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Player: dannyhero

Full Character Name: Captain Raul Francis Shieldarm.

Character In-game Name: Raul.

Nickname(s): Frank, Captain.

Race: Human(Kingdom of Stormwind.)

Class: Fighter, Warrior.

Association: The Grand Alliance, The Iron Gyrphon, Kingdom of Stormwind. Formerly; Alliance of Lordaeron.

Sex: Male.

Age: 29.

Hair: Black, usually a shaggy mass hanging in his eyes, his facial hair a gunslinger style mustache and soul-patch, with the neglected stubble from an apathy to shaving on a regular basis.

Eyes: Blue.

Height: 6' 6"

Weight: 230 lbs.

Build: Muscular, Heavy.

Alignment: True Neutral.


He's a bearish-man, large and burly, masses of muscle, scars, you know, a warrior.

Cross shaped scar on his left cheek, a few miscellaneous scattered across his body, what you would expect from a man in his line of work, as well as a small triangle from his right ear. His nose seems to have been broken at least once.

He has a full sleeve of ink on his left arm, the banner of the Alliance on his shoulder, and running down are unique and artfully depicted renderings of each member, a purple drop for the gnomes on his shoulder; wrenches and explosives, cogs and sprockets all intricately weaved together leading down to a massive hammer on his bicep, thunder orange flashing the Bronzebeard Clan's symbol, lighting and gyrphons splashed across his skin leading down to tapestry of the seven human kingdoms, a blue lion's head roaring proudly, a bright green anchor, a great red plated fist, a pure white crest of Lordaeron, a purple eye fancifully done in the image of the Kirin Tor, and a black seal of Gilneas.

Usually seen in common clothes while around town. Golden Plate covered in ornaments of the Alliance and such.


He's a very blunt man. He wants things done, and if he can't rely on his crew to do it, he'll do it himself. However, when it's not “business time” he's often easy going, and not above mingling with the crew. In fact, he's fiercely devoted to the, they are his family more then anything. He protects, and loves, putting his entire devotion into service to them, he believes a leader serves those he leads, not the other way around. Raul himself is running on his own sort of Code of Conduct, through the wars he's started to develop his own sense of honor, but of course, he feels the ends can justify the means, to an extent.

He did not take the Fall of Lordaeron lightly… he's still wracked with night terrors and heaps of guilt. His faith has been shaken, but not yet destroyed, he's building it these days in humanity however, wishing for them to band together and become a beacon of hope in such a bleak and dark world. He will drink and smoke to take the edge off, and chooses to distract himself with work more often then not, leisure time being only time to brood over the past in his mind. Raul seeks out evil, he's no idle protector, Raul wishes to prevent evil preemptively, feeling it is needed after the events of Lordaeron, the best defense is a good offense in his mind, not content to let tragedy that could be avoided go unprevented if he can help it. Over all, Raul is a man among men, and confident in himself, and his convictions. He likes a Dwarvern Ale, Elven Tobacco, and those other great pleasures of life. He does his best to inspire loyalty in his men by his personal actions.

Hes rough and tough while in combat, never quitting, even if it means he gets maimed or killed, usually his friends will have to drag him away before he'll stop. He has a can do attitude and a heart of gold on the battle field. Usually being the one to rally others with his fierce bravado and simple man's philosophies.


Fleeing to Stormwind when it was sacked by the orcs with his father, who later fought back during the first great war, he spent his days growing up in Lordaeron, as he aged and was sent to Dalaran by his father to study, meeting a young upstart mage, Catherine, to whom he proposed, and had plans to live with after he gained all that he could know from the tomes and books holding arcane, and physical secrets alike, but he ended up dropping out due to his grades and attempted started to work as a farmhand in Hillsbrad, still trying with all his might to win the young female magi's love. Finally she succumbed to his charm and constant badgering, living in a shack in the fields where Frank tended to horses. They had a beautiful child and living happily for about one year, before Catherine could not take the meager life they had, scrapping by with a lack of food and a less then adequate roof over his head. Frank would return home one afternoon from his fierce labor to find his wife and child gone, and a note reading; "Francis... I'm sorry, I can't take it anymore, our son shouldn't have to grow up in a shack because you can't seem to think about the future... I'm going to Lordaeron to fill out the paper work for our divorce, I can't live like this, I still love you, but I need something that you can't give, try and grow up while I'm gone."-Catherine. She would later move south to Stormwind, avoiding the coming war. Frank began to drink more, finding life bleak and pointless, his performance with his duties started to lessen, and he lost his job. Spending his time starving in his shack, he was completely willing when Lordaeron started to conscript the local peasants to fight the undead threat, he accepted, his father's warrior blood burning in his veins as he found an outlet for his rage against his ill fortune.

Deployed with Arthas's forces to combat the undead, he witnessed the horrors that befell Androhal, Hearthglen, and Stratholme, himself blind with rage at life and it's recent short comings, his bloodlust blinded him from the prince's descent into madness, just content to destroy anything that the prince commanded. Staying in Lordaeron when Arthas left to Northrend, he mostly did his part to help rebuild small bits of Lordaeron he could, As Arthas went about Lordaeron, killing, corrupting, Raul worked with the remaining Silver Hand paladins and Lodaeron Knights, himself now being a footman, to defend the crumbling Kingdom, but after Uther had fallen, Raul fled across the sea with Jaina to Kalimdor. He and the remaining bits of Lordaeron(Stormgarde, Alterac, bits of Gilneas) to fight the Legion, he learned to tolerate the orcs and trolls, understanding the need for a truce while they dealt with a threat to all life. He battled demons and undead alike on the peak of Mount Hyjal, eventually, when the demon Archimode was defeated, he went back across the sea to pledge himself to the Crown of Stormwind, a paladin of the realm, things becoming quiet as far as the Burning Legion and Scourge were concerned, he had washed his hands of Lordaeron, in his mind, it was lost, and best left to the Forsaken.

He protected the surrounding hamlets of Stormwind;Redridge, Elwynn, from bandits, Blackrock Orcs, it seemed like it was just a repeat of the time of peace in Lordaeron, until word had come that the Dark Portal was reopened, to which, he volunteered to travel through and battle the unholy armies of the Burning Legion. He rejoined old heroes of the Alliance in the battle against the Illidari and successfully thwarted the efforts of the waves of demon that threatened humanity once again. He didn't play a huge part, just followed orders, working with the allies he had gained through persistent efforts against the enemies of life.

Raul returned to Stormwind once again, this time, another threat emerged, this time in the form of hordes of unliving monsters, terrorizing Elwynn Forest as the armies of the Lich King barraged Stormwind's gates. Along side the paladins of the Argent Dawn, Raul did his part in defending the city from the forces of Prince Arthas, eventually driving them off, and freeing the land of the living from his icy grip, but then the newly returned Varian Wrynn, called for a offensive against the same enemy. To travel to his home, and avenge the deaths of so many, Raul, with his history in Lordaeron, was quick to join them, and challenge the Lich King. Due to his extended military history with the Alliance, he was offered a position in the 7th Legion, which he accepted, and as such, spent most of his time in Northrend, in Wintergarde Keep, vanguarding it from the undead legions of the Necropolis Naxxramas. While brave heroes and adventurers of the Alliance lead the attack, that would later triumph over the floating terror. Then well, he was moved to the Skybreaker, as nothing more then a marine aboard the vessel, a few skirmishes with Orgrim's Hammer, and supporting again, heroes and adventurers with the Fall of the Lich King, Tirion Fordgring slaying the traitor Prince, and freeing the world of the oppression of evil.

Peace again, and with it, Raul moved back to Stormwind, as usual, a mysterious character asked him to captain a ship for him, funding a private operation shrouded in secrecy... Raul figured, why not.