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Player: Ketoth

Character Full Name: Shandrah Townguard

Character In-Game Name: Shandrah

Nickname(s): None yet.

Association(s): The Alliance Volunteer Army

Race: Human

Class: Warrior

Age: 19

Sex: Female

Hair: Short blonde

Eyes: Brown

Weight: 130 lbs.

Height: 5'6"


Alliance Imperial Armor

A Stormwind Guard Shield and a Well-used Sword is something she usually carries, representing Stormwind and the Alliance.


Alignment: Lawful - Good

Shandrah Townguard follows the laws by the book, never straying off the Good path and always serving the Alliance in the best ways she can. She's a silent type at times, but there are also times where she speaks up and knows to find the right words to say. She is also caring, mentally fragile, however strong by heart.


Shandrah was born in Goldshire and grew up in the Northshire Abbey. Her mother was at that time very poor and could no afford much, they had little food and no roof above their head. The father of Shandrah was at that time at war, he was a Soldier in the Alliance Army at that time away to fight an important war that would decide their position in the world. Shandrah and her mother went to live in Northshire Abbey where they were fed and taken care of each passing day. The Priests offered them a bed and a hot meal every night. Shandrah in that time still being a baby was a lucky child to be taken care of by such benevolent people. She grew up most of her childhood in the Northshire Abbey, the area was at the time a relatively safe place for a child to play outside. There were however always Guards, for there were monsters outside, and wolves. When Shandrah grew up to be 16 years old a Guard would share his training with her, so that she as well could fend for herself in a time of need. This has motivated her so much that at the time she became 18, she joined in training at the Northshire Abbey, where she learned from one of the very best.

Graduating at Northshire Abbey she became a recruit, completing tasks for citizens, she obtained more and more experience in battle. She killed a fair share of Bandits, Gnolls and Murlocs during these days. As well as hunting animals for a farm-lady to finish her recipes in Westfall. She grew accustomed to the area that she had never visited and survived a long time, thanks to her retreating tactics. Being hunt down by many Murlocs at a time, she felt lucky that she was still alive. Then after visiting Westfall for a week, she returns to Stormwind and meets Galvar, a Recruiter of the Alliance Volunteer Army. At one salute towards the man dressed in Imperial Armor, she wondered who he was, starting a conversation, she came to the realization that he was the Recruiter of the Alliance Volunteer Army. She took her chance and asked the man where she would be able to sign up. He took her with him and signed her up. She received her army wardrobe, including a sword and shield. Something she could not wait to put on, when the introductions were completed and she received all that the army carries with them, she excused herself to start her life as a Recruit of the Alliance Volunteer Army and went to put on her armor.