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Player: The Bard

Character Full Name: Simon Thatcher (He does not or cares not to remember his last name)

Character In-Game Name: Simon

Nickname(s): None

Association(s): Underecity, Apothecary, The Horde to a lesser extent.

Race: (Human) Forsaken

Class: (Discipline) Priest

Age: 30yrs. (Died at age 22 of the Plague)

Sex: Male

Hair: Faded blond. (Previously golden blond)

Eyes: The right eye was eaten by crows; the left was partially eaten, leaving the rest to rot. Like other Undead, a yellow glow now emanates from his eye sockets.

Weight: Probably around 70 lbs. due to his common lack of healthy flesh and deterioration of his muscles.

Height: 6'1” (He appears shorter because he is constantly in a bitter hunch.)


Usual Garments/Armor: Simon wears robes of all sorts, most of them taken from (dead) corpses or bought from unskilled tailors.

Other: This Forsaken is most powerful in Discipline because he does not put his full faith in either the Light or Shadow, relying on his own devoutness to himself and his realistic capabilities to fuel his faith. He does however acknowledge the two other deities, but is not confident in their abilities to properly reward their followers accordingly.


Alignment: Chaotic Evil (This is not my first character, and there are no better alignment for one who has little to no care anything legal but being morally corrupt.)

Simon is weary of all things, living or dead. He is thankful for his new state of life (though he would never admit it) because it affords him the freedom from several of life's restraints.


Simon was not born into a glorious world of fairness and wealth, but rather was born to a poor family in the slums of Stormwind. His father was miner of iron ore, while his mother worked as a maid for whoever would hire her. Simon was born into a family that, though they were poor, cared a lot for their son.

Every other Sunday his mother would take him to church to pray for fortune and forgiveness. His mother was a firm believer in the Light, though she was in no position to leave and join the church as a priest. His father on the other hand believed that the Light was too passive and not inclined to aid its worshipers, though not blatantly or completely, Simon's father often prayed to the Shadow for power and strength.

This religious imbalance created a conflicted feeling towards both the Light and the Shadow. For a while the boy joined a group of thieves that habitually stole food for their respective families. One of the thieves by the name of James became one of Simon's only friends. It was many a time that James gave Simon half of his share of plunder to help support his friends parents. Simon was grateful for his friends sacrifice, though understood that James had only his father to help out.

After Simon's father died in a mining accident his mother lost her will to live. He took a job delivering supplies to the various parts of the city, but most of his time was devoted to learning the ways of the priest, his last attempt to rekindle his mother love for existence. When James was forced to flee Stormwind on a Goblin trade to escape the law, Simon agreed to meet up with him in Lordaeron in two years to start their firearm business. When Simon told his mother of his plans, she seemed unphased as was as apathetic as ever. That night his mother hung herself.

The grief of his mother's death compelled him to transfer to a shipping company that was based in Lordaeron to escape Stormwind and its painful memories. He worked day after day for a few years, delivering mostly grain and supplies. This shipment of grain was to be distributed just as the previous orders had been, and everything seemed to be coming to a climax as he was to meet with James in only a few months. That shipment was the last one he ever delivered.

After partaking of the grain during a company break, he fell ill. For three days Simon suffered with a burning fever encompassed by a nauseous and weakening debilitation. On the third days he faded into a refreshingly cool sleep, and died. Simon was very unfortunate to be one of the plague victims that retained their memories and awareness.

The things that that he did for the Scourge was intolerable. On a particular siege against a farm house, Simon was forced to partake in the dismemberment of a three year old boy, and even after the boy lay in ribbons and the metallic taste of blood was slightly detectable on his decomposing palate, the shrill screams of the little boy echoed in his head. This cast all humanity out from him, as his grasp on his morally defined laws vanished into the pitch and din of insanity.

Like many others, he was freed when the Banshee Queen broke away from the Lick King and joined the Forsaken ranks in the Undercity. He fought despertly in the battle between Silvans and the Dreadlords, and when the Undercity was captured , Simon helped his fellow Forsaken recapture it.

Simon has little love for anything anymore, but still posses a strong sense of loyalty and devotion. Clarity of thought is slowly returning to him as he becomes gradually more consciences of his thoughts and actions as his mind is slowly worked from entropy. His experiences have however changed him irreversibly. Hatred grows deep within him, his mind unable to hold sympathy of any kind for most living things as his years of killing and disemboweling them has made him callus to regret and guilt.

Simon now wanders without a purpose, enforcing his overpowering feelings of solitude. His curiosity has been peeked though, and he is beginning to dabble in Alchemy.