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Player: Farmerzjohn

Character Full Name: Orthorien Maethorion

Character In-Game Name: Orthorien

Nickname(s): Long Ear, Ranger, Woodsmen as called by Humans, dwarves, etc.

Association(s): Member of Tor ilsar thera nal, Astranaar, Darnassus.

Race: Kal'Dorei

Class: Rogue.

Age: 332 Years Old.

Sex: Male

Hair: Dark Blue

Eyes: Glowing Amber

Weight: 272lbs

Height: 7'0

Alignment: Chaotic Good


Usually seen in rugged green leather armour, he is rarely seen without a sword..

Other: He has a scar on his face which travels down to his chest, It starts from his left eyebrow downwards. Clearly a sword cut. An arrow scar on his upper right arm.


Orthorien Maethorion ranges his personalilities, depending on how people act towards others and his friends. He is usually very playful and joking when he is around others around his age (Which is about young adults.). If he is in the company of a night elf elder, he will tend to be quiet, thought will try to attempt some cheeky remarks or comments in an attempt to create humour. He finds himself most at home in the forests of Ashenvale, here his personalility will show truly, if in an big populated city like Stormwind, he will be quiet. The members of the horde will be treated feudly with this night elf, don't expect welcome.


The boy from childhood was raised by his mother and father in the Forest of Ashenvale, Astranaar, his mother was a sentinel, father was a hunter. Phronis does not recall much of his Childhood. He spent his time being taught how to use the forests for his advantage in the wars, what herbs do what, what food does what, how to hide, etc. The blade was his first ever weapon he was taught to use, which was by his father. He was the average young child, played with his friends at astranaar, played in the forests with sticks and stones.

For when he became a steady age of a teen, his father started to teach him the advance techniques of Scouting and Rogue. He was being taught, to fight for the ages to come to survive in the Forests. His strengths was found in the sword, quick agile in speed but a lack of strength which forced him to have some great difficulty facing bigger and stronger foes. At this age he lost most of his childhood friends. Yet, he still kept one childhood friend, his name was "Urilliah". They practiced the blade together, careful when they trained to not lose a limb or finger in progress.

He resumed his life in scouting, camping, training with his father. Yet at the late his mother would teach him a few things about battle. His life at this age was now shaping him into a defender of the forest. Yet, the age had come for his curiosity to become the best of him, he wanted to travel around the Elvish lands of Kalimdor he traveled from Ashenvale, Darkshore, then eventually catching the boat to Teldrassil. Within his life at Darnassus he studied about the Night elven history and lore.

The night of his return home, to Astranaar his eyes gazed that only his mother was the to greet him home, she told him a lie which was so easily recognized only a mad man would belive is true, she told him that his father was away in feralas, studying the ancient relics. Knowing he was being lied to he did not say anything, knowing what his mother would feel if she told him the truth. At dawn, the camp was empty, fire fading, sun rising. His mother was not to be seen but an elvish necklace was left aside in his hand, it had a small carving of elune at the front, he wears this to the present day.

Since the day his father died Orthorien does no longer feel sorrowed by his fathers death, he feels that the loss has "Toughened" his heart up to face greater problems, infact he does not really mind talking to any close friend about it, if it is in private. He spends his time at the present day scouting the forests of ashenvale with fellow members of "Tor ilsar thera nal." This is where he finds himself to were he belongs in the world.


Orthorien has left many of his names carved into walls, trees, bars, tables where he has travelled, here are the list of them so far.

  • Booty bay inn atop of the bar. "Orthorien."
  • Goldshire bar it says "Aisha" With elvish patterns around it.
  • Pig and whistle tavern, the top floor on the left table it says "Orthorien."
  • The shady nook in ashenvale his name is carved into a tree just at the entrance.
  • The stock of Olath's crossbow, it has "Orthorien" with elvish patterns around it.
  • One of the trees amongst crystal lake in Elwynn forest.