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Player: Thayan

Character Full Name: Thayan Berana

Character In-Game Name: Thayan

Nickname(s): N/a

Association(s): Alliance, with a greater fondness for Humans and Gnomes over the other races.

Race: Human

Class: Rogue

Age: 24

Sex: Female

Hair: Red-Blonde

Eyes: Brown

Weight: 140 lbs.

Height: 5' 7"

Alignment: Neutral Good. She knows that sometimes the law is either unjust, or that it sometimes must be ignored for a better purpose. Still, she doesn't break it without reason, and tends to avoid any shady business that is likely to harm those who do not deserve it.


A dress for casual wear, or leather clothing for engineering work. She is almost constantly wearing gloves, with a spanner at her waist where many people would keep a dagger. She has a favorite hat of hers, of tan coloring, which she considers "lucky".


Thayan is a quite friendly individual, and enjoys talking at great lengths about practically anything, especially her passion of engineering. Harboring a dislike for 'prissy' elves and the 'strange space beings' that are the draenei, she tries to spend much of her time around other humans. She also enjoys the company of gnomes, as they share her love of all things mechanically related. She has no relative feeling toward dwarves, as a race. She finds them rather odd, but that is balanced by the fact that the dwarves have aided her favored gnomes when they were in trouble.

She refuses to make anything mechanical that is intended to kill another in battle. She initially vowed to never make anything that even could be used to kill another, yet many devices can do that on accident or when used improperly. This made her take back her first vow, replacing it with one that she felt was more reasonable.

When confronted with a fight, she will almost always attempt to escape above any other option, barring special circumstances. Things such as the innocent in danger, abuse of the law or power that she honestly believes she can have an impact on, she will fight for.

She is rather trusting of others, except when it comes to her closely guarded secrets about her research. She absolutely refuses any aid in her work beyond the gift of funds or supplies, as she thinks that by working with her, another engineer could steal her techniques.


Thayan was born and raised in the town of Goldshire. Her father was a simple baker named Devin Berana. Her mother, Elizabeth Berana died just a few days before her third birthday from an illness. Her father had tried to raise her to help him as a baker, as an assistant of sorts. She honestly tried, and shortly gave up on a baker as her calling in life. Surprisingly, she didn't seem to have even the slightest trouble with the work, in practice, but her mind yearned for a more involved life, where she could leave a mark of importance upon the world. She worked for her father until the age of nineteen, gathered her savings, and quietly left town with nothing but a short note to explain her plans to her father. In essence, it summarized her desire to do something important with her life, and that she planned to become an engineer.

She headed for the city of Stormwind, having heard about a device that could bring one from Stormwind to Ironforge with relative quickness, and far safer than traveling roads through wilderness. She spent the next four years studying under a gnome engineer who needed the help fiercely. Renald Sprocketwhiz, with his graying, thin hair had at first commented that her only useful quality was that her height allowed him to have taller shelves build to increase his storage space.

Slowly, she built up her skill, avoiding the cruder instruments such as explosives or guns. She preferred useful tools, such as the spyglass. While the market was less than that for weapons, it was still enough that she earned a rather respectable sum of money, and moved to Stormwind to begin work of her own closer to her home. She has been in Stormwind since, frequenting the Dwarven District. She has yet to return to see her father in the over five years since she left.