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Player: Azheron

Character Full Name: Rygen Ravenmane

Character In-Game Name: Rygen

Nickname(s): -

Association(s): The Tauren, The old horde

Race: Tauren

Class: Warrior

Age: 63

Sex: Male

Hair: A long, black mane of a tauren. Mostly rugged and not taken care of.

Eyes: Blue/grayish.

Weight: 386.4 Kilograms, mostly muscle.

Height: 2.52 Meters, larger than a usual tauren.


Leather, barbarian type of armour. It's mostly scavenged.

Other: His whole mane is completely black, from which comes his name "Ravenmane".


Rygen is a fight-loving tauren. He mostly manages to be calm in every situation, but he still loves the thrill of combat. Mostly the strategic things is it, positioning, where to attack, and the psychological side of it. He tries to ignore all pain, and it's hard to make him show any hints of damage. He considers this a strategical advance in combat. He's not actually tolerant, nor he is a racist. He wouldn't prolong a speech with an alliance member, but he wouldn't attack them for no reason. Though, if an opportunity to kill one arose, he would instantly do it. The races he likes the most, apart from the tauren, would be trolls and orcs. The old horde.


Rygen was born in a nomad-like village, where survival was important. It was a small community. Many times he fought the centaur, and survived. He's was always taught in the spiritual ways of his ancestors, and he honours the ways of the shaman greatly. He greatly fears the dead, and would honour anyone he has killed. Also, before killing anyone or anything, he would reveal his name to the being, and after that, bury it properly.

He was taught to fight by his uncle, who was a great hunter. He wasn't respected by the village, though, because his uncle lived alone in the wilderness. One day, he was taken there by his father to learn combat. He was young then, and this is one of the things that caused him to love combat.

He learned this, after the faces of the dead started haunting him in his dreams. His conscience was mocking him for the killing, and the only way to calm his conscience was to hold a small ritual/rite in honour of those killed. All though, it had nothing to do with spirits, it calmed him down.

At the height of his life, at the point where he had mostly all he wanted, came he orcs, aiding them with the centaurs. He had no connections what-so-ever to the leaders, or anyone close to them, so he had a little knowledge of what was going on. First, he was suspicious, but after the wars, he's learned to accept the members of the old horde as brothers, them being the same war like creatures he is.

He lived his life learning more of combat, wanting to learn more of it. It had always interested him. First, he lived in the nomadic camps, but after they joined the horde, he left the place to go fight in the third war. And he did, but he never attained a rank more colorful than a normal line soldier.

After the war, him having survived, he started to live in Ratchet and Booty Bay, spending his time on mercenary jobs or the arena. This would take him to more thrilling or interesting fights.