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Player: Uguu

Character Full Name: Sathia Dawnmist

Character In-Game Name: Sathia

Nickname(s): Flowers

Association(s): Silvermoon City, Sin'dorei

Race: Blood Elf

Class: Paladin

Skills and Abilities: Trained combatant, skilled at using maces and fighting in heavier armour. 'Holy' spec.

Age: 132

Sex: Female

Hair: Short and parted on one side, light blonde

Eyes: Fel-green

Weight: 125 LBs

Height: 5'9"


Scarlet shirt with a few gold trims, dark gray pants and boots with some red towards the tips. Armored plates covering the chest, upper thighs and just below the shoulders. A pair of metal pauldrons protect the shoulders colored to the same theme, the entire set itself being rather light and poor for protection against anything not aimed for center-mass. A cape and tabard bearing the colors and Phoenix of Silvermoon.

Other: A belt around her waist holds a number of pouches, most holding medical supplies and food. Her ears are pierced and she wears a pair of ruby earrings with gold trims.


Alignment: Lawful Good

Dedicated and kind, Sathia believes it to be her mission in life to heal the wounded and ensure others around her are happy. Though pacifist by nature, Sathia is usually intolerant of undead and feels the utmost hate and fear for all undead, even if a Forsaken ally. Reserved and usually calm about how she conducts herself, there are a few things in life that can unnerve and distress her. Any sign that a fellow Sin'dorei may be in danger or being theatened will usually provoke her wrath as she will kill to defend her people, even if they started the conflict. Racist to anything not a Sin'dorei, Sathia will almost always take the side of any of her fellow elves in any argument, uncaring what the matter even is half the time as she tries to ensure victory comes to her people. Usually too trusting towards other Sin'dorei, Sathia is at worst awkward around her own kind and easily gets into trouble as she rarely gives any thought to them turning on her. Usually a bad judge of character.


Sathia was born to a small, middle class family in a village outside of Silvermoon. A relatively quiet life as she took a fondness to reading and other hobbies, flower picking and star gazing. Always being reminded that violence should be kept as a last resort, Sathia always tried to avoid conflict whenever she could. For the most part, her life continued on rather boringly and nothing of any serious note ever came to pass. Between her father studying as a priest and her mother tailoring as a means to earn pay, Sathia picked up a fair number of traits to use later in life. One day, Sathia decided to follow her father farther into his services and offically joined the 'church'. There she would spend the utter bulk of her time studying, learning to properly handle and use the Light and, later, how to swing a mace without looking like an utter moron. While she had relatively few bits of information about the First war with the Orcs, it had only strengthed her resolve to press on with her training. Regardless, the war continued on well enough without her.

Fast-forward a tick, having followed her calling as a healer, Sathia had long taken up moving around with local miltias and guard-troops to heal the wounded. Between Amani troll attacks and the odd fall or tumble, Sathia never seemed to run out of broken bones or gashed flesh to mend. While she had some trouble keeping up between studies, healing and trying not smack herself with her mace as she trained, she managed to keep herself going along her chosen profession. Perhaps the hardest part of her training was getting used to wearing plated armor, having decided instead to wear armor over just the more vital areas to ease its use. Though the discomfort of wearing armor was mostly trained away, she never could seem to get used to a shield. Likely the most 'exciting' thing to happen during the training, was her breaking a finger while sparing with another student. Though her training had continued along as intended, she was unable to be fully prepared to join the First war, and was held back from giving any aid.

When the humans finally begged the High elves for aid against the orcs, Sathia was all too glad to ship out to heal the injured during the Second war, however short it seemed to last for her. She lost track of how many people she had saved over the course of the conflict, though she never actually tried to keep tally of it, and before she knew it the war was over and she returned home. The change from the field hospitals to her quiet house with her family was a refreshing one, something she'd looked forward to since she began her tour of duty. Though life seemed to return to the usual line of healing people, collecting flowers and reading on her spare time, everything was thrown out the window and into the deepest pile of crap she'd ever seen as the Scourge began its campaign to slaughter and destroy. Then there was the siege on the city, she couldn't believe her eyes as she stared out to the massive force of undead that began storming the city. As she continued to do her best to heal the wounded where she found them, she could do little more than watch in horror as the Scourge cut a swath through their defenses and butchered everyone in their path.

Out of fear for what has become of her family, Sathia fled from the city and into the countryside to look for them, finding their home in ruin and bodies scattered about gave a good sign that it wasn't the place to look. After hours of franticly searching the forests for her family, she began to lose hope of ever finding them, only managing to do so when she came upon a small band of rangers firing down on a larger group of zombies. Watching the undead be hailed upon by the arrows renewed her hope that things may not be a bad as they seem, she quickly moved to assist them as she began healing any of them that were hurt. Thankful that she found little actual wounds, she quickly started questioning the group. Finding them lacking of any information regarding her family, she finished patching what few wounds they had and took off, against their reccomendation not to. Another few hours of searching finally yielded the results she wanted, finding what remained of her family camped out by a river. Though it was with grave news they had to inform her that their father had been killed during the first attacks, she was happy that alteast the mother and her brother had survived the assault.

After managing to escape the worst pockets of undead in the area, the remains of the family regrouped with a band mixed of rangers, paladins and a few civilians. The group kept together for safety as they moved around the countryside, keeping to themselves as the relatively broken band of survivors tried to figure out what was even left of their shattered lives. Their spirits were risen as they learned of their fair city being retaken and placed back into their hands, they made haste to return and try to recover from this blow they were dealt. Only after Sathia had returned to the city did she learn of the events relating to Prince Kael'thas and the involvement in Outland. Though it seemed strange and borderline wrong to her, she learned to siphen magic like so many others that she knew. Sathia never really paid much attention to the shift of color in her people's eyes, though it did perk her curiosity. Time quickly passed as the city, or part of it atleast, was rebuilt and life began to returnt to normal again. Though her home was utterly destroyed during the attacks by the Scourge, Sathia resolved to just move into the city and stay at the inns, taking jobs here and there to support the habbit.

Ignoring the other problems in the world, such as Scourge on Northrend and the demonic legions in Outland, Sathia keeps herself busy around Silvermoon and the surrounding countryside. Still practicing her faith as a healer, she intends to remain at home in the lands and continue her duty to her people.