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Player: Randomzac

Character Full Name: Tera'fon

Character In-Game Name: Terafon

Nickname(s): Da Docta, Crazy Troll, Tera

Association(s): None

Race: Troll

Class: Priest

Skills and Abilities:

  • Voodoo Curses: Tera'fon has had massive training and practice in the voodoo arts, so he is able to curse his victims with the fury of The Loa.
  • Chants: Tera'fon has been trained in the arts of Voodoo chants, allowing him to ask The Loa for blessings, healing and power.
  • Martial Arts: Tera'fon has practiced trollish martial arts since he was a small child. He is swift, strong and agile. Though, he was forced to stop training in his martial arts when he started his training in the dark arts, so he is not as skilled as most martial artists. He reserves his martial arts for whenever he is unable to cast, chant or curse his enemies or when they close in on him.

Age: 46

Sex: Male

Hair: Bald

Eyes: Yellow

Weight: 262 lbs

Height: 7'7" (upright)


Usual Garments/Armor: Tera'fon prefers to wear many jujus such as beads, charms and other symbols. These are all attached to a leather harness that he wears to allow him to move freely. He wears a large wooden mask that in covered in juju's such as beads and charms (When channeling shadow energy it glows purple.) He also wears a kilt that extends to his ankles and allows him to move freely.

Other: He carries a small doll that is dressed as a troll. He claims it to be a voodoo doll of his father, a man he has deep hate for.


Tera'fon was raised in Zul'Gurub, the violent nature of these trolls rubbed off on him and he is quick to fight and actually finds pleasure in fighting. He is very devoted to The Loa and can be seen chanting and 'praying' at times. Tera'Fon will also help those in need, especially if it means a fight will ensue. To those who he has made a connection with, he will give all for them. His friends and family are what he cares for most and he will do anything for them. To those who he has just met, he will be friendly so long as they are. But should they show hostility, he will be quick to curse them.


Tera'fon was born to the Zul'Gurub tribe, to a warrior family. At the early age of 5, he began his martial arts training with his father. At 12, he began to show promise in the shadow arts (a nightmare caused him to release Shadow Energy, blowing a three foot hole in his roof) so the Shadow Priests took him away and began to train him in the dark arts.

At 16, his father came to take him back, to make him train to be a warrior, not a weak priest. His father assaulted the priests until he was subdued by guards. His father was taken to a holding cell while the Gurubashi council decided what to do with him. While his father was being held Tera was allowed to visit him. During this visit, Tera put his father into a trance. During this trance, he cut a lock of hair from his father for later use. The next morning, the council had decided to exile his father. His father now walks alone through out the Vale.

At 20, Tera completed his training. He served his tribe diligently and tirelessly, doing whatever was commanded of him.

At 22, he received a vision from The Loa. The vision showed him the future of Soulflayer returning to Azeroth, destroying everything in his wake. With the Gurubashi on the front lines. Though he knew that the Soulflayer would lead his people to greatness, he also knew the brutality of his rule, the sacrifices he demanded and the mindless violence he inspired. Tera wanted his tribe to become great through battle, but through honorable battle, not mindless killing that inspired fear. This frightened Tera to the point that he left the tribe.

Now Tera wanders the lands of the Eastern Kingdoms, hearing of how Trolls are able to do solo mercenary work or sign on with certain groups. Though he was raised in Gurubashi, he was not completely ignorant to the ways of the Eastern Kingdoms. This helped him find work, helping those in need of his help and those who could afford his skills in Martial Arts and Shadow Magics.