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Player: ChampionMouse

Character Full Name: Roselyn Christine Lightvalley

Character In-Game Name: Roselyn

Nickname(s): Rose, Red, Bitch

Association(s): None

Race: Human

Class: Rogue

Age: 22

Sex: Female

Hair: Red

Eyes: Brown

Weight: 140 lbs

Height: 5'6"

Other: Roselyn's belt is loaded with a good number of throwing daggers for easy access across her person.


Roselyn is typically seen wearing rough leathers and/or comfortable travel gear. Tall boots are a must on the road, and are usually accompanied by some sort of red shirt. Across her face she is always seen wearing a black eye patch.


Roselyn appears to be very mean and aggressive. When she has an opinion she will not hesitate to let you know what it is, even if you don't want to hear it. An outwardly abrasive and abusive individual, her sense of humor centers on the misfortunes of others. The truth of the matter is that under the wall, Roselyn is a deeply misguided and depressed individual. She frequently offers her aid to the Stormwind Orphanage, anonymously donating spare coin and items that she may have conveniently “found.” Roselyn pushes herself to appear quite street savvy in order to survive. She will avoid expressing softer emotions (in public) at all costs, as she views them as a sign of weakness. Overall she strives to be self-sufficient.


Born into a family of farmers, the earliest years of her life were spent in Redridge, where she tended to the family's crops and animals. Her childhood was by no means easy, but her time with her parents was pleasant, and she gained a strong work-ethic from her labours. The year she turned ten, however, sickness gripped the family, and they were forced to attempt a trip to Stormwind in order to seek medical attention. On the way, Roselyn's mother died from her illness, and the two remaining Lightvalleys had no choice but to bury her once they reached Goldshire. Depression worsened the onset of the sickness, and it was not long after Roselyn and her father reached Stormwind that the latter similarly succumbed. Roselyn was left in the care of the city's Orphan Matron, and had no choice but to adapt to her urban surroundings.

It was in these early city years that Roselyn met a sketchy businessman known as “Red-Hands.” The work she did for him started off with small easy tasks like delivering packages, and picking up supper. It was a good way for a small child to make quick money. As any kid learns when their parents aren't around, if you want something you're gonna have to work for it yourself. It was amazing the things you could do with money. You could eat better food than all the other kids, wear warmer and fancier clothing if you wanted. Having money made you safe, it put you in control of your environment. She wanted that power, the ability to control circumstance. The jobs became more difficult as she got older, and the packages filled with more valuable cargo. Roselyn eventually took on work as a dealer, pushing illegal substances onto the streets of Stormwind out of “Red-Hand's” supply. Sale quotas had to be met, and when they weren't, there were consequences. The benefit of a painless commission bonus only reinforced the work ethic in Roselyn, increasing her desire for money and power. Roselyn lived in relative security for several years thanks to the Orphan Matron, but when she came of age she needed to find a new place to live. “Red-Hands” was there waiting.

Currently, Roselyn still works the streets of Stormwind for “Red-Hands.” She has accumulated a decent amount of wealth and divides it between two things: booze and charity.