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Player: Psychyn

Character Full Name: Saraya Ray

Character In-Game Name: Saraya

Nickname(s): Silent Blood, Lynn

Association(s): The Heretic Circus

Race: Human

Class: Rogue

Age: 26

Sex: Female

Hair: Black, shortly cut with one strand of hair hanging loosely near her left eye.

Eyes: Blue

Weight: 70 kg

Height: 180 cm


Saraya tends to wear a blue leather set wherever she goes, it keeps her warm and it doesn't bear the same weight levels as that of a Mail or even Plate armour. She has two sharpened swords at her sides, ready to defend herself against anything that might surprise her. Along with this she has a matching cape, and a dagger sheathed in-sight at her belt.

Other: A small spyglass, rogue tools, the usual things what one would expect from a rogue.


Alignment: Neutral Evil

Cold. That sums up Saraya in one word. She's a cold hearted killer, finding a sheer thrill in spilling blood and hurting innocents. She does not care about her victims, about any relatives they might have. Unable to listen to the voice normal humans have that screams "Don't do it!", Saraya does whatever she pleases, whenever she pleases and how it pleases her the most.

Despite that, other things concerning Saraya are coins and simple tools of her trade. Even technology that gives her a further advantage over others. But perhaps the least expected, would be her silent love for gardening. Gardening? Yes, gardening.


On a cold and rainy day in the year of seven (7), two years after the Second War and the rebuilding of Southshore, Saraya Ray opened her eyes for a very first time. Nursed instantly and found as a warm welcome to the family by her parents and people around, Saraya simply opened her mouth and cried all that she could.

Babies, some more fragile then others. This also went up for Saraya as she grew and spend her days in the calm village. She wasn't exactly a loved child by the other children around, for whatever reason that may have been. Days of bullying soon commenced when she reached the age of seven, but she never was one to run off to their parents and tell on them. No, she always wanted to deal with problems herself.

Growing up in peaceful(read: no war) yet a hardened environment, Saraya learned to take chances as they arrived. Break a toy of someone and watched others take the blame, hide in the local bushes to find what people are up to, eavesdropping.. it started off so innocently. This however, didn't mean she would always get away safe and sound, especially at later ages the kids around her began to refine their senses and test out their strengths. If it wasn't them who caught her, it was either the guards or elders around and soon she received a silent reputation of a troublemaker.

"Hey! Let's hold a race to see who can make the girl cry first!" Saraya remembers those words very clearly, she never gave them the pleasure of watching her cry. She would fight back till bruised, fight back till broken, but they would never see her cry. This went on over the years, the kids grew older, and eventually reached a point where the guards were fed up with both sides and told them all to get lost. The people got used to it, Saraya got used to it, and finally drew herself out of the rut at the age on nineteen (19, year 26), after a guard told her once more that she would never accomplish anything.

Her plan was to find adventure, make something out of herself, "proving" herself so to speak. For the people around her, the guards, the elders, her family, everyone who once stood in her way. They would see what she could do, would hear of her deeds whether admiring or terrifying. This pace of her mind led her to the big city of Stormwind, finding herself in the shadier districts after received a warning by a city guard to not heed out there alone.

By sheer luck, she found herself surrounded by three. None of the men with good intentions, their way of fighting was even worse then what Saraya had learned over the years by defending herself, and with a bruise here and there she managed to best two out of three. The third succeeded at hitting her in the back with the hilt of his dagger, which knocked her out cold. Surprisingly, they kept their hands off her. Having been dragged along, she woke up with a bruised chest and bleeding bottom lip, she found her hands tied. The group that had captured her were found at the table at the other side. Playing some gambling game or another, that ended with cards flying through the room.

"Ye cheat!" "Ye wish!" "Shut up and play already!"

The three thugs, nearly ending up with a fight between each other got halted. A bigger man, more muscled walked into the room. "You fools at it again?!" Shaking his head, the man covered by the richer and darker leather gazed at Saraya. "What do we have here?" The question resulted with the group mumbling and talking about, one doing the lead talking with the others at his back. In one simple movement, the one standing nearest gasped and dropped to the floor. The two others, cowering with fear put a few steps back.

"What was that for?!" "Failing." The man simply stated, before walking over to Saraya. "You think you got what it takes?" His eyes met her own as the two thugs gave each other a quick nod. Drawing their swords rapidly, the man made a quick spin on his heel as his sword cut both of their stomachs open in a seemingly easy swing. "Fools." He mumbled, as the blood poured down from both, returning his narrowed gaze to Saraya. "Well miss?"

Finding herself in a position unable to refuse, covered partly by the blood her new boss had sprayed so easily she merely gave a nod. And as a long talk followed, she introduced herself as Lynn for the sake of increasing her run chances.

Over the years, the man kept a watchful eye and trained her both mentally and physically, blood was always freely spilled like it was endless. As her experience grew, it turned out to be that of others most of the time. The now, trained rogue grew a like towards it with each kill. The sensation never faded, the sheer thrill of killing never left, but in the end the man who trained her, was surpassed by both skill and speed. Her last mission out in the countryside, turned into watching the life fade from the man her eyes.

"You are succeeded."

Taking whatever money the man had on him, along with his blades she took the trip back to Stormwind. And now, after seven full years of training day and night, she looked for an opportunity. Finding one at her latest employer, a elf known as "The Ringmaster" promised her the riches and fame she was looking for. (Current year, 33)