Player: Danalthar
Character Full Name: Sharn Bilebreath
Character In-Game Name: Sharn
Nickname(s): None
Association(s): Shadowgrip Resistance, Rogue Death Knights
Race: Dwarf
Class: Death Knight
Age: 144
Sex: Female
Hair: Blue, splaying out to the sides.
Eyes: Glowing Blue
Weight: 170 pounds.
Height: 5'1
Usual Garments/Armor: When shes in towns, primarily Goblin towns, she wears a gray-dark blue set that she wore a similar copy of in her lifetime. She liked the model of the clothes, and got another copy when dead.
When in battle, she wears a plated skirt with a slit on both sides, so people cannot see her feet. She has a long runespear, about as tall as her, and large shoulderpads to protect her shoulders. Needless to say, her shoulders are quite restricted in said shoulderpads.
Other: She looks quite skinny and curvaceous, although the curves are mainly due to the Dwarf's bone structure.
Personality: Sharn is a joker, at the hurt of others or not. Her death just added the more bitch part to her. She jokes about anything she sees, from dresses to fights to Elves.
She is kind with a touch of sarcasm, making most who meet her not like her. She's okay with this. In fact, she enjoys it, as it gives her a reason to kill them. She enjoys killing things, which is the primary reason she left the Ebon Blade.
History: Sharn was born in Dun Morogh, 144 years ago. She was the first of four, and thus had to take care of the majority of her little brothers and sister.
When she was young, and an only child, her parents moved up to Lordaeron for better business opportunities in the business of doll making. She, of course, was forced to go with them, and took the best of the situation. During her childhood growth in Lordaeron, she saw her peers age. For this reason, her parents home-schooled her, raising her away from the majority of Lordaeron.
As she became an adult, she began to work. Her primary job was as a barmaid in Brill, serving the patrons with a quick wit and snappy jokes that would make them laugh amongst themselves. As she began to use Common more and more and Dwarven less and less, her Dwarven accent began to disappear.
Then, the Scourge came. She went with the Argent Dawn and held out at Light's Hope with them, where she learned to use Polearms. She trained and trained herself, furious at the Scourge destroying the homeland she'd lived in for over 130 years. She held out until the Burning Crusade ended, when she began to get cocky.
Granted a few returning heroes, she helped a supply caravan going to an outpost. The Scourge ambushed them, and Sharn was one of the first to fall to an abomination's cleaver.
She was taken to Acherus, where she was resurrected as one of the Death Knights. Her conscience watched in horror as she murdered Humans, that horror slowly turning into a grim humor. She took it all as some cruel joke from fate, and, instead of fighting the joke, she went with it.
This joke warped her mind, so by the time she was free, she was only a titch less bloodthirsty. She worked with the Ebon Blade, but found the fact that she couldn't kill anyone unable to bear. So, she left them once the Lich King was dead, forming her own organization that allowed them to hunt innocents freely, yet still have people to call on for help.