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Player: Laarune

Character Full Name: Rook Neander

Character In-Game Name: Rook

Nickname(s): "Black Cat"

Association(s): She's been working for a few years to get into the Stormwind guard, so I'd say she has slight associations with them.

Race: Human

Class: Warrior

Age: 19

Sex: Female

Hair: Fiery red/orange, collar bone length, either tied up in a ponytail or left down.

Eyes: Sky blue, full of life.

Weight: 120, being she's got a bit more muscle from work.

Height: 5'6"

Other: She is a Bad luck magnet. No joke. If anybody can mess it up, it's Rook. Alongside that, 'She's not the brightest candle on the table', as Navares puts it. Stupidity combined with Bad luck.. It actually tends to work out for her in battle. For instance she trips in battle, avoiding a mace, and that swing smashes into the face of another foe. Not saying she doesn't get hurt.. She's injured quite often, in fact. But for this reason she is desensitized to pain and has a high tolerance for it, and has incredible stamina. She can take a hit, dish it out, and work for days on end with minimal sleep. An excellent soldier, in other words.

Alignment: Lawful Good.


Her outfit composed for work is quite simple. Mail armor. It changes often from styles and ranges in amounts of rust, but it's always heavy, and always scratched up by claws or blades. While not working however, her casual outfit is most often vests, shirts, and pants. Bright colors as well.


Rook is settled on a fine line between Innocence and being extremely Gullible. And dim-witted. She always sees the brighter side of things, even if there isn't one. She'll MAKE a brighter side. She often misunderstands things, and goes on her first instinct without thinking things through fully. She's got a great spark and zest for life, always ready to step up to the plate and get things done. However, she will also easily buy into things, even lies. Specifically because she often goes on her first instinct, she doesn't second guess things, and isn't all that skepticle. "Hey, you just changed your name to Bob!" "I did? Well gosh, I don't remember.. Oh well! Bob Neander. Nifty!"


Rook was originally born in Northshire, to a Priestly mother and a Paladin of a Father. From a very young age her Father was always off on missions of goodwill, and Rook would rarely get to see him. Though when he did return, she spent nearly all of her time rough housing with him and learning the ways of sword fighting. (Stick fighting, anyway.) When the time came for him to leave for war, he left Rook with an Angel wing pendant on a gold plated chain. Rook has never seen him since.

At the time he left, Rook was only about Ten years old. She now turned to her friends at this time, Navares, Jinny, and Gaven. She spent almost all of her time with them and eventually formed a tight knit bond with them.

A few years later, three to be exact, Rook's mother had decided to buy a home over in Redridge, near Lakeshire. Although she lived a bit farther away, Rook always made trips every other day back to Elwynn to play with her team mates. They did eventually spread apart as they got older, and Rook eventually took up a job as a messenger. This was only the beginning of her road to becoming a 'Champion of Righteousness', a Guard. As of now, she continues to work to gain entry into the Stormwind Guard, while supporting her mother, who is slowly withering away to senility, by sde jobs and messenger work.