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Player: Psycho.

Character Full Name: Tiffany Cogspring Wallbreaker.

Character In-Game Name: Tiff

Nickname(s): 'Psycho'

Association(s): The Gnomish race, The Alliance.

Race: Gnome.

Class: Marksman

Age: 43

Sex: Female.

Hair: A plain black tied back into a wide ended horsetail, reaching all the way to the lower areas of her back.

Eyes: A light green.

Weight: 39 lbs [18 kg].

Height: 3'1" [0.94 m].


Tiff usually wears a set of black leather armor, and carries around a backpack full of her gear and equipment. Beyond that, she also carries her weapons of choice.

Tiff usually keeps a small pair of round shades on her.


Racist, short-fused, and hot-headed would be the first three descriptions that come to mind when thinking about Tiff. Her time of service in the second war has led her to grow a deep found hatred for all Horde members, simply for their relations with the Orcs whom she loathes most. No good Horde but a dead one. Her short fuse shows whenever she's teased about her size, usually proceeding to perform a painful act to the mocker's legs to bring him down to her level. Rarely pausing to think about things, and acting mostly on primal instinct could easily describe Tiff's behavior and her thought.

But beneath that, one would find that the soldier came home bearing her own scars. Deeply troubled by the past, Tiff is constantly plagued by nightmares and at times even hallucinations. She feels out of place, her time as a soldier leaving her a bit unused to a more 'normal' life. Besides this all, after seeing the Orcs during the war, Tiff had grown a deepfound hatred and paranoia for Warlocks, having witnessed first hand their power and the corruption it brings. Tiff torments herself over the loss of her brother, often thinking herself to blame in fits of anger and depression.


Born in Gnomergan to a normal family, Tiff was born a younger sister to her brother, Feldrich. Her mother, a rather strong minded woman who had taken up on the arts of the Arcane, and her father a tinker who has earned his name for his invention of the Turncoil, a device which enabled the making of coiled rods in speed time, and could work nearly with almost any material in a safe matter. And for that time, that was Tiff's name as well. Her brother was older than her in 20 years, and has already earned his last name. It was safe to say, Tiff was born unto a healthy and rather joyful life. Her parents loved her, and her brother was protective of her in just the right amounts to give her the freedom every child needed. From a young age, Tiff was prone to a rather tomboyish way of life, never really being one for feminine practices. When all the other little girls played with dolls, she found herself much more interested in running about and making a mess.

Life was good.

At the age of 10, Tiff had soon received the news of a baby sister being born to her. The girl was named Milo, and from a young age, Tiff had grown attached to her sister. From the day Milo came to be, Tiff made herself a part of Milo's life. She watched over her when her parents were busy, and have grown so very fond of the little girl. Of course there were petty feuds, but nothing serious. The two have grown in a tight deep bond, beyond blood. And so time has passed and the two lived on, Milo learning the arts of the arcane from her mother as Tiff began picking up on tinkering and chemistry from her father. The tough raised Gnomish girl soon revealing to have a knack, and a fascination for all things explosive and volatile. She grew from a girl, to a woman. And her years passed in relative peace for as much as mattered without the usual incident. Soon enough, Tiff had reached to the age of 30, where she was tasked to make her own name. Nights spent in planning as Tiff rubbed her chin in thought. The room so dimly lit by the old lamp within it. It came to her in a thought.

She remembered the Dwarven mortars, clumsy bulky machines, but they packed a mean punch. But their greatest flaw was having to shoot at an arc, making them inefficient against anything else than heavy troops... And than it hit her. Harder than a mechanized fist. She spent the night frantically scribbling and planning, the night passing away to give place to her last blueprint. The grandmother of all rifles. The Wallbreaker. Using her father's workshop, Tiff spent days and days working upon her invention. Her fascination with explosives grew more and more every passing day as she plot out the device. Why fire in an arc, when you can fire in a straight line? After a month of tedious work, with the most narrow amount of breaks she could afford to her health, it was done. The Wallbreaker. A device that could be carried on a normal footsoldier, and that could puncture a hole in the thickest wall and armor large enough to forge a gap. It was heavy, and bulky, but in the right hands, it was a devastating blow to the enemy. Presenting her inventions to the council, Tiff's invention was approved with a stern eye, and her last name given to her.

Returning to her family a grown and legally responsible woman, Tiff shared the great news with ease and joy to her heart, the family celebrating. Over the passing years, Feldrich and Tiff began enlisting to the life of combat routines, the outlines of war beginning to spot on the horizon. Milo as well had grown to her adult age, and the three relatives seemed to be as close as ever. It was only when the second war broke out, that this unity shattered. Volunteering to take Feldrich's place in helping the Humans in their fight, Tiff insisted she would go in his spot, just narrowly making it. Leaving her family behind, Tiff left in a tearful goodbye from her mother and her father, promising to come back. Little did she know, she had no clue what she would come back to.

The Second war was brutal. Tiff was assigned to a support squadron, offering her explosive aid to the troops of battle, often being part of the charge herself with another invention of her, a smaller less powerful version of her Wallbreaker. The war took a toll on her, having seen the monstrosities done by the corrupted Horde and its demonic magics. She picked up the habit of smoking and drinking, fighting from her first day to her last. She returned to Gnomergan, only after she suffered from a heavy mental breakdown during a skirmish, her mind giving in. Returning home a broken woman, war had changed her. She smiled and spent as best time as she could with her family, but the damage was done. She suffered from hallucinations and nightmares, often waking up in screams and writhing, the memories of war refusing to leave her.

Her family grew deeply concerned for her, and that was possibly the only hinge of her life which allowed her through those times. She saw her sister beginning to delve into the darker sects of arcane, those of Fel, and she was quick to protest against it. Though her family did not show that much care about her as she did. She tried countless times to push Milo out of that world, but every time ended with a failure. The two sisters began growing apart, even heated against one another. It was only Feldrich who managed to keep their tempers and unity in check, always acting as the support for them both. The family enjoyed a peaceful time, but it was not long lasting. As the third war broke outside the walls of Gnomergan, they have found themselves facing a threat much greater of their own. The vicious troggs has began flooding into the city of Gnomergan, and once more Tiff had given her service as a fighter to the help of her people.

Both her, and Feldrich have given their blood and sweat to aid the fight for Gnomergan. But things turned grim in a swift matter. As the betrayal of the Gnomes came from their kings adviser, and the city soon flooding with radiation, the fight for victory has soon turned to a chaotic battle for survival. During the panic of the evacuation, Tiff was separated from her brother and Milo, having struggling to leave on her own term to help the others escape. Fleeing from the gates of Gnomergan, she came to the sight of her weeping sister carrying a body... That of Feldrich. Everything shattered. Everything broke. The two sisters broke into a fight, harsh words being tossed, tears of anger being shed as the blame ate them on the inside. The two parted ways after the fight, the last thing they did together was burying their brother deep in the cold unforgiving snow.

The journey to Ironforge was cold, and harsh. Tiff still remembered the day of her arrival, the cold wind blowing at her with its merciless icy talons. As she looked up, she saw the grand gates of Ironforge, making her way inside as the chill never seemed to leave her. Settling down in a small one roomed apartment in Tinker Town, away from her family, Tiff began delving into her weaponry at an almost fanatic matter. She couldn't find her place. She was lost, and alone. The war has stolen everything from her. Struggling to find her place in the world, Tiff once more enlisted to the Alliance army, serving throughout the Burning Crusades and the skirmishes in Northrend. Tiff found herself excessively enraged during the battles, performing acts that could easily be considered the results of madness, earning her nickname of 'Pscyho'.

Now struggling with her place in the world and the time of peace, Tiff fights against her own personal demons, trying to find her place.

Skills and Abilities

Explosives Expert: During her life, Tiff has learnt to appreciate the raw power of just a few mixed chemicals, and has learnt to utilize them for her favor. She is very skilled with the creation of her own ammunition and charges.

Artillery: Tiff is a skilled marksman (Well, woman...) With her weapons of choice.

Alchemist and tinker: Tiff's cartridges and weaponry is made solely by her. She of course relies on the service of others, but she may use these two knacks to improve further gear.