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Insert the text of the quote here, without quotation marks. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


The Quote Template is a template meant for centered quotes, which stand apart from the text of a page. Only the first parameter -- the quote itself -- is required in order to make the template work. The other parameters affect the size of the quotation marks and whether or not the quote is referenced.


  1. {{quote|quote text}}
  2. {{quote|quote text|quotewidth=40px}} or {{quote|quote text|40px|}}
  3. {{quote|quote text|quote width in pixels|author or speaker}}

Only the first parameter is required. Everything else is superfluous.

This is one.

– And this is three.

which is generated by: {{quote|This is one.||And this is three.}}


Parameter 1
Text of the quote; use <br /> between paragraphs. This parameter required!
Parameter 2
In this parameter, the desired size of the quotation marks are defined. By default this is 20px. This parameter can be used to scale the quotation marks with the size of the quotation itself. "Size", "quotewidth", or "width" can also be used.
Parameter 3
Name of the person that wrote or spoke the text being quoted. This can -- and should! -- include links to appropriate articles.


{{quote|CotH is a private WoW server that focuses primarily on roleplay within the Warcraft setting.}}
CotH is a private WoW server that focuses primarily on roleplay within the Warcraft setting.

{{quote|In addition, Common & Orcish are set to a universal language. After all, everyone was able to talk to each other before WoW, and the language barrier was added simply due to the MMO setting (ie, preventing gankers from easily cussing each other out). Furthermore, custom emotes will indeed be seen cross-faction, so don't worry about needing to 'emote in says,' so to speak.|40px}}
In addition, Common & Orcish are set to a universal language. After all, everyone was able to talk to each other before WoW, and the language barrier was added simply due to the MMO setting (ie, preventing gankers from easily cussing each other out). Furthermore, custom emotes will indeed be seen cross-faction, so don't worry about needing to 'emote in says,' so to speak.

{{quote|Ahh, I think I see the problem. You forgot to count the alphabet backwards, do a rain dance, climb the Stairs of Hell, stand in a bucket while twirling around five times and patting your head/rubbing your stomach. After completing all the above, please try again.||[[User:Kretol|Kretol}}
Ahh, I think I see the problem. You forgot to count the alphabet backwards, do a rain dance, climb the Stairs of Hell, stand in a bucket while twirling around five times and patting your head/rubbing your stomach. After completing all the above, please try again.
