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Player: DrinkArizona.

Character Full Name: Rinrick K. Dizzleshrubs.

Character In-Game Name: Rinrick.

Nickname: Rinnie, Rin, Gnome.

Associations: Stromgarde, Gnomeregan exiles, the Alliance.

Race: Gnome.

Class: Warrior.

Age: 41.

Sex: Male.

Hair: A chesnut brown.

Eyes: Ocean blue.

Weight: 55 pounds.

Height: 3'6"

Other: Rinnie gets seizures triggered by sad emotions; He also goes on a frenzy triggered by sad emotions.It's very random.

Alignment: Chaotic Good.


Rinnie prefers leather armour, as it is not as heavy as mail but not as frail as cloth.(He needs new pants alot.)


In the nicest way put:Rinrick is an egotistical bastard that believes Gnomes are the superior race, but will not openly come out to tell anybody but his trusted ones (Since it would probably get him hurt.). Although this does not prevent him from working -with- the lower races. Rin will often pat or show other signs of ownership over the other races. However, inferior things are deemed of respect as long as they do something to throw off Rin's beliefs. Seeing another Gnome instantly makes Rin's day and he will spark up conversation between them.

Rinrick is also 'Alergic to shtoopid peh-poole' and will not tolerate anybody with a low inteligence level, or just plain acts silly.That excludes Nimboya, since he brought comical relief to Rin.


Rin's history starts out were most of the Gnome history does. To have been lucky enough to be out of Gnomeregan in the dreaded times of the Trogg attack, came as a blessing to Rinrick (Even though he thought otherside.)

Rinrick's father told him to go to Ironforge to pick up much needed supplies from the dwarves, to pick up supllies for the family owned gun-shop. Walking out of the city was something hated by him (And the rest of the family) but being the youngest one in their buisness, Rin had no choice. A theif made Rinrick's stay in Ironforge a bit longer then intended, and stole all of Rinnie's money and his pants.Whoever did this robbery was not well in the head, or high on something.Or maybe both? A week later after getting mugged, he was looking for work when the news hit:Gnomeregan was thrown into turmoil, and the influx of gnomes walking into Ironforge threw Rin into a deep state of confusion and sadness. After finding out his entire family was ripped to shreds by Troggs, or gone missing, Rin did whatever he could to cope up with the loss, he started making guns, firing guns and loving guns.Everytime he heard a gunshot go off, Rin's spirit was reborn a little bit inside. So Rin took up to working for the gunsmiths in Ironfroge, to make the daily living.

And as the cruel fate has it, Rinrick got fed up for working 'For teh stunt-eeh's' and decided to head to Stromgarde, as the translated posters said: 'A place for new beginings'.Of course, Rin never intended on staying there, he was just lured by the promise of Khorium and Thorium in and around the city. With the recent faction change and the begining of the war, he got stuck in the city. Now, angered, confused and just plain scared, Rinrick decided to join up with Commander Jarving's forces and fight off 'Teh ruttah's 'n Trulls!' so he can return home.Unless, a buisness oportunity springs up for Rin in the newly captured city. 'sides, his common is horrible, so Rin needs to stick around translation people for the time being he learns it.