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Player: ChocoboKnight7

Character Full Name: Sermonzo Airslicer

Character In-Game Name: Sermonzo

Nickname(s): Serm

Association(s): Alliance, Gnomeregan, Ironforge, Ironwrought Gryphons

Race: Gnome

Class: Warrior

Age: 73

Sex: Male

Hair: Black

Eyes: Violet

Weight: 42.5lbs

Height: 3'2"


Usual Garments/Armor: Sermonzo can often be seen wearing a jumpsuit as well as protective goggles.

Other: He always carries around his tools with him.


Sermonzo is a typical Gnome, he is kind to his Dwarven cousins and spends his days working on complex technological contraptions. As a brave pilot, Sermonzo tends to be reckless and he seems to lose his mind when he's about to dispatch an enemy, his battlecries echoing throughout his cockpit.


From an early age, Sermonzo was always loud and often rude. Despite his disrespectful ways, he always got along with other Gnomes and a majority of his Dwarven cousins and would usually gather some Gnomes and Dwarves to provoke the Humans. Although he never really got any Humans to fight him, he would always challenge them the very second they said anything about his size. Finally, his parents got tired of his antics and put him under the care of an elderly Dwarf who trained him in the ways of war, particularly the use of flying machines and other Engineered gadgets. When Sermonzo was old enough, he left to become a pilot and served in the Second War.

Logs from Sermonzo Airslicer's field journal;

Year 6, Searing Gorge & Loch Modan Regions

The Orcish Horde advanced from the Blackrock Mountains with a force I have never seen before. The brutes had funneled into the passage leading from Searing Gorge to Loch Modan and began assaulting the gates. My squadron was instructed to intercept the Horde forces at the gate and stop them from advancing into the loch. I remember hearing the curses coming from HQ over the radio as I watched the Orcs push forward through Loch Modan into Dun Morogh. The Gnomish and Dwarven and ground forces were stuck in Ironforge, blocked in by the Horde. But our birds were still in the air.

Year 6, Wetlands Region

HQ was cursing again over the radio as my squadron flew over Dun Algaz, which had just fallen to the Orcs. We were re-routed to Grim Batol, possibly the worst battle in the Wetlands region. The Horde demolishers and brutish Orc Grunts gathered at the first gate. The seige had begun and the ground forces of the Horde stood there cheering as their demolishers blasted away at the gates, but I caught a glimpse of a group of raiders being led by a heavily armored raider who took point. "I see some mounted Greenies seperating from the main group. I'll pick 'em off!" I shouted through the radio. HQ responds and gave me the sign to go ahead with the assault. I got reckless and dove in, the nose of my flying machine directed at the heavily armored raider, I held the trigger hard and shouted profanities as the main guns of my flying machine shot a flurry of bullets at the raiders, I missed the leader but took out two others who were close behind him. My shots were heard and a lucky shot by a demolisher clipped my wing. I screamed as the flying machine flew toward the mountain range. I managed to press the eject button in time and watched my plane burst into flames as it hit the rocks. I pulled the cord and my parachute came out. As I slowly drifted down to the ground, the group of raiders rushed to my position. When I landed, I quickly picked up a rock and chucked it at one of the raiders, knocking him off his wolf. As the rest of the group enclosed on me, I charged under one of them and jumped fora discarded axe. I heaved up the axe and swung at an incoming raider, decapitating the wolf's leg and bringing the raider down on his face. While the raider was down, I brought the axe down on his head and grinnned as the blood splattered over my face. The leader must have taken interest in my fighting style, because he motioned for his raiders to halt and dismounted from his wolf. He circled around me for a few moments, his axes tightly gripped in his hands... Then he charged at me full force, I knew better than to try and block a heavy Orc in mid-charge so I threw myself to the side and swung the axe to the side, I cut his shin. The Orc howled and fell to his knees, at this moment I acted without mercy and jumped onto the Orc's back, thrusting the axe into it. The leader of that particular pack was felled, but the remaining raiders weren't as happy as I was... They all charged me at once and I booked it out of there, heading for my destroyed flying machine. Luckily, the explosives were still in tact and I pulled a match from the cockpit and picked up a stick of dynomite. I light the fuse on fire and chucked it at the space between me and the raiders, by the time the raiders rode over the dynomite it exploded. I had survived the battle of Grim Batol... And spent the rest of the war dropping bombs on the Horde.