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Player: Shinjuku

Character Full Name: Orah Blackhoof

Character In-Game Name: Orah Blackhoof

Nickname(s): None.

Association(s): Horde, Stormshade Clan.

Race: Tauren

Class: Hunter

Age: 52

Sex: Male

Hair: Black

Eyes: Brown

Weight: 432

Height: 8”


Orah normally wears just a pair of leather pants to honor the animals he's hunted.


Orah's a quiet soul whose patient nature has been taught to him while on the hunt and by speaking in front of crowds. He normally stays quiet when around others and listens to what they have to say until directly spoken to, but if he has something to say, he can get your attention. Orah normally strays from large crowds and hangs around the outskirts, or near and in the wilderness, of a city or town.


Orah comes from a tribe that values the spoken word as much as the hunt. “The word drives the creatures of Azeroth to do a lot of what they do.” They'd preach to the calves, but Orah wasn't interested in following the path of everyone around him. He admired the hunters, the way they'd feed the tribe and were able to leave and enter the camp at will. One day he snuck out of the camp and followed a hunter out into a field. He hung back behind a tree as to not alert the hunter to his presence and marveled at how the hunter took down a plainstrider with his gun in a single shot; an knew from that day that he wanted to become a hunter. Unfortunately though, Orah had stepped back when the hunter shot and stepped on a fallen branch, alerting the hunter to his presence. So after the hunter took down the foul he turned, and leveling the gun called out, “Who's there?” Orah then came out of his hiding place tentatively. The hunter then snorted at the youth and told him to help bring the foul back the the camp, where he was punished later for sneaking out.

When he reached the age to where he could begin to train for and pick his trade that he would preform when he was an adult, he instantly went to beseech the one in his tribe they called The Shawnee. He laughed at the young Tauren's enthusiasm to become a hunter and told him to come to his hut at dawn the next day, or he would forfeit the training. For the next two years he trained with the Shawnee, until the Horde was in need for the Tauren to join the Army against the Burning Legion. The Shawnee and few other hunters and warriors went with them, leaving Orah behind. He trained without his trade master until word came back with a few survivors, and one of them told Orah that the Shawnee had died at Hyjal. The night after the Tauren came back there was a celebration for those who had returned, and a pyre lit for those that had died in the battle. Orah did not attend either. At dawn the next morning, Orah took his hunting knife, gun, and axe silently saying goodbye to his clan and left. He spent the next few years in the barrens; surviving on the skills he was taught by his years with the Sawnee, and selling the hides of his game that he had no use for at the market in Ratchet. He then went to Ratchet and purchased his ticket for the boat ride to the Eastern Kingdoms. As sat back against the wooden wall to the opening of the cabin near the main mast, he looked out to the port, and said a silent goodbye to his old life.