nine within the Moore family, servants of the Gillain noble family known for sacrificing a lot of soldiers for Stormwind's defence. As their numbers dwindled, everyone within the family who wasn't within the house its military was 'encouraged' to raise off-spring. Tricia would with her brothers and sisters be educated by one of the other servants within the house, raised with the sole purpose of being soldiers.

Elisabeth, Jonathan, Richard, James, Alyssa, Lauren, Daniel and Tricia; Parented by Emma and Eric Moore. A big family, and while the lord had provided for ample living space; It was still rather hectic. Elisabeth, Richard, and James (twins) were the oldest three in the family, to be conscripted into the Lord's army as they reached adulthood. Alyssa and Lauren, deemed unfit for combat were given other roles within the keep while Daniel and Tricia, born with only a year apart from another would prove to have a talent for it. Out of all her brothers and sisters, Tricia felt the closest with Daniel and Lauren.

As with her sisters and brothers before her, Tricia was schooled to write and read The etiquette forced into her. Before she were to pick up a sword and practice, she had to know how to bow and walk straight, to watch her posture, to always speak with two words and so forth.

[Year 6, 4 years old]

Elisabeth was killed by one of the last Orc raids before the nearby towns were rebuild, Richard and James went missing in action. Too young to fully understand it herself, her life simply went on. Playing and growing up in a relative peaceful environment.

[Year 14, 12 years old]

Military training would begin for Tricia while Daniel had already been training for a year. They started off in the same way as one would expect, doing the small chores, learning about tactics, weapons, horsemanship and so forth. Most of her days were filled with trainings, instructions, combat drills and remaining lessons regarding the etiquette. She would only still see the rest of her brothers and sisters during meals or within the halls of the keep. Around this time, Tricia began to really cling to Daniel and they were often pitted against another to practice.

[Year 18, 16 years old]

Jonathan had fought himself through the ranks over the years and was given a position within the Lord's personal staff. He would move away from the home and reside within the keep, staying near the Lord whenever possible. This reduced his contact within the family and it changed him; He eventually halted an assassination upon the Lord's life by an unknown faction, but he paid for it with his own.

[Year 20, 18 years old]

Tricia and Daniel would face their first real battle, as the Lord would depart with his soldiers. His loyalty to Stromgarde would be called upon, having both friends and ties with the leadership there. Tricia and Daniel were part of it, and what went from a long march, turned into a gruesome battle. By the time they had arrived, Stromgarde had already been invaded. Refusing to listen to the rational reasoning of his advisor, the Lord would move in an attempt to recapture it; Failing. He would be slaughtered alongside his men, with Daniel and Tricia trying to retreat when the tide turned. Tricia was knocked out amidst the fighting in the heat of battle, losing track of Daniel. When she awoke hours later, the field was covered with corpses and the grass coloured red from blood.

She panicked, desperately trying to find her brother amidst the corpses. She never would, and after several hours of searching through bodies, blood and the occasional dismembered limb, she gave up. Tricia took the blood covered sword and shield and departed. Starting a lonely trip back home.

[Year 21, 19 years old]

By the time she arrived back at the former lord's keep (She sold both the shield and sword, using the money to survive), she would find the flags to be changed. The banners were different, the guard uniforms were. It had been taken over by a rival noble house, and the servants replaced by his own. She was halted from entering, the guards not knowing who she was or who she had served would save her life. Having been send away from her former home, her feet took her towards Stormwind.

She needed a home, she needed income, food. Above all, she needed something to do. Seeing a poster hung up at the city gates, Tricia signed up for the Stormwind Military. It kept her busy for a few years, allowing her to slowly overcome all she had lost.

[Year 23, 21 years old]

After having trained for an additional three years within the army, and having spent most of her time guarding the city walls, Tricia was looking for a new challenge. From her perspective, she just didn't fit in. She had stuck to her given rules on etiquette, and as such stood out from the other soldiers. She didn't curse, she didn't drink, she ate her food politely and so forth. Making friends was hard, and promotions skipped her because of her (unintended) individual approach.

Her loyalty wavered, and as she stood guard one night she was approached by several individuals. They offered her a good price if she would simply look away. Remembering the reprimand from the night before, she accepted. As she moved away from her post with a pouch of coins in her hand, the individuals would breach the building and take what they wanted. With her loyalty now up for purchase, she was paid several more times before leaving the army when it became too dangerous to continue.

The group would approach her afterwards and employed her as guard within the thieves den. She knew the city, she knew the guards and posts, employing her saved them from countless of hours of subterfuge. She would share whatever she knew for a price, while ensuring the 'peace' within the den. Their activities where short lived however as the guards would follow the trail back to the hideout. Some were killed, those that surrendered (which included Tricia) were taken captive.

She had the choice, either she would end up on the torture rack and in the prison cells, or she would share everything she knew about the guard weaknesses and information about the group she worked for. An offer she couldn't refuse, she would flee from the city afterwards.

[Year 29, 27 years old]

Tricia would lay low for a few years, doing only short-lived contracts to get by. She would guard whoever needed her services and paid for them, to leave people to their own problems afterwards. She learned to be subtle, surprising and how to improvise as only rarely things seemed to go as planned for her. Eventually her contracts led her back to Stormwind, where she would mingle with the common inhabitants. She would pick up and act on rumours that could lead her to new contracts, and eventually chased one about a Lord getting married.

She got herself a dress and walked into the Cathedral, armed to the teeth under the robe. Noticing several severe security threats led her to believe the Lord and Lady would require her services. Taking the risk, she found herself joining the Whitehaven Conclave.