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Player: DuskWolf

Character Full Name: Rip'lah Deathscorcher

Character In-Game Name: Riplah

Nickname(s): Rip

Association(s): Orgrimmar, Thunderbluff, Darkspear, Far Wolf clan

Race: Orc

Class: Shaman

Age: 37

Sex: Male

Hair: Black, loose in the back with long braids in front of his shoulders.

Eyes: Red

Weight: 387

Height: 6'10"

Other: Although, he is on good terms with all the elements he favors fire.

Alignment: Neutral Good


He usually wears furs from his own kills. Also, is often wearing the head of the wolf he killed to prove his adult hood.


He is patient, persistent and is more level headed than most orcs. He is not the first one to pick up his axe and rush into battle, but likes to think and plan a bit first. Although, when it is time for war he goes all out, using all his strength, power and cunning to defeat his foe. He has a great respect for nature and is grateful for all it's gifts to him and his race.


Rip'lah was born 4 years before the first war with the humans. Although he himself never entered into the blood packed with Mannoroth he was born into it. He came across the dark portal with the rest of his clan as a child. Those first few years of his life he remembers fondly because both his mother and father were there. He was very proud of his father for being a warrior of the great Horde and always was so excited when his father would come back to their camp with his trophies and stories of his battles.

He was only just starting to become an adult and passing his warrior's tests when things started to go badly for his clan and the rest of the Orcs. They were being pushed back to the Dark Portal and eventually defeated there. His clan was all but destroyed in the battles he lost every one he knew, mother, father, siblings, friends and he was put in chains marched away. At first he was angry at the humans, they would not even let him fight for his honor, but as the blood rage dwindled in his veins his anger was also turned toward his elders. What had they done to him? Where was the honor in taking this demonic power? They did not prove them selves to have such great power. It was months before his anger was dulled, and those months where the hardest in his life. His human masters were cruel and the labor was excruciatingly hard. It was after his anger was worked out of him that he started to dream. He would dream of freeing him self and earning power and strength to free the rest of the Horde and bringing glory to the horde once again.

In the years to come some of those dreams did come true. He was not the one that freed the horde, it was Thrall and Grom that did that, but he did his part in the fighting. He traveled with the rest of the newly formed horde to Kalimdor. It was during these travels that he was befriended by a shaman of the Frostwolf Clan; perhaps the shaman saw potential and desire in him. So, his training as a shaman began, he learn about the old ways before the blood packed and about all the elements and what he needed to do for them so they would do for him. He loved that the training and trials were as mentally and spiritually tiring as they were physically tiring. Although, he had some power with all the elements, fire came to him the easiest to him; it seemed to flow in his veins.

It was not long after they reached Kalimdor that he was given the trial of adulthood, even though he was a bit older than normal they let him because he had proved his worth in the battles to free the orcs and his potential in the shamanistic arts. His trial was to survive a month in the wilderness with out using the little bit of shaman powers he had learned and with nothing but the loin cloth he was wearing. Even though most of the time he was hungry he quite enjoyed this time alone with nature, he was truly able to find himself. Toward the end of the month he was attacked by a wolf, he knew it was sent there to test him. He passed this test of the spirits and defeated the wolf with nothing but his own strength. Since this test he was able gain his spirit wolf form and has always carried the spirit of the wolf with him.

He was able to rejoin the horde with plenty of time to rest and regain his strength for the last battle with Archimonde. Although his shaman powers where not great he fought valiantly in the battle and earned his last name Deathscorcher. After the battle he did what he could to heal the survivors and moved with the new Horde to Duratar to help build Orgrimmar. After, things were more stable with the orcs. Rip'lah traveled to Thunderbluff to learn more of the shaman's art. While here his power grew and was honed making him a more powerful weapon to give honor to the Horde. Also, wile in meditating in Thunderbluff he had his first vision. It is something that he keeps sacred to him self but he now knows what he is to do in this life and will spend it honoring his ancestors.