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Player: Tarmondious

Character Full Name: Nienge Waterson Deirabin

Character In-Game Name: Nienge

Nickname(s): The Reaper

Associations(s): None

Race: Human

Class: Mage

Age: 21

Sex: Male

Hair: Long, black hair, along with full, thick beard.

Eyes: Dark Brown

Weight: 130

Height: 6'5”


Dark red robes, boots, and gloves. His staff is never far from him.

Other: He has three scars, two on his face, one on his shoulder. The two on his face are easily visible, the first on, going from just under his right eye, to the tip of his nose, the other going from the top of the forehead above the left eye, to the far end of the right eye. His shoulder scar is deep and gruesome, having had a sword cut deep into it, nearly severing his arm. It was healed upon his resurrection, though not properly.


Alignment: Lawful Evil

He cares deeply for his brother, Aranthios, following him into battle to make sure he doesn't get himself killed, mixing potions to help give him an edge, and nursing him back to health when he is injuried from battle. He is inseparable from his brother, for he has an almost paranoid need to protect him. He is cool, calm, and collected most of the time, though he does have a slight fear of the giant spiders, especially after being nearly fatally poisoned by one. He does have a darker side though, fascinated with Night Elves and the Undead, cursed and favored with there immortality, staying beautiful or haunting forever. He strives to learn much about alchemy, to pursue his dream of becoming a Potion Doc. He is honorable to his friends, almost to a fault. He is also loyal to anything he pledges his allegiance to. He would lead men into hell, and they would follow him, for they know he would follow them into hell.


Nienge Waterson Deirabin was the eldest son of Marie and Gravis Deirabin, and the older brother of Aranthios Deirabin by two years. Growing up he had a very good childhood, picking on his younger brother, getting upset at chores, all the basic good things. His family never earned a lot of money, for Gravis was enlisted in the Stormwind Army, but they never went hungry. When Nienge was 12 he started showing signs of magical ability and was shipped off to Stormwind to study there. Whenever there was a break in the schedule, he would hurry home and spend as much time with his mother and father, though when Nienge started displaying signs of magic, his father grew distance, focusing most of his energy on training Aranthios. Nienge did not outwardly show his distain for this, but he felt the pain and anger in his gut, just wanting his father to be proud of him.

He attempted to do this by burying himself in the magic, thinking that if he could show his father that he was just as strong, if not stronger, than Aranthios, that they would grow closer, and have a relationship like Gravis had with Aranthios. He came home fewer and fewer times, not noticing that burying himself in study was putting an even bigger strain on his relationship with his father.

Shortly after Nienge's 15th birthday, he had some time off and he headed home. This was the first time he had done so in two years and felt the jealousy once again when he saw that Aranthios had gotten closer with his father, while Nienge had become even more distant from his family. He spent a month there, reading his books and helping his mother gather herbs for cooking, helping her prepare the food. When the time was coming for him to return to his studies and school work, his father announced that he was to be deployed, and that it was possible that we wouldn't see him for a long time. Nienge returned to Stormwind, studying his magic even harder, spending more and more time working with potions and staying locked up in his room with his books. A thought came to him, and that was that Stormwind was looking for mages for its army, and he thought that would be the perfect way to show that he was a strong son, like Aranthios. He signed a contract that said on the completion of his training, when he was 20, he would serve a minimum of 6 years in the army. That would make his father proud.

A year later a letter came for him, he had learned that his father died in combat, Nienge was just 16. He immediately asked, and receive, some time off to go tend to his family, mainly his mother, who had become violently ill. Nienge continued his studies, though only part time, selling herbs and working as a low end potion maker to help make end's meet, all the while cooking and taking care of his mother. He went back for two weeks, a month after his father died for a couple of tests and some new books, and he returned to his jobs and studies. A couple of days after he returned, someone knocked at the door. When Nienge opened the door he was shocked to see a battle scarred Stormwind soldier, in full gear with his helm tucked under his arm. He noticed a few tattoos and several scars on the man and when the soldier told Nienge he fought with Gravis, and was there when he died, Nienge let the man in.

This soldier gave a large amount of his back pay to the Deirabin family, about time some luck rolled their way Nienge thought. He stayed around, helping bring in customers to Nienge's potion shop and helping out around the house, but that was when the luck ran out. He revealed, upon queary from Nienge about his tattoes that he had been in the military for quite some time, and that simple chores were no real trouble for him. Two weeks later the old soldier was making a food run when several bandits circled the house, and set fire to the roof. As the smoke started to fill the room, Nienge placed himself between the door and Aranthios, his spells at the ready, for what good they would do. The first bandit came crashing through the back door, Nienge spun around and hurled a fire ball at the bandit, killing the bandit but Nienge was not conditioned well, and it almost depleted him. The next bandit came in with his sword drawn, he cut through Marie quickly, her body falling to the floor, blood coming out of her neck. As she lay bleeding to death, the old soldier came crashing in the front door, his sword flashing as he cut through the first bandit with ease. He looked over at Nienge and Aranthios and told them “Run, don't look back, just head for the safety of Stormwind.” As he was saying this one of the bandit's sword pierced his gut, and Nienge grabbed Aranthios and ran. He heard the pained screams of the bandit, then the final roar from the soldier, as he was finally felled. He gave his life protecting Nienge and Aranthios, and it was something niether of them soon forgot. The brothers did not know why the bandits had come after there home, or why they had entered with the intention of killing them, but they knew they were lucky to be alive.

They arrived at Stormwind a few days later, having been picked up by a passing caravan to speed their travel. When they arrived, they went there separate ways, Nienge heading for the Mage's Quarter, Aranthios heading for Old Town. Upon arriving at the tower, he had learned that his room and board, as well as many of his other fees, had been paid off. When he asked how that was possible, he learned that several soldiers from his father's unit had put gold aside to keep Nienge and Aranthios off the street. Grateful beyond words, he returned to his studies, while Aranthios started his training. The two saw each other regularly, Nienge feeling obligated, and guilty, to protect his brother from any harm, physical or emotional. Nienge started pushing himself for more and more power, occassionally sneaking around after dark to read the more advanced, and normally forbidden, texts. The mages disciplined him when they found out but it was normal for a 18 year old man to be interested so he did not get into any real trouble. Even if he had it wouldn't have stopped him.

When he was 19, well on his way to becoming a graduated and powerful mage, he was caught, for the fourth time, delveing into the forbidden texts, except, he took it to far. He was discovered because he attempted to cast one of the spells, and when he “succeeded” in casting the spell, it cause an explosion that gave him multiple compound fractures, one in his left forearm, and four ribs. This was the first time he had ever attempted to cast a spell he had read from the forbidden texts, and it was his last. He was lucky enough that, while not very good guards, there were people near by that were able to keep him alive. It took three priests and four hours of healing for him to stabalize. Once he had recovered enough, they told him he had 48 hours to pack up his belongings and evacuate the premises. The offical reasons for his expulsion were “Gross misuse of powerful arcane magics, endangering the life of fellow mages (five counts), arson, and destruction of property” as it had burned down quite a bit. While all of the reasons were valid reasons for expulsion, and all true, they had been looking for an excuse to expel him since the third time they caught him as it was clear that he had a powerful, and probably uncontrolable, thirst for power and knowledge. They saw the road it would lead him down and thought it would be best if he were expelled from the school and thus, hopefully, cut off from means to learn magic.

This did not stop him, for there were others who saw his thirst for power and willing to take chances as a good sign. He was told by several mages, unofficially of course, that if he ever required further training, they would assist. It was shortly after that, that he began working as a mercenary of sorts. He went up to Northshire, with his brother of course, and begun taking odd jobs, such as euthanizing diseased wolves, reducing the population of kobolds, and helping drive back the defias. He was willing to accept any job that helped the people of Northshire, and if they paid him, it was just an added bonus. He helped slay one of the leaders in the vineyard, and after being paid, he was directed to Goldshire. He met up with Marshall Dughan, who put him and his brother to work quickly. They spent many days clearing out mines, scouting, gathering herbs and ores. They were sent on a mission to find two soldiers who had gone missing. This was not a happy assignment to begin with, but when seeing the bodies of the mutilated, and half eaten soldiers, Nienge flew into a rage, killing anything he could before getting so tired that his brother had to drag him away from the lake, for Nienge's own safety. From there they went to Lakeshire, where they spent several weeks. They took more jobs, most of the mercenary work, ranging from collecting items to killing orcs. The brothers were happy, they were making money, learning new skills, either officially or unoffically, and helping the people of Lakeshire.

There first mission in lakeshire, was a straight up search and destroy. We were to help in an attack against the orcs encroaching on Lakeshire, simple enough. From there, things got much harder. The brothers were sent to go after the three creatures in the Redridge Mountains. One was a gnoll, to which Nienge said “Simple enough, go hunt down a mutated kobold and kill it.” He was joking when he called it a mutated kobold, but as far as he was concerned, that is all they were. They then set out to attack a small orc encampment, only a couple of tents with 10 orcs. Nienge sat down and explained how they were going to do the attack to Aranthios. They were going to attack at 4am, when the watch is close to over and the orcs are tired. Meaning they will react slower and make them easier to isolate, especially if some had fallen asleep at there post. They moved into the camp, killing only 2 of the orcs, keeping it quiet as to avoid detection and have the whole camp come kill them. The two brothers got in undetected and were out of the camp by sunrise. The plan went off without a hitch, and when dawn came, the cries of anger from the orcs could be heard at Lakeshire, though no successful attack came from it.

Their work was done in Lakeshire, they had done all they could without strapping bombs to themselves and killing all the orcs. They headed for Darkshire, where they have been working as mercs. During one of the missions, Nienge and Aranthios came across an abandoned building, and when they searched it, they found several books on alchemy. It was as if someone had abandoned a library. Nienge recovered from the spider's venum and used thee down time to read the new books he picked up on alchemy.

Nienge's hunt for power is taking him to several places, from alchemy, to searching for powerful artifacts, though as of now, with no success. He trains in between jobs, working his hardest on becoming a Potion Doc, hopeing one day, his dreams become reality.