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Player: Clifton

Character Full Name: Thodias Hammerstrike

Character In-Game Name: Thodias

Nickname(s): Thud

Association(s): Church of the Holy Light (loosely)

Race: Dwarf

Class: Paladin

Age: 132 years old.

Sex: Male

Hair: Long, ginger hair. Braided beard and natural-flowing hair on the scalp. Generally not washed well.

Eyes: Brown

Weight: 201lb

Height: 4'11


Usual Garments/Armor: A light cloth wardrobe, with sturdy plate armor for battle. His armor isn't very decorated, being as paladins are meant to live for the people and he gives as much money to the needy as possible, sacrificing what he can.

Other: Family lineage of hammersmiths.


Alignment: Lawful good

Thodias is a fun-loving dwarf. Although he would like to be a stern and sincere paladin, he cannot subside the urge to crack a joke here and there. He has a firm sense of what is right and wrong, and is not likely to be persuaded without a second opinion or clear logic played out for him.

He has a rather deep and gruff voice, like most dwarfs, and prides himself on his well-kept beard, even though the rest of his hair remains unclean and greasy. Like his name would suggest, he is an avid-supporter of using the mace in combat. This is deeply affected by the fact that most of his kin are talented blacksmiths, who mostly make beautifully-designed maces. It's where he got his, and is probably the most valuable thing on him and what he most values of all his equipment.


Thodias Hammerstrike is an Ironforge dwarf destined for a militant career, his father being a soldier and hammersmith for Bronzebeard clan in the War of the Three Hammers.

Thodias joined the military in Ironforge during his youth, but had never really seen much action. The most he really did was stop an unruly dwarf here or there on his patrols in Ironforge, so most of his experience was limited to petty criminals in the city. He picked a rather calm time to enlist, but that peace was dwindling swiftly. With the invasion of the orcs, war was only coming in a matter of time. Many in Ironforge realized this, and he was forced into war readiness. Another large scale conflict such as the First War could break out at any time.

When the Second War started and dwarfen clans began to fall from orc siege, the foreboding fog of war was clouding over Ironforge. Thodias was excited the chance to prove himself in battle against a real foe, but at the same time could not get past the fact that like the other strongholds, Ironforge might also fall to the orcish invaders. When the gates of Ironforge closed, Thodias was both disappointed and relieved at the same time. He had missed a chance to participate in a war, but at the same time, Ironforge was safe.

Time passed slowly while the gates of Ironforge were closed. With small towns in Dun Morogh deserted and their inhabitants filed into Ironforge, conditions were cramped and there was not much for Thodias to do. Thodias' interest in the Holy Light became piqued in one of his days roaming the city. The paladins in the church welcomed him with open arms. Studying the Light gave him something to do in those long days, and his sense of ethics and morals were largely influenced of what he learned in his studies. Since then, he has developed a firm sense of these things and is not likely to be swayed in his opinions from anyone else other than his elder paladins and members of the Church.

In the Third War, Thodias was finally tested in real battle. Thodias an a few other paladins were sent north to help combat the spread of the Scourge near Lordaeron. He was sent with some of the more experienced paladins, being as he was still green in actual warfare and he would have others to look out for him and to learn from. The Third War became quite the learning experience for Thodias, and by the end of it, he had smashed enough Scourge-skulls to be considered a war veteran. But like all men in war, Thodias lost some good friends and learned that these soldiers come and go. Thodias realized that forming deep, personal attachments to others could seriously injure someone's mental health if they were to lose that friend.

After the Third War ended, Thodias was on and off with his militant campaign. He remained mostly at Ironforge, only going to and fro when the Church of the Holy Light saw it fit. Most of his duties were small conflicts dealing with small parties of Scourge or Legion in the Eastern Kingdoms. However, with the Lich King's new plague sweeping through Azeroth, he had been more frequently following the orders of the Church. Doing the Church's every command had gotten to him, though. With the thinning of the population and the amount of able-bodied paladins fighting the new plague, Thodias had to take a break from it all.

Of course, taking a break doesn't mean Thodias has rejected any of his old teachings. He still fights for the Church when he can, but only when he is able and not constantly. Being loosely affiliated with the Church has allowed Thodias to seek further learning on his own and continue his training, rather than the hasty, on-the-spot training that he has been provided with.