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Player: Brutalskars

Character Full Name: Rakam Granite-Hoof

Character In-Game Name: Rakam

Nickname(s): None

Association(s): The Horde

Race: Tauren

Class: Warrior

Age: 43

Sex: Male

Hair: Dark brown braids.

Eyes: Brown

Weight: 468 lbs

Height: 6'7"

Alignment: Chaotic Good


Rakam generally wears manners of harnesses and different styles of armor in which he keeps himself armored or armed.

Other: Rakam has a fair amount of scars on his body from many battles.


Rakam is an overal friendly tauren that loves fighting as a sport. He takes in the thrill of combat not to kill but to win. Rakam can also be detailed as a somewhat calm and calculated warrior, he thinks things through and fights with a broad smile.


Rakam was born as a "cute baby tauren"; in fact he was a gruff baby. As Rakam grew, he got big quickly, and earning his name Granite-Hoof not to long afterward. He trained to fight, he fought. Killed centaurs and harpies; Quilboars and beasts.

The story of becoming "Granite-Hoof" comes from a battle he fought against a centaur raiding party alongside his fellow defenders.

The sky overhead was hazed with rain clouds, the incoming drizzle steamed on the fire of a hut; tauren defenders struck back and forth with red armored centaurs. The centaurs hacked at the falling line of defense; Rakam tore a long arrow from his shoulder and he stood up slowly. Then he placed his hands on the totem lying next to him nodding to the dead body by it. "I will carry your burden now." Rakam stood and then watched the falling line he grumbled, the drizzled turning into heavy rain; a long snort sprayed blood from his mouth and nostrils. He then stamped a hoof in the muddy ground; then he started into a charge. Then he lunged forward dropping down his hooves and the totem in one massive motion.

The wieght of the tauren as well as the solid oak totem together sent a thundering wave of water, mud and blood around him; as the centaurs fell over in shock from the shockwave he spun the totem about knocking two of the raiders down then advanced crushing one's chest with the totem then bringing a heavy hoof on the other's head.

Victory was his, and his fellows all chuckled and roared with glee. They nodded to his moment of bravery and spoke of his feat, saying, "the spirits knew he was going to stand" then he donned his knew name; Granite-Hoof as a symbol of his victory and strength.

Rakam found himself not training himself but other warriors, then once the Horde came to Kalimdor; Rakam worked with the orcs and darkspear trolls in the labours of their wars against what was assailing them. He spared with grunts and proved he knew how to fight many times over and eventually after the Third War went to the arenas of the Horde cities and fought for glory, not for blood. He did this in many places as well as working with the gladiator trainers with combat techniques.

Now Rakam is still travelling, training, dueling for fame and fortune; glory to the Earthmother's children.