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Player: Disloc

Character Full Name: Rebecca Convolvulaceae

Character In-Game Name: Rebecca

Nickname(s): Becca

Association(s): The Alliance, Stormwind, Northshire Abbey

Race: Human

Class: Rogue Herbalist(IC)

Age: 23

Sex: Female

Hair: Light-blonde, usually tied into a pony tail

Eyes: Blue

Weight: 154Lbs (70kg)

Height: 5'6" (167cm)


Usually Rebecca wears robes of poor quality. But occasionally she is seen wearing shirts or blouses with a pair of pants, usually when she is out picking herbs in woods


Alignment: Neutral Good Rebecca is a young woman, full of energy. She is often seen around in the woods and around in town, either picking flowers and herbs, or trying to make a living of selling the flowers and herb that she might have picked.

Rebecca always seems to be happy even though she seems poor. Always smiling and humming cheerful tunes. She seems like kind person who is true of her word and is friendly towards all sorts of people. Normally she tries not to do anything stupid, as she if often caught by her shyness, especially when she does such clumsy things as tilting a mug of beer on the table or tripping over a stone on the road.


Rebecca is a young woman. She was born on a farm and has lived most of her younger days, in Westfall. Even though she did never go to school, her dad tought her how to read and at a young age she would be found lost in space and time, while reading books about plants and forests, from her dad's bookshelf. As she hit the age of a young woman she then moved to Stormwind, living and working as an herbalist in one of the few shops inside the city. There she has chosen to settle for now, as the poor flower-girl that brings flowers to Northshire Abbey or sells herbs at the market.

Rebecca first countered interest in plants when she was out working with her father in the fields. She enjoyed working with her father in the fields, not because she was spending time with him, but because he gave her the inspiration to work with plants. Seeing how a plant is not just a thing, but it is alive and able to life under extreme circumstances of weather and water supply.

One day she asked him about her family name and he told her a story, a story about ‘Convolvulaceae'. Convolvulaceae is the true name our family plant. Common folks call it “Morning Glory”, because of its flowers. They open up at the early morning and closes at night. They can do that a whole summer he told her, just like your mother he chuckled slightly followed by a light cough.

But her life had not always been easy. One day her father and she came home from a trip to Goldshire to sell some corn, only to discover that their farm was on fire and their only horse had been slaughtered. Her father kneeled down and slipped a tear at the sight of their home being burned to the ground. Ever since then, her father and she had become poor. A few years went by and her father got very ill. He died, in a bed upstairs in the Goldshire inn. But she was not unhappy for his death. She just thought to herself that he had finally found peace and found an ending for his misery.

Now she has decided to settle down just outside Stormwind, hoping that the future will bring her good news.