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Character Full Name: Spritzle Sparkwizzle

Character In-Game Name: Spritzle

Nickname(s): Sister, World-Between

Association(s): Mother

Race: Gnome

Class: Warlock

Age: 93

Sex: Female

Hair: Her green hair lays flat against her head, save the bangs which appear to be styled… Like her sisters.

Eyes: Golden-Brown

Weight: 34lbs

Height: 3'0


Usual Garments/Armor: Spritzle is usually seen wearing a plain red robe, much like that of her sisters'. Her ears appeared to be pierced in two locations, both hoops on each ear directly in the middle with another plain silver hoop above.

Other: Spritzle also carries around a small plain dagger, keeping it tied to her forearm with a leather strap, this she hides up her sleeve.


Alignment: Chaotic-Neutral

When around her sisters, Spritzle is very calm. She speaks with a small amount of emotion. She seems to love both her sisters and her mother very much, only doing something if Mother agrees to it. If Mother does not like someone or something, Spritzle will not become friendly with that person nor will she do that thing.

When away from her sisters Spritzle is very cold, she does not prefer to be friendly. If confronted by a problem, Spritzle will use whatever logic is at her disposal to prove her side of it as true.

She has an utter terror for machines and Gnomeregan; she refuses to speak of her home town and tends to cry when it is mentioned. It is very much the same with all things mechanical. She refuses to have anything to do with things she considers ‘Robotic Monstrosities.'


Spritzle was one of the last generations born in Gnomeregan before the catastrophe that ended the lives of so many of their people. Spritzle and her two sisters worked carefully inside Ironforge and had hopes to become the greatest Mages of their time, working with Arcane magic carefully and had mastered some spells well before the normal age. They had lived alone with their mother, the only person they had ever given their trust, love, and respect to (Beyond themselves). She was the sisters' only friend. They had lived together, ate together, and were happy.

A few years later, the Troggs attacked and Gnomeregan was put into a state of Chaos. The sisters were just able to escape with their mother, but little did they know that the mother they cared about so much had become infected with the gasses. Their mother was slowly dying as they made their way into the Deeprun tram and into Stormwind city.

As the family entered the forest (as their mother had instructed) their mother finally passed away deep among the trees. Each of the sisters stared at the corpse of the woman they had loved so much for hours, staring at the lifeless body that used to inhabit the soul of the person they only had truly cared for. At that moment, the sisters' minds had broken, and the very magical skills they possessed had become corrupted along with their view of humanity and life itself.

The sisters had placed their mothers rotting corpse deep inside a tree, which is where the sisters now live. They constantly enter the city of Stormwind to get supplies and meet the people within. They claim to hear their mother's wishes inside their heads, and do whatever she asks them to.