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Player: DuskWolf

Character Full Name: Toka Thunderhorn

Character In-Game Name: Toka

Nickname(s): Tracker

Association(s): Thunderhorn Tribe, Horde

Race: Tauren

Class: Hunter

Age: 44

Sex: Male

Hair: White and reddish brown fur.

Eyes: Green

Weight: 490

Height: 7'11”


Usual Garments/Armor/Weapons: He usually does not wear much, only a few furs, leather armor and many trinkets. He almost always has a well cared for Gun in his hand or slung across his back. He may come more heavily armored and armed for the more dangerous beasts, if he can.

Other: He is very good at tracking and finding his pray whither that be animal or humanoid or other wise. Although, he is not always so good at hitting what he is aiming at.


Alignment: Neutral Good

He usually a quiet watcher but if you can get him to talk about his past hunts or the hunt he is on now he opens up excitedly. He dose not like to look beyond his own world of connections. He is very much a here and now person, doing what he can in the moment but often moves on with out regret.


Toka was born into the Thunderhorn tribe. Most of the males were great hunters even some of the females where known to hunt well also. His father was no exception. He would leave, some times for many nights, with his group of the tribe's hunters, but would always come back with a trinket from his kill tied in his mane or strapped around his body and a great story to tell. Toka loved the stories; he would hang on every word. And after he was put to bed would lay awake at night staring at the stars dreaming of the great hunter he would be some day, even greater than his father, like his father encouraged him.

He grew up like all Tauren children doing chores around their camp, playing games, and imitating their elders. Toka and the others his age would go on pretend hunts by “hunting” one another. To the adults it probably looked like a pack of wild dogs running around the camp. After he was a bit older his father would take him out to teach him the ways of the Earthmother. He learned the names of plants and animals and where they all fit in the plan of the Earthmother. He learned of their patters and what they leave behind, how to track and find what he is looking for. He seemed to have a real knack for this part of hunting, if not so much the hitting your target part. Also, the young shaman of the tribe would sit the young ones around the fire in the evenings and tell them stories of the history of their people. Toka was not sure all of them were true but he did like them and he always learned some important lesson from them.

When he was just old enough to start his rights of passage, his tribe received the call to come to Thunder Bluff in Mulgore. Toka did his best to help build up Thunder Bluff to make it the safe haven it is today. He lived there with his family a few years, learning and growing. It was nice to have a lot of Tauren together it was easier to exchange ideas and learn better ways to do things, like the use of guns. When he first saw a gun being use, he was amazed, now that is a good way to hunt he thought to him self. He learned every thing he could about guns and how use them.

By the time he had 44 winters he had grown restless, and missed the nomadic life style of his childhood. He was itching to leave. He had completed the rights of passage and knew all the ceremonies of the hunt. All that was left was for him to go out and be the hunter that he wanted to be. His family gave him their blessing, and was excited for him to return to them some day with all his great stories. So, he traded what little he had for a new gun, well a new to him gun, and left Thunderbluff with nothing but his Kodo, his gun, and furs to cover his lower half. He headed for Durotar and the orcs there; he had heard that they not only are good hunters, but also good at training beasts.