Player: FlyingSquirrel
Character Full Name: Tra'laena [See history for explanation as to no last name]
Character In-Game Name: Tralaena
Nickname(s): Owl lady, Tra
Association(s): Owl lady, Tra
Race: Kaldorei
Class: Subversive
Age: 7,922
Sex: Female
Hair: Purple. She keeps it short, and often wears a flower in it.
Eyes: Silver
Weight: 240 lb
Height: 7'0"
To be honest, Tra prefers being naked above all else. However, when she knows she'll be encountering Humans or a non-Kaldorei, or someone she doesn't know, she'll put on a purple harness, and matching pants. She always wears a glove on her right hand, for her owl to land on.
Other: She has a long leaf tattoo over each of her eyes. She has a small Owl companion which she calls simply "Owl", who is a brawny brown color. She's been raising said Owl's family since she was a kid. She has multiple spears slung over her back at all times. She often wears feather earrings in her ears, as well as a thick glove on her left hand for her owl to land.
Tra'laena is brash and usually acts before she thinks. She views females as vastly superior to males. As long as one does not hurt her forest, and can prove that to her, she is fine with them. Other then, of course, Blood Elves, Undead, any Fel Users and any Arcane Users. She is fine with any war, as long as her Forest is not harmed. She holds the same view on wars; If her forest isn't hurt, she'll let the other person be.
Tra'laena was born in a Female-only nomadic village of Kaldorei. She herself was born of a rare meeting between a traveler and one of the group's Hunters. The fleeting union had no emotions behind, at least for her mother, and was purely for the use of having a child. A child did indeed come from said union, and that child was Tra'laena. The prefix was one she shared with her mother, to show their union, and the suffix was for people to identify her away from her mother.
She was raised with her life revolving the hunt. She could throw a spear as soon as she could walk, and was taught to be silent as soon as she could talk. She accompanied her mother on her first hunt at the age of 133. She found an abandoned owls nest on that hunt, which everyone that she lived with saw as a sign from Elune. She took the surviving baby Owl and raised it as her own.
The Owl was very useful in the future years as a scout for the Huntress and, with the Owl's backing, she became one of the more successful Hunters in the clan, despite her extremely young age. She was raised following her lifestyle in the years before, trained to be a minimalist and use the settings around her to earn her food.
As she neared her 3,000th year, the Clan began to splinter due to political reasons and within another hundred years, it had disintegrated. She herself had moved away halfway through that century, and lived in a village southwest of Maestra's Post. She took up a hobby as a a woodcarver in her free time, when she wasn't hunting for the clan.
She often traded her carved goods for clothes, or leathers, even though she rarely used them. Eventually, she was able to build her own house a few miles away from the village, and often only ventured into the village for times of trade. Her owl and herself lived in peaceful harmony for thousands of years.
One day, however, she woke up to a man at her doorway. He told her that war had broken out to the east -- That the Legion had returned. The Burning Legion had been something Tra'laena had only ever learned about in her worst childhood stories, spoken about in fearful whispers by the Kaldorei of her childhood. She dressed in her rarely used harness, and shorts, putting on her quite well used falconeering glove. She reattached her spears and harness, slinging the polearm over her shoulder, would it be needed.
She traveled to Hyjal alone, with only Owl for company. She met up with a small Kaldorei company with the same goal, and unofficially joined them for the remainder of the Third War. At Hyjal, she survived through being high up on the cliffs, and lobbing down her homemade spears at the enemy. This was a relatively safe way to fight as, whenever anything was thrown in retaliation, she'd hide behind a rock.
She automatically returned to the front lines of Ashenvale afterwards. However, when things began to cool down and Orcs began to fight on other lines, she returned back to her home. In all honesty, the only reason she's left is because of Outlands, the possibility to see new lands, and possibly fight the Fel that has threatened her home twice now.