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Player: Beltharean

Character Full Name: Bill Ritchie

Character In-Game Name: Ritchie

Nickname(s): Bill is simply referred to by his last name, ‘Billy', or ‘Billy-Boy'. Some of his older friends may call him ‘Screwy,' but the few who knew him as thus are either not friends any more, dead, or in the stocks.

Association(s): Billy is involved in quite a bit of crime, and as such, has a network of friends in the slums of Stormwind.

Race: Human

Class: Warrior

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Hair: Dyed black, naturally brown.

Eyes: Light blue, usually bloodshot.

Weight: One-seventy; 9% Body fat.

Height: Six-foot even.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral


Billy finds what he can as far as clothes are concerned. Whether it's the tattered remnants of three different shirts he has to sew together, or two mismatched boots he finds on the floor in a bar after a night of drinking, he'll take what he can. A pair of brass knuckles can almost always be on his person, as well as some form of low-quality shank. These include but aren't limited to pieces of glass wrapped in cloth, razors fashioned from the filters of his cigarettes, or even remnants of past knives which have broken.

Billy will usually try to reinforce his boots with steel caps over his toes with the minimal knowledge in smithing he has. The young man can often be found stealing the occasional silverware from a restaurant, or piece of metal from a chopper to melt them down to modify new pairs of boots. As far as gloves are concerned (mainly used to cover his cog tattoo, and prevent any extra injury to himself in case of a fist fight), he simply wraps a long piece of cloth around each forearm, and then another around his hands.

Patches are a common occurrence, as well as poorly done stitching across rips and tears on his clothes, trying to make them last as long as possible.

Other: Under a glove on his right hand, one can find a slightly stretched tattoo of a cog on his palm. Dozens of scars cover his chest and arms, some faded, some more recent. His nose has obviously broken many times, without being properly tended to.


Billy is a rather rough individual, all around. To many he comes off a blunt, selfish, narcissistic prick, only concerned with himself. He covers up a lot of his emotions with rage and sarcasm, more than willing to lash out at an innocent bystander in a fit of anger. When he gets in these rather dangerous moods, he often goes out deliberately looking for a fight. In these scenarios, it doesn't matter if he ends up holding a cold slab of beef to his eye at the end of the night, if he managed to inflict any sort of pain on another person, he'll be sated. Those that get close enough to him will indeed see a troubled individual looking for attention and acceptance in all the wrong places.


Dray Parker, the illegitimate father of Billy was a guard in the Cathedral district. He had a short round with Billy's mother Mary-Anne Ritchie after the young man beat back two other men harassing her. They dated for a short time, but the relationship eventually became on-again off-again. The breaking point for Mary-Anne was after Dray had been found affiliating with members of the Defias Brotherhood. The man was sent to prison for smuggling, conspiracy against the crown, and acceptance of bribery.

It was around this time that Mary-Anna realized she was pregnant. Cursing herself for being so reckless, she attempted to ‘get rid of' Billy by drowning him out with alcohol, but eventually came to her senses. She took care of herself for those next few months, only smoking every once in a while, and having the occasional ale.

By some miracle, Bill Ritchie was born, his mother giving him her name in place of his fathers. The young boy found himself living in the poor part of the Trade District above a smoke shop. At the age of six he would often find himself downstairs, stealing cigarettes and cigars not only for himself, but for his mother. It was around this time that one of his sole guardian's many ‘good friends' (men who she'd bring home for a good time) introduced him to alcohol.

He seldom drank it at such a young age, but by the time he had hit double digits, he could have been considered not only a chain smoker, but an alcoholic. He began being a true nuisance for the city guard at the age of twelve. After several repeat offenses of shop lifting, the guards realized that his strung-out single parent household was doing nothing for the boy. They took him from her custody, and tried putting the boy into an orphanage.

This proved a bad idea for everyone involved, the troubled minor causing mayhem in his section of the orphanage. Scraps were common, the climax of which involved brutally beating another child nearly to death at the age of thirteen. He was sent to the Stockades, once again a terrible idea.

It was in this new environment that for his six months in prison Billy reigned over several other minors within the jail. He was approached by one of the Defias during his stay, the man viewing him as a potentially strong ally for the red-masked anarchists. Through this man, Billy learned more in the arts of theft, deceit, and all around mischief. He received the tattoo of a cog that still remains on his hand today at the tender age of fourteen.

When he was released, Billy was turned down by the orphanage for his ridiculous conduct. Living on the street, he found his way back to his mother's house. He climbed the steps of the shop, and found his mother in bed with a man (Which he had grown quite used to). This time however, he had decided enough was enough. He rushed into the room, and grabbed the man by the hair, yanking him off his mother.

Billy pulled him down to the ground, and proceeded to beat his face in with his newfound knowledge in fighting attained through trying to survive ‘The Stocks'. The man was larger however, and after a few moments, threw Billy off of him and back into the wall. In the end, the fight resulted in Billy's mother tossing herself between the two, wrapped in her sheets.

From this point onward, Billy confronted each man that came home, either kicking their face in, or having his own self beaten. His mother became so tired of his misconduct, that she kicked him out, Billy sleeping on the doorstep. When his mother came out to give him his meager serving of stale bread and spoiled porridge, she saw the cog tattoo on his hand for the first time. She instantly began to wail on him, cursing the child for joining the very group that she viewed as responsible for tearing her life apart.

This was the last night Billy stayed at his childhood home.

He left, and joined a small Defias Band in the slums of Old Town, but when he tried to challenge the ‘Captain' of the band and lost terribly, he was left in the gutter to rot. By this time he was sixteen, and had nothing. The shirt on his back was worn and thin, only being held together by several stitches and a dollop of luck. He tried his hand at a failing Smithy as an apprentice, but the operation went out of business before Billy became adept at anything special as far as metalwork is concerned.

Without a place to sleep at night (He slept in a small pile of hay near the back of the Smithery) Billy found himself a common target for thieves, at one point even being robbed by his former Defias allies. One night however, he had decided he had enough. With the shroud of night covering him, he worked his way into the Dwarven District, and found a small gnome working on a chopper.

Billy charged the miniature man, bending down, and slamming a fist into the back of his large head. This sent his face forward into the metal chopper, causing him to fall tothe ground. Before he could retaliate by pulling a gun or some other gnomish contraption, Billy grabbed a screwdriver from off of the ground. Using this as his sole form of protection for quite some time, Billy managed to hold off quite a few thieves.

One night however, an obviously drunk older man pulled a pair of brass knuckles from his pocket, and demanded Billy's money. Knowing he could take the older man, Billy shanked him with the screwdriver over and over again through the gut. He took the man's meager coinage as well as the knuckles, finding himself in a higher social spot than he had in quite a while; He could actually afford a pack of cigarettes and a drink.

While buying his first drink in many months, Billy saw the ‘Hiring' sign at the bar. Credentials required being able to deal with the rough and the rowdy, as well as the ability to count the coins being handled. Having a rudimentary knowledge of both fighting and counting, Billy was hired right away. He still brawls in the streets, but now his attention is more centered on what happens in the bar he works at. When not at work or out fighting, he attends mandatory council sessions at the Cathedral of the Holy Light for his abusive behavior.