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Player: Pawoverlord.

Character Full Name: James Paynel.

Character In-Game Name: Paynel.

Nickname(s): Shadow Wolfe.

Association(s): <The Dire Postman>

Race: Human

Class: Rogue

Age: 25

Sex: Male

Hair: A bit off gray, long and braids at chest level.

Eyes: Brown

Weight: 213 lbs

Height: 5"11'


He can be found in a blue shirt with a head band, this is his day job, the postman. His other job causes him to wear a dark suit with a skull on it, his mugger and killer outfit.


James is actually quite a cocky person, he has a mindset as "I can take anything! (If I try hard enough)" He can be funny at times, but most of the time he is quite serious. He also does have a good sense to not hit a girl, unless he absolutely has to. Such as a reverse mugging during his job, or a rematch over this loss in a mugging, which can happen often in a case of a girl, because he would be the one to trust females more, mainly because he has a 'slight' perverted mind. He does enjoy the sound of the sea as much as he won't admit, and very rarely he can be found watching the sea from a fair distance.


Born and raised in the streets of Stormwind, James grew up a fairly good life. Until he was about eight-teen, it was then he was looked upon, as a postman, like the noble paperboy, he was looked down upon as a weakling. He often times skip duty, hiding in the shadows watching his harassers, only delivering mail in secret. How he got this job was, well he started as a messenger to a local store, delivering messages to other stores in Stormwind, such as prices and stock numbers, who had so and so and so forth. From there, an already postman witnessed his acts of pretty much postal, and offered James to help him with a postal run to Booty Bay, apparently a Goblin had ordered a hefty order of Tailoring supplies and this postal worker needed help running it from Darkshire to the destination.

Once he was delivering a message to Westfall, only to find a bandit, now would be the turning point in James's life, he was beat and mugged. But before the assaulter ran off James asked why does a bandit be a bandit. The bandit simply put, that it was better money then most things and nothing in the world was for free. James thought about what the bandit said, and started his career in killing bandits until he obtained enough money to obtain his black suit, from a rather shady dealer in the Old Town district of Stormwind, this dealer would also be the one to begin to train James with the simple parts of becoming a bandit.

From there, James begun stealing from passerbys, but often times if it was a girl they would have a vantage over him, usually running away or mugging him for the money he had stolen. Slowly he learned from his mistakes and soon learned that the shady dealer, wanted money for the simple teaching, forcing James to pay a rather hefty debt to avoid his name and normal cloths from being reported to the guards.

Now, James has become a full fledged bandit, and actually admits to being a postman. And busies himself by stealing and mugging passing travelers in Westfall, or on the outskirts of Elwynn. Most the time he can be seen in Booty Bay, more for the fact that he could find more people to steal from there.