Player: FlyingSquirrel
Character Full Name: Sylthanal Drakeheart
Character In-Game Name: Sylthanal
Nickname(s): Syl, Sylth
Association(s): Darnassus, Cenarion Circle
Race: Night Elf
Class: Melee Elven Ranger
Age: 9,629 years old
Sex: Female
Hair: Pale green, cut to stay just to her shoulders.
Eyes: Silver mist
Weight: 242
Height: 6'6
Sylthanal wears a simple dark leather set, with wrappings around her feet and hands. The set provides about as much damage reduction as mail, due to the fact that it's made from Stegodon leather and has been meticulously hardened over time.
Other: Sylthanal constantly has two things on her. The first is her Kilij, which is a simple steel scimitar-like weapon with a weighted end. She has a green drake scale dangling from a ivory chain. Rarely, she will carry a second blade with her, which has a tip and is used for piercing armor.
Sylthanal is a reasonable woman. However, due to her training as a Druid, she takes death very seriously, and will rarely forgive one who killed another without good reason, or if she believes it was done too early. And by good, I mean good. She holds all life dearly, and only takes meat/leather/other things from animals if they are previously dead. However, she is also a deep believer in destiny and fate, giving her a rather unique view on deaths overall.
She hates the majority of the Horde with a passion, hating Orcs, Undead and Blood Elves for rather obvious reasons. She also hates Trolls for their worships of fake gods, and also their (to her) outlandish claim that Night Elves are descended from them. She, however, likes the Tauren, primarily due to their faith's likeness to the Kaldorei's own, and the fact that Tauren, she believes, are trustworthy. She's a heavily religious woman.
Sylthanal was born on Hyjal, as a regular child. She was raised to be a nurse by her mother, as injuries were very common in the area she lived in. She was raised around the principles of respect and compassion for everyone she saw, Highborne or Night Elf. She was already was mated by the time she had officially become an adult, and thus she was quite busy.
The War of the Satyr broke out and Sylthanal was nearly forced to follow behind the war effort, always just behind the actual fighting, on what she called the back line. She was a part of a large group of nurses and priestesses, which was led by a green drake that decided his skills would be better ensuring as little casualties as possible.
One of the Kaldorei's most prominent memories is one of the times when her camp was picking up. She was pregnant from her mate, which was incredibly unfortunate timing, and the drake who led her group was considered too large, or too clumsy in his humanoid form, to help pick up. So, for those months when she was pregnant, the two would often just sit around a small fire. Sylthanal would sit and watch the magnificent beast, and the beast would rest.
However, one day, as she was nearing to give birth, the drake opened one large eye and looked at her with it, eying the Kaldorei and her growing, bare stomach-mound. The lack of supplies had sadly not left enough cloth to give her a proper robe. So, instead, she wore basically a very loose piece of cloth on her chest that only covered what needed to be covered, and a robe with a slit up the side. It asked her what she was going to name her child. Sylthanal had never heard the drake talk, so she was quite surprised. She hastily replied with the name 'Laxrador'. The Drake continued to ask her questions while the people packed.
Every time the camp began unpacking, something similar would happen between her and the drake. And, of course, the drake was there as she gave birth. Once she was done and recovering, her baby boy recovering in her arms, the drake approached her. It congratulated her and left. As the war ended, the Drake was called to the front lines. The Drake, in the process of molting, had left behind a few scales accidentally. Sylthanal took one and gave it to her baby boy, telling him that it was a gift from the Drake.
Sylthanal returned home after the war was finished, and settled on the lake of Elun'ara. Her husband had gone to training, and her son had gone as well. Sylthanal had offered to take care of the Dragon Scale, as she had a feeling that her son didn't understand the full meaning behind the scale, and often didn't like to wear it. So, she took it with her as she did her daily things.
The Druid saw the Green Dragon scale and asked Sylthanal where she got it. Sylthanal answered and, after a short conversation, the Druid offered to train her as one of his own. This lasted for a short time, until the greater Druid community learned of Sylthanal's training. They cast both her and her mentor out of the society in shame. At this time, Sylthanal retreated to the woods.
It was during this time she met her wolf, Siria. Siria was an injured, half-dead Wolf. Sylthanal gave the wolf some food and bound her injuries. After that, in the words of Sylthanal, "It just happened". The two began to stay together in the woods, living wild for a very long time. Siria, however, died, and Sylthanal took in Siria's daughter. This repeated through the ages. It took the Highborne's magical storm upon Ashenvale to take the group from their utopia. They returned to Astranaar in time to hear of the Highborne's exile.
She found that most people had forgotten her name. So, she joined the Sentinels. The Sentinels, luckily, allowed her to keep Siria as she did her work. She used her minor Druidic training, in conjunction with what she had learned from the wild, to serve as an effective scout for the Sentinel army. She continued this until the War of the Shifting Sands, where she finally reconnected with her mate. However, the man died in the War of the Shifting Sands. She had never really liked him, but was saddened all the same.
She got her Stegodon armor from the war and, after seeing the carnage, decided it was time to call it quits. She retired from the army and to the wilds, spending her time with Siria and her Kukri. She was attacked by a greenskinned man, at which time she decided it was time for some answers. She made the trek to the nearest town and got the answers she was seeking, getting a recap up to the events of the 'Lich King's' death. Then, she set out.
Skills and Abilities
- Sylthanal uses a Kukri sword.
- Sylthanal, having spent thousands of years moving about Ashenvale, knows its landscape quite well. She also has great agility and endurance, due to this.
- Sylthanal is great at survival, be it needed. She can make everything from natural medicine and wound-binders to spears and clothing.
- Sylthanal knows a reasonable amount of hand-to-hand combat.
- Sylthanal holds the knowledge of how to make fatal traps from nothing more then what's around her.