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Player: AmyraTess

Character In-Game Name: Rouval

Nickname(s): Stonecoat

Association(s): Horde

Race: Tauren

Class: Warrior

Age: 63

Sex: Male

Hair/Fur: Black. Facial hair cut short.

Horns: Average length, mostly straight.

Weight: 622 pounds (out of armor)

Height: 7'8


Usual Garments/Armor: When out of combat, Rouval commonly appears in soft leathers which more comfortably fit his large frame. When expecting battle (which is nearly all the time) he wears armor that to most is large and bulky. Thick. If it restricts his movement at all, this is difficult to tell.

Other: Does not use bladed weapons. Carries large maces as weapons, though is known to improvise in battle. A likely looking log or decorative object will do.


To most, he is in many ways par-for-the-course for a Tauren. Quiet, even among allies. The sort you hear coming, simply because he's huge and not very stealthy...not because he's said anything at all. Sometimes comes off as brooding, but that's because he's actually thinking about things.

When given the opportunity to fight, he is aggressive. There tends to be an unsettling manner about him---for one who fights so aggressively, using so much force, he is alarmingly quiet. Armor may clank, steps and swings may thunder...but Rouval is unlikely to make even a sound of exertion unless absolutely necessary.

He is not, however, anti social. If he has a reason to speak, and the listener is one deemed trustworthy enough for speach, he will speak. There is no shyness keeping his words, only few of them ever produced.


Rouval has less of a personal history than a tribe legacy he has no qualms about keeping. Their surname, Stonecoat, originates from an obvious source veiled by time. Somewhere along the line, it was noticed that those in his line had a habit of taking a beating and coming through it alright. Like a 'stoneskin' comment for other races... but they have a coat of fur.


This is hardly a claim to fame, which is fitting because he has no otherwise claims to worry about either. The name more, to him, means upholding his bloodline's tendancy to make it through hard and often violent times. When battle is not necessary, his line has been content to simply hunt. They would rather simply hunt. But there is little time these days for a simple hunt.

On the personal level, he is somewhat at odds with his own race. He feels in many ways they have hypocritical tendancies---he's seen many others of them delivering largely the same degree of 'brutality' when necessary that he delivers with slightly less cajoling. The one who sired him was known for aggression, though has made it to a venerable age where weapon wielding is no longer necessary.

Though there are those among his kind who criticize Rouval and some similar to him for being an ill sign of future generations of Tauren---only slightly easier to rouse to battle, but subtleties in thought are emphasized by how much thought their race by and large puts into everything---he is not precisely ostricized. Rather, stern advice of greater calm is commonly given to him and it tends to end there.

Usually Rouval returned to Thunder Bluff from wherever his wandering led him---answering the nomadic call of his race, but returning to the familiarity of her birthplace---but has recently lingered around markedly 'neutral' areas.