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Player: Hawk

Character Full Name: Therodore Swiftsteel

Character In-Game Name: Therodore

Nickname(s): Thero, Boy, Kid, Coward, Dude

Association(s): Himself

Race: Human

Class: Hunter (Rogue)

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Hair: Black

Eyes: Green

Weight: 189lbs

Height: 5'11

Other: Therodore has a phobia of fire. Things such as lit candles and campfires will make him uncomfortable, if there's a huge fire he'd have been long gone before it even got to that level. Because of this phobia, he also has a huge mistrust for people who practice with fire.

'Dude!' and other similar words are common in his vocabulary, especially when he's amazed.


He's usually wearing wolf fur that's been crafted into armour, which normally looks like it should've been repaired a while ago. His hair's greasy and ungroomed, but though his armour is dirty his skin is clean.

If you could see his hands without gloves, you could see scars from his days of leatherworking.


Therodore isn't the bravest person you'll come across. Unless he really had to fight or he had to impress someone, he'll do whatever it takes to escape the conflict. Especially with Horde races, as the majority are much stronger than him. He tends to side with people who could protect him, but nothing stops him from befriending a fellow underdog. He's quite a mellow, friendly guy who just goes with the flow, but that's not to say he's not capable of acting when the time comes. He's also fairly easily amazed by things he's never seen before, but shrugs it off later as if he'd seen it all his life.


Therodore was originally born Dominic Winechester and was raised in Lordaeron, at a small village that's now forgotten most likely. His father was a leatherwoker and his mother was an alchemist, selling various concoctions to curious customers. They weren't particularly wealthy, but they had enough to put good food on the table everyday. He began to take up his father's trade at the age of seven and helped his father skin the beasts, then give some of the rendered animal fat to his mother for some strange potion. He was often tasked to go out hunting for things such as rabbits, not yet being of age to take on boars. He lived his life in relative peace. He made plenty of friends, was an average student in school. That was until the Scourge surfaced. Therodore's village was fairly far from Andorhal, but it wasn't the plague that killed them. Whilst Therodore was out hunting some deer and was carrying it back to town, he decided to stop and rest on the hill that gave a great view of Lordaeron, with his village in the middle of it. But his view wasn't a sight for sore eyes.

He noticed the villager's being rounded up by Scarlet Crusaders and sent them all into the church. He was quite far, so they were hard to see, but he just about managed to see that the church doors were being barricaded. Therodore had many questions running through his head, but his attention was distracted by the Scarlet Crusaders producing torches. They sent the church up in flames, and Therodore watched in horror as he heard the screams of the villagers being burnt alive. He was too shocked to move and continued watching as they razed the rest of the village, leaving it in smoldering ruins. For a couple of days, Therodore couldn't move, but he was found by a patrolling Lordaeron soldier who had noticed the pillar of smoke. Therodore was taken with the rest of the refugees to Stormwind, where he was then taken in by the orphanage until he was 15 and got a job as a leatherworker.

Two years passed and he had begun to despise the city. There was too many people, too much work, and he wasn't getting paid enough for the job. So he just thought "To hell with it." and quit his job and took his place in the wild. He build a tent out of wolf fur, bear fur, and a lot of branches to keep it up. Rather than building a fire that he now had a fear of, he just had lots and lots beast fur to keep him warm at night. Of course, the first week was difficult because he had no furs to begin with. He eventually overcame the cold and lived from the wilds, and eventually managed to cope with a campfire in his presence after seeing it as a necessity. He was walking near Eastvale one day and had noticed a horse that had somehow escaped. Therodore petted it as he approached him, but after walking off the horse followed him. He decided to claim it as his steed and has been with him ever since. Now 19, he's still living in the wilds, but has chosen to travel to more places and chill in their cities rather than stay in Elwynn, beginning to grow bored of the same surroundings. In an attempt to help him forget his past (and to escape a woman he got pregnant, along with a couple of debts), he's changed his name Therodore Swiftsteel. Whenever he's in a desperate need of money, he makes his living by being a mercenary or selling strange items he found from travelling.