Character Full Name:Reonimeh Therislyn
Character In-Game Name: Therislyn
Nickname(s): N/A
Association(s): Dalaran
Race: Human
Class: Mage
Age: 37
Sex: Female
Hair: Her natural hair color is red. However, she does not like this color, so it is died a simple black. It's poofy, cascading down around her face in messy ringlets. She, however, seems to not care about how her hair looks and usually lets it be. When she's attending a formal event, she'll put her hair into a bun and stuff the bun into her hat.
Eyes: Her natural eye color is brown. However, she does not like this color, so she has contacts that make it a vibrant green or purple. At times, she may mix and match to make one green, one purple. She also has back-up deep sea blue covered contacts, although these are rarely used. Without her contacts, however, she needs glasses.
Weight: 190
Height: 5'8"
She wears a vibrant purple dress with white embroidering. She has a purple Wizard's hat with gold embroidering, although this is not as vibrant and it's obviously old. She wears it with pride, though, and will rarely be seen without it. She has a light purple sash into which is tucked a wand.
Other: She, overall, looks like she does not care for her appearance much. The wand is a foot long, made of Mahogany. Inside of it is an owl feather. The wand looks like the only thing that she prizes, as it is always polished. Admittedly, she's not the skinniest woman, although she's not overweight enough to be considered obese. Just enough so she's not very curvy. She also enjoys polymorphing herself into a Black Cat, if only for a minute or so at a time.
She, overall, looks like she does not care for her appearance much. The wand is a foot long, made of Mahogany. Inside of it is an owl feather. The wand looks like the only thing that she prizes, as it is always polished. Admittedly, she's not the skinniest woman, although she's not overweight enough to be considered obese. Just enough so she's not very curvy. She also enjoys polymorphing herself into a Black Cat, if only for a minute or so at a time.
Personality: Reonimeh is a socially awkward woman. She often cusses when she's angry, or even when she's joking. She has trouble paying attention to one thing for a long time, and will often switch around with her numerous projects at a thought. She does not like Orcs, Undead, Trolls, Night Elves, Draenei or Blood Elves. She finds Tauren and Gnomes quite cuddly, Dwarves as brave and Humans as... Well, you can't be racist against yourself.
Despite these numerous dislikes, she is heavily against war. She believes all fights should be settled gentlemanly-like, with a Wizard's duel. Or, you just give them a foam sword and let them duke it out. She's very rule-abiding, unless the situation calls for otherwise. And these situations are, indeed, rare.
Miss Therislyn was born and raised in Dalaran to two Magisters. Her father preferred enchanting, and her mother creating illusions. However, during her first year of life, her mother ran, never to return. It was just her and her father for the majority of her life. She, like nearly all other Dalaronian children, was destined to be a Mage. This was something she was all too happy to do.
Her father had been training her since she could speak, in minor spells. His purple wizard hat became a regular sight to her as she grew up, and she grew just as attached to the hat as she did to her father. Her formal training began at the age of ten, where she was taken to the very same academy that her father had been trained in, all those years ago.
She was trained with the numbers as the Second War raged on just below. Her father, luckily, was not sent to go fight against the Orcs, and would often spend his nights telling her stories of regal old Wizards, or Princesses, like herself, trapped in towers guarded by malevolent Dragons. She absolutely loved this and vowed to make a story of her own.
She finished training a wee bit early at the age of 17, primarily due to the training her father had given her before-hand. Immediately she took a job as a Secretary at a Magical Items store, which kept her in Dalaran. In her free time, which she did have a lot of, she would practice her magic. Mainly cosmetic magic that could do little to no damage, but was great for entertaining any children that would wander in.
She worked her way up her job until she was actually allowed to work on the Magical Items. This taught her the wonders of Illusions and Enchantment. Life went on, and she learned enough cosmetic tricks to be able to entertain a crowd for over an hour. She also learned how to lift objects, and move them with relative ease. This, of course, was achieved through her wand, which she became increasingly dependant on.
She didn't really like her boss. He wore a monocle, a tuxedo, and always acted like a Noble, although his smell would tell you different. Regardless, the pay was good, the hours were fair and the job was overall fun, so she kept it and persevered.
Things passed in the blink of an eye from there on. It was not until Archimonde destroyed Dalaran that things slowed down. She was in the shop, alone, when she was lucky enough to notice the giant figure on the horizon. She quickly blinked a safe distance away from Dalaran to watch her hometown be destroyed.
After Archimonde had left, she ran back to town and began helping what people survived get out of the wreckage. Her first article of business was her own home. Her father, sadly, had been killed as his house had fallen to the ground. She picked up his hat, and put it on her own head, before continuing the reconstruction. After her, and everyone else's, mourning was done, they moved onto reconstruction.
A large Arcane Dome was raised around the city as reconstruction was begun. She was part of the large, large group that reconstructed the actual citadel. This, naturally, took the longest to construct. She had a lot of time to think while she, and others, were moving giant blocks into place. When she was done with the construction, she had a new idea. A game where people could take out their violent tendencies without being hurt.
On one day, she decided to go for a walk around the buzzing metropolis. In the crowds, the first thing she noticed was an Undead with a monocle, in a tuxedo. She cursed aloud, and turned to go back into her apartment. She knew he'd want in on her project, so she'd have to keep it a secret. However, every day she left the apartment, he was there waiting.
This was when Dalaran was raised into the sky which, again, she was a part of. It went up to Northrend with her help. Then, she retired to her own small apartment to begin work on her project. Her pet, a fluffy orange cat which she'd named Snuffles, was her only company for the longest time. The events of the Lich King passed and she finally got bored of her project. The drive which had kept her working for so long had finally extinguished. She once again ventured into the streets, in an attempt to get more inspiration to keep working. Her cat, for the most part, keeps watch over her half-done game.