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Player: Rosewind

Character Full Name: Samuel Ali Hassan

Character In-Game Name: Samuel

Nickname(s): Samuel

Association(s): Booty Bay, Ratchet

Race: Human

Class: Rogue

Age: 32

Sex: Male

Hair: None

Eyes: Green

Weight: 130kg

Height: 1,95m


Old rags. A red waistband wrapped around his waist and no boots at all give him a shady pirate look.


Samuel Ali Hassan is well aware of his physical size and therefore has a great well-consciousness of himself. No matter what the problem is, he always tries to solve it with his great self-confidence and sturdy attitude. He is not a man who will entertain those around him. No, instead he is a man who has his own world, his own ambitions regardless of his surroundings. He likes company of course, but he is not an open book. He is a sealed one.

His essence is always calm and he wants things to be under his control. That way he can be sure that things will get done right, in his way. Even if they didn't, Samuel wouldn't show his nervousness, or any other mad or weaker sides of his whatsoever. He appreciates good things in life, which are good booze and beautiful women. However, those aren't the only thing in his mind. He has a great lust for adventures and he is always ready for one, especially if a big gold treasure lies ahead. He likes to consider himself as a man with no fears.


Samuel Ali Hassan was born to a poor merchant family in Booty Bay. His father was a non-successful merchant, who soon after his working life failures became a dedicated drunkard. Due to overwhelming amounts of alcohol almost every day, he soon learnt how to give a hard-time both to his wife and their son, Samuel. It included horrible things such as beatings, but the family did stay together regardless. Samuel was a strong child, both mentally and physically. And he had to stay strong. He was bullied by the other kids because of his relatively enormous size. However, he managed to get through that, but it left it's markings on him. He was a sad child who hated himself and the way he was.

However, as a teenager fresh winds would blow. It was an ordinary evening in Booty Bay when Samuel went to a local bar. There he saw a sight that would change his life: a crew of pirates drinking booze and singing songs about treasures while hammering the dirty table with their closed fists. His interest in them was noticed, and so was his hulky body. It didn't take long before one of them approached Samuel and invited him to their crew. He accepted, and he had more fun that night than ever before in his life. He became a pirate.

And so he sailed to the ocean with his new friends. For the next upcoming years he would travel the seas, rob those who are innocent, fight with those who opposed his crew, have sex and most importantly, drink booze. The crew found Samuel very useful and respected him greatly. As the respect only kept growing larger, captain of the crew felt like his position was threatened by Samuel so he kicked him out. He didn't care at this point, however. He had learnt to respect himself and was now a man who doesn't require acceptance from others. During this era, Samuel became a man who he is today.

After he got kicked from the crew, he returned to Booty Bay just to hear that his father is dead and that his mother has a new man. For his own reasons, he was satisfied with that and decided to settle in Booty Bay and educate himself with books. However, even though he enjoys of feeding his intellectual realm, he still looks out of his window at the ships everyday, missing the old days and hoping to get into a new adventure as soon as possible.